The waltzes explained the situation to Alfania after worrying. Where did we come from? How did you get here? What have we done in this era......

The result is, naturally --

"... listen to that story, who will believe it?

--He didn't seem to believe me at all.

"Uh, I guess so. I know exactly how you feel about being incredible. Even those of us who are describing it this way, you probably won't believe it, because we were thinking about explaining it."

"You were aware it was a too insane explanation. I'm sorry, but I can't believe it. How far is it true? I know they have extraordinary powers, but it's really not easy to accept that they've erased the moon or broken the earth, is it?

That's what I said, Alfania, pointing her sharp gaze at Cortex.

Cortex replied to Alfania with a cool expression.

"Jokes and nothing, everything you've just explained, is true. It doesn't include any jokes. But ~... to be honest, even if you don't believe me, I don't think we care ~. This is how I came to Alfania to explore tips for undoing the world, the purpose of which has already been achieved. If it has any other purpose ~ …"

"... suppose there is?

"... just that I wanted to get close to you ~. Perhaps, from now on, it should be a long relationship ~. Well, I haven't met the future Alfanian so far."

and Cortex explaining their thoughts without hiding them. That look has a soft grin... He said he had nothing to hide. Well, actually, before I hide it, I haven't told you much about the important stuff yet, I can't say.

Alfania, on the other hand, seemed incapable of determining his attitude towards the Cortex. The Cortexes have been in the elves twice so far, including this one. Moreover, on both occasions, he had had the worst encounter of engaging in combat. Moreover, both defeats on the Alfanian side. Taking them into account, it seems that we could not accept the Cortex and the others unconditionally.

However, Cortex also seemed to understand that.

"I'm not convinced, I'm going to know how you feel. I didn't mean to, but it's true that I suddenly came and decided to raze the inside ~. Therefore, we intend to give you a gift with the meaning of our apology for vandalizing the inside"


"Yeah, this is it. I hope you like it ~......"

When Cortex said so, he removed the diced square object from the demon prop (item box) that was fitted in his finger.

Its square box with a cubic shape of about 20 cm on one side was a watch. However, it is not a regular clock; it had multiple needles on all six sides and seemed to be made to express also the number of days, the number of years, the full sun and now the position of the moon without it.

The watch was a substitute created by Cortex to test the time-lapse artifact. An absurd stopwatch to accurately record ultra-long time spanning tens of thousands of years. On its exterior, a transparent sapphire glass exterior was mounted, and the contents were equipped with tens of thousands of gears vacuum-packed and a nuclear cell that emitted a blue and white glow. After all, it is also a clock to be called the crystal of pure science, which does not use any magic. It is worth mentioning that no harmful radiation appears to have been emitted.

Although not decorative, the mechanical object seemed effective enough to take the word away from Alfania.


"It's crude, why don't you take it ~?


"Oops, I forgot to explain ~. This is ~, the clock. Ten thousand years clock. It's an experimental timer I created for measuring time leaps, but I've already accomplished my purpose by coming in here, so I'm out of it ~. So go ahead, give it to me."

"............" Pocahontas

"Ohhhh ~? Could it have been too crude, didn't you like it ~? Dear Alfania, I thought you would like it ~... because you're not decorative ~. And, sure, it was rude in the leftovers ~. Then I'm going to take this watch back with me."

"Hey! Wait a minute! He's here! Leave me alone because I'm here......!

And as soon as I regained me, I changed the color of my eyes and approached Cortex, Alfania. As far as her condition is concerned, apparently the Cortex operation was as successful as expected.

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