
As soon as the fallen artifact wore underneath the hole, the area was wrapped in dazzling light. A light so fierce that the sky was supposed to be bright that it felt dark suddenly blew out of the hole.

Seeing that sight, Waltz thinks.

"Oh, it could be over..."

... an unexpected phenomenon hit us because we were licking Lucia's magic, he said.

At that moment, Waltz did everything possible. He developed barriers to the gravity control system to protect his sister, Amber, who was behind him, and Cortex. We didn't know what happened, but anyway, from all physical phenomena, we have to protect the Lucians---she was desperate.

There was not enough room left for those on the protected side, such as Lucia and Amber, to remain at ease. In the white scenery I can't open my eyes to too much glare...... I had no idea what had happened. The only thing I know is that unknown events are hitting us. That was enough of a situation to feel fear.

Then the light stops and gradually begins to see the surrounding scenery. As a result, the waltzes, who saw the sight that came into their eyes, accidentally doubted their own eyes.

"" "" ""......... that?

"... hmm? I was so dazzled right now... of something?

As usual, Teresa, with a strange look on her face, was seen climbing up the hill.

That's not all. The view of the bay where the waltzes were has not changed at all, and the hull of the energy that was landing there remains intact...... I couldn't see how something had changed to the surrounding view. It was an incredible situation for the Waltz, who were in too strong a light.

As a result, Teresa, who came, asks Lucia, who had a look that seemed complicated.

"Also, did Miss Lucia make a magical failure?


"... Miss Lucia?

"... Hey, Teresa?


"Who's Teresa... Teresa, right?

"... that there are concubines besides concubines?

"... really?

"... whoa hon. Wow, Walawaha, Uchuji n"

"Oh, yeah. It's definitely Theresa..."

Lucia smiles somewhere relieved before Teresa, who starts acting strange about what she's thinking. Then when she looked around, she saw how the sailors of the energy were all looking at themselves...... Seeing how it was, Lucia exhaled a great deal as she lowered her chest.

Now Waltz asks Teresa.

"Teresa? Any anomalies?

"Well... other than the fact that the hole there glowed as if it had been a big bang, nothing strange has happened, especially when it comes to this. I mean, this is the one I'd like to hear... what the hell happened? I don't think that hiccups were normal..."

"Just a little experiment, huh? Look, I told you, didn't I? When you put a tremendous amount of magic into the Enchant, you can make time-lapse artifacts."

"Whatever you think, the experiment with time leaps only seemed to have been tested for new light sources.... So, what happened to the results?

"You haven't checked yet? 'Cause we, too, didn't think it'd be so glowing.... What do the Ambers think? The artifacts I've used have been so glowing?

In response to Waltz's inquiry, Amber and Sophia respond in such a way that they have difficulty expressing themselves.

"It did glow, but it was only strong enough that you wouldn't know if you didn't look closely"

"Yep. I know it would be clear at night, but if I used it during the day, it would have only been strong enough that I would never know, right?

"Hmmm... that means there is no denying that it could have had the effect of a time leap. Well, in the meantime, shall we dig a hole there? If we had succeeded in the time leap safely, there would have been some trace of it.... If you suck, you can jump in the past at the tens of millions of years level... (in which case, you're supposed to be moving to a hell of a place because of crust fluctuations, so I don't think you'll find it that easy...)"

Waltz thought about it, and when he stood on the edge of the hole, he jumped without hesitation. However, you don't know what's going to happen, so use the gravity control system slowly.

But I didn't see any particularly unusual changes until she wore them to the bottom. The bottom of the hole, as it was worn, has no particular sign of being unusual, is that all ——


"... there it is."

—— The Orihalcon crystal itself, buried by Waltz, also remained buried in the ground. That too, in a beautiful state that remains completely unchanged from when I buried it.

"(That's crazy...... This feeling... doesn't seem to work at all for the effects of time leaps...... It's a high purity orihalcon, so it doesn't rust so easily, I know, but you can degrade a little bit)"

and waltz frowning in dissatisfaction. Because if the effect of the artifact means you're not working at all, you're going to lose clues on how to get back to the future... As far as she is concerned, she seems to have wanted to find traces of a time leap.

But no matter how you look at it, I didn't see the "hand" lettering on the clue, and there was nothing strange about it mounted on the surrounding wall or on the ground... Looks like Waltz decided to go outside the hole once.


"Sister? How'd it go?

Lucia turned to her sister who appeared on the table to inquire about the situation. At that time, it goes without saying that Waltz's reaction was not very fragrant.

... but the reason for this didn't seem to be because we couldn't find any trace of the leap.

"... that?

"... couldn't you?

"Hey, Lucia?


"Something missing?

"Not enough? What?"

"No, something like this... you mean you miss the sky..."

"" "" "" Huh?

Listening to Waltz's inquiry, a line looked up at the sky. Then beyond that, as the waltz felt uncomfortable, something seemed to be missing... It seemed like everyone noticed the cause of that discomfort after the sun set.

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