"... large serving of table 1 curry rice, table 2 cutlet bowl set 3 servings, table 3 rice sushi wasabi drained 20 servings, table 4 miso soup set......"

The wise man waved the number on the table and the seat, and when he heard the order, he read the list out in the order of the order received. In itself, it was a method commonly found in large restaurants and so on, but in the onboard cafeteria, where the general public was familiar, the method has not yet been utilized…. Until he implemented it, all he seemed to be able to do was respond less efficiently.

For that reason, or since the sage began to go around the table, the waitresses were confused--

"Ro, No. 6 Tableu, one with Inari Sushi Wasabi, no..."

—— Seemed to have declined dramatically except for a very few. They all imitated the sage way, so they dramatically improved their efficiency.

Then there will now be servitude elsewhere.

"Yi, Master Eve! Help! Marie and I can't stand it alone!

Because of the dramatic increase in the efficiency of the order, the time it takes to prepare the dishes has now turned into a bottleneck.

As a result, Eve was to enter the kitchen. She seems to have decided that the wise man cannot go out of the way because he has already moved as a waiter.

Eve will be in charge of the kitchen and the sage will be in charge of customer service... No one must have imagined at this time that it would cause unexpected consequences.

"... Table 7 Teriyaki Chicken Set Meal, Table 3 Inari Sushi Wasabi Extra 10 Servings, Table 2 BLT Sandwich Set, Table 9... Yu, 1 Yuki Set..."

The sage's customer service speed, without falling, rather follows the accustom and increases smoothness.

Meanwhile, even in the kitchen, Eve's participation has dramatically reduced the time it takes to prepare cooking--

"Mr. No. 4, Mr. No. 5 is probably ok! Mr. No. 1 is good too, right?... Oh, that's what Eve might do, so I might ask for help from Mr. No. 3!

"" "Yes!

—— and the dishes were prepared at a quicker pace.

As a result, the turnover rate increased and the passengers came and went more intensely, but behind it ——

"(Don't do it, Eve...)"

"(You may not be beaten by the wise...)"

—— Like, there seems to be an invisible spark between the big sage and the little sage. Because of that, efficiency escalates further.

First of all, he is a wise man of the greater. He not only sets the number of tables and collects orders, but also organizes the flow lines between incoming and outgoing customers, taking into account the ease of movement of clerks. Furthermore, efforts were made to streamline accounting in order to achieve smoothness on the part of customers.

Eve, on the other hand, will continue to streamline the inner parts of the store where customers are not involved. Pipeline the work according to the type of dish and simultaneously carry out the common process to reduce the time compared to the previous one by more than 50% …. A thorough improvement was made by reviewing the flow of dishes from washing to reuse after use to improve efficiency for non-cooking parts as well.

Thanks to this, the overall efficiency of the store jumps unusually...... Compared to the usual cafeteria where the hunters are, the shop seemed to be turning at a much faster rate.

At that time, it may have been a natural event that caused a strange sense of cohesion among the clerks working in the cafeteria. There was a bond between the outside of the shop corresponding to the customer and the inside of the shop preparing the dishes…. A structure could be developed that seemed to compete between the two groups.

"You might be accumulating three orders, right?

"Yes! I'm just going to clean up!

"Looks like you can still afford the kitchen..."

"Clean it up, I'll eat it too!

"What? Oh, sushi, are you still eating?! HI, HI... Inari Sushi Add 5 No!/(adv, adv-to) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

Competition between groups accelerated further efficiency. Efficiency, which was centered around Eve and the wise, gradually led to spontaneous efficiency for individuals.

As a result, crowds are eliminated even in times of peak visitors...... It seems that none of the guests that had to wait in line were alone.

Two problems suddenly arise in that. However, this does not mean that the customer service attitude was dissatisfied because of efficiency.



Because of all the efficiency, the kitchen stove system and the registers on the counter were constantly broken.

It was an immeasurable pain for the clerks and the customers that these two devices broke down in the cafeteria that was looking for efficiency. Damage to the stove prevents cooking using heat... With the broken register, we had to manually calculate large numbers of customers' accounts.

Thus, the cafeteria turned away from its inefficiency and found itself in what could be described as the worst situation.... Especially to that extent, there never seemed to be any despair between the two wise men.

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