"... Yes, done!

"You've grown a lot in a while..."


"That Lucia is amazing"

"Uh... yeah. Because I did my best..."

Lucia repeatedly melted and refined while sharpening the ground on the spot greatly. As a result, although not so pure, a large number of orihalcon ingots appear to have been made. That amount, roughly more than 200 kg. At the end price, I wonder if the double-digit gold is over.

Such a mountain of orihalcon (?) while shivering and observing, Waltz began explaining the next task.

"Well, now we're going into enrichment work on the orihalcon, right?

"What? Can't we just stay like this?

"It's not that I can't, but I think it would be more effective if I increased my purity. For example, 99% of iron and 99.99% of iron are virtually identical in physical terms, but 99.99999999999% of iron is broken like glass, doesn't rust, doesn't dissolve with acid, and becomes something different from normal iron. Well, I don't know if Orihalcon will have the same strange traits, but don't you think it's worth a try? Look, if you try it and think it's too pure, I think you just need to mix the impurities..."

"Uh... if that's what your sister says... But maybe I don't know how it works."

"It's not a super-pure substance, or something that can be touched that way, and I don't think we can help it if we don't know? Maybe if you were a normal person, you wouldn't have a chance to touch a super high purity metal or anything in your life... I'm sure."

And even though I say, if it's about 24 bucks, I might have a chance to touch it, etc., Waltz. So, when I said it, it seemed that Lucia, who was just confused, decided to keep her mouth shut without saying anything extra, wondering if it would be genuinely confusing. It should be noted that 24 gold may not be surprisingly high in purity numerically, as it is conditioned to have a purity of 99.99% or more of gold. Well, proportionally, it's high enough.

"Let's get started, shall we? Concentration Work"

"Yeah...... but what am I supposed to do?

"You know... there are so many ways to do this? If you only have a few ingredients, you can start by reducing or disassembling the ingredients and increasing them. For example, when extracting uranium 235 from uranium ore."


"Well, an analogy? Analogy story. This time... when I try to do chemical decomposition, I get dangerous materials and dangerous debris during decomposition, so I don't have to talk about it right now."

"Oh, yes..."

"Fortunately, if Lucia and I work hard, we can handle it with force moves, so don't even think deeply about it, okay? Look, you did this before, didn't you? Heat the material to about 10,000 degrees in a vacuum and multiply it by high gravity. That way, if you create a high-purity orihal cone and repeat the same work again to create a higher-purity orihal cone... how soon will purity go up? (Well, I can't deny the possibility of it ending in one go, can I?

"Oh, that one. But I just don't think I can do it alone. Because only in a vacuum can you make it without your sister..."

"... it's good to hear that"


"Because if I stay like this, I... it doesn't make sense to be here..."

"What? Uh... Could I have overdone it?

"Yeah? Not at all? Because --"

When Waltz put it that way, he said this to his sister as he floated in the air with the Orihalcon ingot, which totaled as much as 200 kg, and turned up the output of the gravity control system and crushed it into a bunch of gutters.

"Because like this, I have my turn properly. Come on, Lucia? Heat it. Heat it. What did you do to me?

"Yeah! I'll take care of it!

And using fire magic, Lucia starts giving heat to the Orihalcon itself, which was floating in the vacuum Waltz made.

Her heating by fire magic was soggy. Even though the perimeter is insulated by waltz, it instantly causes a mass of as much as 200 kg of metal to red heat...... A few seconds later, Orihalcon heated to such a temperature that it would plasma. Its output averages roughly 30 megawatts. at the same level as the maximum output for one nuclear power plant.

"That sucks..."

"What? Did you just say something, sister? It didn't sound good..." Gogogogogo

"No? To nothing?

Waltz accidentally leaks the truth before his sister, who exercises extremely powerful fire magic with a cool face. It should be noted that as Lucia, once experienced in melting every active volcanic mountain body, there still seemed to be room.

Thus, the enrichment work of the Orihalcon proceeded, and shortly thereafter the ingot boasting the purity of the Eleven Nine class was completed. However, its appearance and physical properties seemed very different from what the waltzes had imagined. No, rather, as expected, should I say......

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