Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 Previous-15 Patterns of Metastatic Attacks

The large moon, which had not yet sunk, and the stars floating across the clear night sky, were modestly illuminating the waltzes walking outside the king's capital.

In the grass around, the orchestra of the bugs plays BGM (oops) in the middle of summer and so on.

Apparently, in a world free of environmental pollution, a wide variety of flora and fauna are singing summer even at night.

Waltz, the Guardian, didn't hate a world where such creatures were overflowing.

In the modern world, unfortunately, biodiversity was gradually being lost, and even if we had gone to the back of the mountain, we would not have been able to hear the sounds of the various bugs so far.

(What we have lost to the price of human development, or...)

Still in the middle of a different world without modernization, Waltz lay his eyes down with a little mockery for his existence and the imbalance of the world.

Now, the waltzes have come to the grasslands where no one is, to find out the pattern of Altair's metastatic attacks.

Everyone was ready in circles, all around Waltz, so that whenever a transfer attack could fly in.

By the way, here came six of us.

The swordsman and sage, who stayed with him until just now, are returning to the royal castle's VIP room for a journey support.

The three Homncrus brothers and Teresa were also returning to the Royal Castle to take over and finalize their schedules.

That's why we were to experiment in Waltz, Lucia, Catalina, Hunter, Tempo, and Julia.

"For once, I'd like to check the flow..."

What to do after an attack is made on Altair?

"After you say your name, why don't you run off to the King's Capital?

And, Catalina.

In other words, it is a ping-pong dash.

"No, that would just end with confirmation, wouldn't it? It's a corner, and let's do some digging, shall we?

"Like what?

"Right... how long after you say your name, you're seen as the object of an attack, how long the time lag is until the attack flies, when you're asleep or awake, how often you call your name, you're ignored..."

"You're going to attack thoroughly..."

"A (...) L (...) TA (...) Y (...) L (...) made me lick my spicy acid, so I'm sorry if I don't do one or two of the harassments!



"... uh... are you okay?

Catalina spoke to Waltz as she turned her worrying gaze at the pile she was flying into as she was taking it with a purple tremor.

"... you know you can't call me by my name."

"You're a boulder waltz. I can't believe I acted before I thought... That's not what you can do, is it?

(Mr. Hunter. Something, that hurts me...)

I can't say I accidentally said 'Altair' or anything like that, Waltz.

"I was... that's your sister! I thought you said it by accident."

(Ugh... everyone's words hurt...)

Waltz opened his mouth about his next behavior, daring not to look at her, as he had generally predicted what the tempo would look like.

"... Well, next time, let's call the names together to find out how many will fly"

"Sister. Can I tell you something?

And, Lucia.

"Yeah, but be careful, okay? 'Cause the pile could fly like it did earlier."

"Yeah, okay."

Without even showing a distressing bare gesture, I answered instantly.

Is she not afraid of piles that suddenly come flying up with a roar?

"So we're going?

That said Lucia breathed in the air heavily and shouted at the other side of the night sky.

"By Altile - Yikes!!



They flew six shots at a time.

Apparently, he was quite angry at me for being fooled.

"Well, I'll go again, won't I?

"What... yeah..."

"By Altile - Yikes!!

Yes, I have to say something important at least twice (?).



Nothing flew in.

"Eh? So, is it okay to say that the number of copies you can fly in a short time is seven?

"... that's what happens"

Catalina seems to agree.

(Something's wrong with the cut. I've hidden a few more, but I'm taking them just in case... or something?

When Waltz thinks about the number of piles,

"For confirmation, can I say it again?

Lucia called me.

Apparently, it refreshes me a lot.

"Yeah... fine..."

"Well, I'll be there!!

With that said, Lucia began to concentrate her magic around herself.

"No way..."

And it will be as Waltz's concern goes.

"By Altair, huh!! (Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))"

Lucia's voice sounds attentive when she says she has nothing to reflect on.

On wind magic, her voice spreading all over the world will probably go directly into Altair's ears as well...


Choron... Poteh...

A size bar cut that made the pile that flew in earlier about a fiftieth appeared suddenly...

However, it was not powerful at all.

"... uh, can't this be a pile?

"... perhaps... for the rest of your time, Lucia made a fool of me."

"... well, you deserve it"

Now, there's something you can tell from this pile.

"If the pile that made this pile (...) long is a pile for a transfer attack, it looks like you can think that it will be finished reloading in about two hours."

(Seems like you can even release it on the way up...)

Waltz thinking, looking at the small pile.

(This little pile (?) So it feels confusing somewhere, but what about the truth? acting... or can you really only shoot 7...)

Ultimately, Waltz decided, with everyone's safety in mind, to assume that Altair still had a few piles to hide.

"I've figured out the pattern for the most part, but you don't know how far away you are from being the object of the attack... and how long you've been blindfolded... I'll check that again."

"Uh, without checking that, is it okay for Master Waltz to take Master Lucia on a flight to South Fortress?

and Julia.

"If I fly out of the royal castle and descend directly into the South Fortress junction, you wouldn't have a chance to attack me, would you?

If you assume that the moment you say 'Altair' is the moment you are recognised by Altair, the time between being recognised and the pile flying is roughly 6 seconds.

Attacking a waltz flying at speeds ranging from several hundred kilometres an hour to supersonic with a six-second time lag is almost impossible, unless it is also a missile of a guiding nature.

Especially when Waltz recognizes you, whether you're guided or not, you're shot down.

"I hope so..."

Julia doesn't seem convinced, but she says Waltz is fine, so she seems reluctantly to have pulled back.

"Speaking of which, it sounds like an Altair attack isn't like normal metastatic magic."

"Huh? Where is it?

"Leah was telling me that normal metastasis magic can't be metastasized unless it's somewhere you've been once, right? Then there's no way we can make a transfer attack into the air or the Royal Castle basement where no one else has ever been involved.

In that sense, Lucia's Transfer Magic (?) I'd say it's close.

At the moment it is Waltz and Catalina who are aware of Lucia's metamagic circumstances... and Lucia herself who are aware of it.

It should be noted that hunters do not notice because they do not have much knowledge of magic.

"If you say so, so be it. And then, if you think about the possibilities, you can also think of a way to combine 'Chiri-Eye' with metastatic magic. However, since they are both rare abilities and magic, the chances of actually combining them are very small."

and Julia.

Her eyes are the devil's eye of Enchantment.

Given that, it's not strange to have the Devil's Eye of Chili Eye.

However, if you look at the reaction to the name 'Altair', it doesn't seem to be simply 'Chiriko'.

"... a thousand eyes."

Waltz thinking about the radar mounted on me.

Of course, it is just an X-band radar for aviation.

"For now, it doesn't seem to have much to do with this South Fortress case, so let's just say we don't even have a problem with 'Demon King of the Examples'"

So the matter of Altair's attack shows a paragraph of signs that there is no problem without mentioning his name.

"But Catalina? Just in case, I'd like to take the urban juncture to South Fortress, can you?

When working outside South Fortress, it would still be best to use urban boundaries to ensure the safety of your fellow citizens.

"Yes, I've already had it tempered"

"Yes. I have it"


"Yep. Because I'm Mr. Waltz's apprentice."

and a chest stretching Catalina.

(I don't remember doing anything like a master...)

Waltz held his head in his heart at such a Catalina appearance.

The six men who then returned to the royal castle entered the chancellery via the workshop.

Theresa then spoke from the other side of the chair's dedicated desk wearing the perfect size armor (possibly bespoke), rather than everyday wear.

"What's up? I think I heard something cursing Altair."

"After all, it sounds awkward when you say your name, huh? Sounds fine to me for talking in the juncture."

"Hmm... is that the same for the general public?

"If you look where the braves didn't know the name of Altair, maybe all the people who ever uttered the name of Altair have been killed."

"... Hmm. If that happens, I can't even issue a restraining order."

There are people in every world who speak funny and inadvertent.

"Well, even if you leave it, it's not okay because it's never been a problem before, is it?... so why don't you come out with Altair in the conversation... where ah (...) ru (...) ta (...) a (...) l (...) take it, or something..."

"... why don't you try it again?

"Yeah, fine. Sure, the brave guy must have liked daiquiri, so I'll have him do it instead."

"... on the way, huh?

and Waltz and Teresa, talking about Altair,

"You kept me waiting."

"Sorry, I took the time to get ready"

The wise man and swordsman also came to the chancellor's office.

"Well, then, shall we go"

Waltz told everyone.


"Okay, gentlemen ~. Take care ~"

"Waiting for a souvenir, huh?

"If there's anything delicious to eat, please?

Greetings and souvenir demands fly from the rest of the group.

I'll think about it.

In this case, it was definitely a confident waltz to forget.

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