"What a brave guy, did you stop him from getting back into his normal outfit?... I'm relieved."


"No, it's nothing"

Bridge of energy. There again today Victor and the Energy sisters remained vigilant around them in preparation for an attack from the Altiles. At that time, the swordsman seemed somewhat relieved... Well, let's just leave it at that.

Forget that. Now Energia was flying all the way south, following a huge accumulation of clouds in the rear - all crestling. The destination is the southern coastline of the continent. We were about to head back over where the crestling had originally sunk.

There are several reasons, but the biggest of them are ——

"Testing Enchant……. I feel like it's been a long time."

—— As Lucia put it, the test of the enchant. Amber and the others delivered the Enchant's equipment from the future, so let's see if we can use it and see if we can actually make a time jump. If decades of jumping is the limit in Amber's magic, how much time can Lucia make today with more powerful magic... The waltzes decided to make sure of it.

Incidentally, items such as enchanted bangles are not classified as "magic props" to be exact. Demonic props are tools that use magic stored in the inner "Demonic Stone (Battery)" and use a mechanism called the "Magic Circuit" to elevate magic into a physical phenomenon. In other words, having built-in demon stones and magic circuits is a requirement for being a "demon prop," so an enchanted weapon that doesn't have either built-in is not a demon prop.

Nevertheless, for the general public, neither the demon props nor the enchanted items turned into black boxes...... In the alley they are both called "magic props". However, for an enchanted product, it appears to be called a magic prop only if a significant additional effect is granted compared to the characteristics of the original material, such as a ring with an enchant for fire resistance.

And this time, the bangle Lucia was trying to enchant, whatever its fine definition, was unquestionable when it came to magic props. That can also be said to be evident from the words of Waltz, who was at the bridge.

"Yeah, that's a real hiccup. The bangle I made was originally 99.99% high-purity orihalcon and the first one looked black, but when I enchanted it, it turned into a glassy look as clear as a magic hanging... I wonder what we can do this time?

Amber and Sophia, who are also on the bridge, react suspiciously to that word of Waltz.

"Kyu, 99.9 Kyu... bangle made of high purity orihalcon...? Uh... what does that mean? Is that a novice spell?" Konlan "

"... amber. It's not a spell, it's nothing, it's a fact of the denomination, right? Insanity is common sense in front of Mr. Waltz. In many ways..."

To that word, Waltz seemed to want to say a lot, but for now he didn't say anything about disagreement and decided to swallow it.

"For once, common sense is meant to be common sense... well, fine. Anyway, today, I want to figure out how much encouragement is possible once Lucia does her best. Of course, using a high-purity orihalcon, right? In the meantime | Eleven Nine" 99.999999999% "or so is fine (if you do that, you're going to change your physical properties or something and exceed your limits...)"

Lucia asks a worrying question when she hears the words of Waltz.

"Hey, sister? If I hang Enchant with all my strength...... Enchant's appliance, I wonder if it will blow up?

"... that word, if anyone hears it, sounds like an amazing statement..." blah blah.


"No, never mind? I've been thinking about that place for a while... Amber?


"Demonic props that can only be traced back a few minutes...... or can you make an enchanted item?

"Yeah, you can do that, right?... Oh, so you're telling us from the future that if we fail, we've failed?

"So. maybe a little different than a wand that doesn't fall... but I think it's okay if regret comes first. Why don't you just go back in time?

Those on the spot who hear Waltz's statement that, I see, the color comes to their expressions. Everyone seemed to be positive about Waltz's statement.

… but not until that point.

"But? You think so, don't you?... when I tell the past what happened in the future and fix it in the past and the future is rewritten... I wonder what happens to us who were in the future. After all, as soon as the fix comes in in the past, will things change? Or would it just disappear?

When we tell the past about the future, the future is rewritten - that is, even our actions and thoughts are rewritten... Is it to be fulfilled, simply rewritten, or destined to be truncated like a branched branch... If it was the latter, it goes without saying that the problem would be complicated. Perhaps as soon as we find out that such a trail-like future is coming, the waltzes should be desperate to change their future.

As a result, the waltzes seem to have decided to discontinue the "Cane Without Falling" plan and proceed with the experiment while carefully adjusting the degree of enchantment to prevent the instrument from breaking. Well, it seemed like the unbreakable part of Enchant's appliance was what they were going to scowl at.

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