
"Good evening. Lucia. And goddess. It was like we were all having a party, so I stopped by."

A long terrace cut out of the sides of the crestling. Two wizards who stood at its base and protrusion cross their gaze.

"I think Lucia is amazing. Take all my magic, break the world in two, and burn the moon. You're a monster now."


Lucia frowned small at the words directed at her by Altair. However, she did not seem so responsive to the word "monster" directed from Altair. Above all, the problem seemed to be that I couldn't find a word to hang against the Altair that suddenly appeared.

Lucia used to treat Altair like a friend, albeit for a short time. But right now, they're in a hostile relationship. It's also strange to care about the other person, and I can't say it to exasperate my anger... Lucia could only keep her mouth shut when she couldn't find the right words. A few days ago, the transfer of the Altair thing somewhere far away seemed to be one of its causes.

I don't seem to have guessed that, but Deprexa opens her mouth on Lucia's behalf.

"Alto...... Why don't we talk a little bit?

"Yeah? Talk? If you're talking about eradicating a demon clan called the Demon Clan from this world, you'll be happy to hear it! But if not... I wonder if it's a waste of time. So, what are you talking about? Goddess."

"... it's good to know about the Demons anymore, Alto. There is no longer any need for you to contend with the Demons. Your adventure ended when the Demon King... killed Vixen."

When Deprexa speaks as she teaches...... Altair leans his neck wonderfully.

"I don't think that's right. 'Cause... you've been seeing a lot of different towns, haven't you? So the clergyman's uncles and aunts are going to preach something like this, saying it's the goddess's teachings?... Demons are enemies of men. So as soon as we find it, we have to get rid of it in the name of the goddess. And the goddess tells you not to fight the demons? Isn't that strange?... Oh, my God!


"Goddess, you lost to the demon god, you're being manipulated, aren't you?

"Say what..."

"Well, then, you have no choice."

And it was right after Altair spoke.


A dazzling ray flew from the other side of the horizon, relentlessly penetrating where Deprexa stood.

By its rays, the deprexer is cut off a large part of the body and collapses on the spot. As far as Julia, who was beside her, she was completely swallowed up by the light, and had disappeared from the spot.... Well, in her case, she never seemed to lose her life to the extent of an accidental attack, as she constantly unfolds her phantom body.

But it was not long before Yulia's cheapness became apparent. Raise a voice where no one can speak to the sudden events that have occurred in front of you.

"" Become... ""

Deprexa, who had collapsed to the ground in a devastated state while everyone was stunned, spoke of the origin of the rays.

'... Carmen ring heavy particle cannon... did you hack it?

and a deprexa that asks Altair with mechanical audio. With the effect of the destruction of the vocal cords, they only heard from speakers built into the head.

Altair against comes to Deprexa with a surprised look on his face.

"I targeted you with the intention of breaking it, but that's the former (...) goddess.... Really? I got this spare crest ring, the" Carmen Ring "! Thanks for the handy nanomachine!

When you say so, Altair points your hands towards Deprexa. He thought it would be easy to bury him in his own magic if he was a deprexa now that he had wrecked it.

And then she tried to exercise her magic without chanting —— it was that moment.


Something like a white wind runs away, as if it were to cleave between Deprexa and Altair. And something about that white cut off the terrace that even the heavy particle beam couldn't completely destroy.

The moment I saw it, Altair, jumped back. Instead, the Great Sage moves forward and unfolds something somewhat like junctional magic.

The others, one tempo late, turned simultaneously in the direction in which the likes of that white wind flew. And when we see who was there, we shall all unwittingly open our eyes.

"... give it back..."

Sacubus girl with a huge blade in her hand longer than her own height. Rosemary, who should have slept full, stood at the entrance to the terrace. Apparently, the "white wind" is what she unleashed.

It's also ——

"Give me your sister, Julia, please!" Bhun


—— Prisoned by the deep grief of losing my sister...

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