"Mr. Waltz, you didn't try to ask me who I am... but maybe they don't like me?

"Come on? But there's no factor you can like, is there? I'm sorry to say this, but Sophie is not very conspicuous..."

"He said it was inconspicuous... But it's a big deal..."

The next morning I came to Energia. Amber and Sophia were sitting in the cafeteria seat remembering what had happened yesterday. At that time, Sophia seemed to be thinking about Waltz's reaction… Needless to say, her concern is merely a matter of concern.

At this time, the crew who came to the cafeteria for breakfast seemed uniformly surprised to see them. Anyway, two people who weren't supposed to be on the energy were there for some reason. No wonder you're surprised. Though hardly anyone seemed to know who they were or even their name.

Incidentally, that "those who knew the name" reaction was different from the rest of the crew. Why, why, the colour was so thin.

For example, in the case of hunters.

"Whoa? Amber and Sophia."

"" Ah, Mr. Hunter. Long time no see. ""

"Oh, it's been a while, hasn't it? How have you both been?

and a hunter who accepts without particular surprise the two things that would otherwise be in the future.

Seeing that reaction, Sophia shrugged unexpectedly.

"You're not surprised at all..."

"Aren't you surprised at this level?


"No. How have you been?

"The hunter seems well, above all."

"Oh, it's only a matter of good health!

That's what the hunter says and smiles... I left the words, "If you want something to eat, say anything," and went back to the kitchen, which seemed busy, as if nothing had happened.

"A hunter has a lot of weight..."

"Is it a matter of metrics...?

Looking at the back of a hunter who left, saying that two people were saying such thoughts ——

"Mm-hmm? Are you sure... you weren't the practitioners who were in South Fortress?

—— Now Fei Long noticed the two of them and approached them.

Amber answers her query.

Was it good to say, "Uh..." Mr. Fei Long "?

"Mm-hmm. I don't mind flying dragons. I have the name" Karina, "but thank you, everyone seems to be concerned about being my dragon, and it's hard to remember my name."

"So, because of this, and do you call me Master Karina?

"I'll leave that area to you, but you don't have to put" Dear "on it. Far younger than your lords, so you don't have to use your respectful words, do you?

"" What... "

"... did you think you were older than my lords?

and a flying dragon with a seemingly intricate look in front of the ambers who both react surprised.

He said he was stuck in words about how the Ambers would respond to such a statement by Feilong--

"... well good. Breakfast will be ready soon. I've been waiting for a while."

—— Fei Long left such a word and left the spot just like the hunter. After all, he didn't seem very interested in how the Ambers got here.

"... this is really a time in the past, isn't it?

"Yeah, I bet you are...... 'Cause, look, even Mr. Waltz, you said it. Thank you for coming..."

"That's right..."

and sophia and amber frowning because no one ever asked the question, how did they get here?

Then I went to the desk where they were, and now ——

"Good morning, Mr. Amber and Mr. Sophie. Long time no see!

—— Eve is coming.

"Ah, good morning, Eve. And long time no see!

"Morning. How are you today?

"Yeah! I'm gonna get ready for breakfast right now, so maybe you want me to wait!

That's all I'm saying, like the previous two, Eve trying to leave the spot.

Seeing that reaction, Amber and the others seem to have finally decided to ascertain the truth of their doubts.

"Um, Eve?

"Yeah? Additional orders?

"Yeah, I'm not... I don't know how we got here, why don't we all ask... Right, Sophie?"

"Yep. If I were at Mr. Waltz's, I wouldn't be surprised by the small events..."

In response to that question, Eve answers...... Her words will have enough effect to pay off two doubts.

"Mm-hmm. Maybe, guys, I don't think you're going to. Mr. Amber and Sophie flew in magically from the future, didn't they? Maybe that's what everyone wants to hear... but I think it's really hard to hear dozens of people repeat the same story. So guys, instead of asking Mr. Amber and the others directly, maybe they're waiting for information coming down from Mr. Waltz or Mr. Julia or something? Eve might be willing to do the same."

"" I see... "

and two people who hit on Eve's words.

And then at that time--

"Oh, what's up? You're early, both of you."

—— Waltz, who was on the subject, came to the cafeteria.

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