The next day the angels attacked me.

"Ugh, are you lying?

Teresa looked stunned when she saw something incredible.

"No, it's true."

Waltz responding to Teresa like that in a real face.

"It's terrible, Master Teresa ~. Even if it looks like this, it hurts me too ~?

... Before Teresa, it should have been two melons with herself.) Not Cortex.

Gashan, Gashan...

It's like a brisk doll. The horns have just turned into the look of her...!!


"Huh?! (... have you dreamed)"

Teresa jumps up unexpectedly in an unacceptable nightmare.

"Oh, I'm awake?

As Teresa turned in the direction of that voice heard in her ear, Waltz, who looked like a maid, was coming to deliver the morning call.

"Ugh, um... I had a bad dream..."

And, uh... sigh a lot.

Apparently she hasn't noticed Waltz's work whining with Gashangashan while she's asleep, in her ear.

Is Operation Waltz's Morning Call a success, or something like that?

... but it's not over yet.

Gashon, Gashon...

Such a noise was heard from the other side of her bedroom door.

"... no..."

You remember what your dream was earlier, Teresa, who opens her eyes and stares at the door.


"Excuse me ~?

What came into the room... was a real brisket doll with a square body...

"No way, Cortex..."

"Yes. I am Cortex ~?... Whoa ho. Watashiha Cortex Death"

From the brisk doll, as Teresa dreamed, Cortex's voice was heard.

"Ugh, wow... not really..."

That's what I said, Theresa, keeping her head down with both hands.

Even though yesterday I was wolfish when I heard about the Cortex and the others destroying it all, it is a recurrence of the nightmare I had just had when I woke up having to.

I would say the worst awakening.



A laugh spilled out of the waltz.

"Cortex. If we don't keep that up, Teresa's gonna be pissed, okay?

"Right ~. Good..."


The body made of brisket falls apart and falls to the ground.

And what remained at the centre of it was:

"I'm worried ~. And welcome back, Dear Teresa ~"

It was a Cortex that looked no different than before it was destroyed by angels.


Theresa then jumped out of bed,


All right, after I hugged Cortex,

"Didn't you worry?! You piece of shit!

That's what I said, and I started crying.

"Ah. I woke you up."

"I think it's just enough to piss me off a little bit. I said I want you back soon, but you're not coming back ~"

That's what I said, Cortex that swoops your cheeks off.

"Gu... uhm. I'm sorry..."

"It's each other."

That's what Cortex said. He held Teresa's head gently.

It has nothing to do with the air they make like that.

(... they look exactly the same, so you really don't know which one...)

Waltz trying to find their differences somehow.

But before Catalina's technical skills, which created Cortex, it is likely to end up in jail.

Only one night since yesterday.

In that short time, Catalina restored Cortex.

She said,

"The bone (frame) remained almost intact, so it was easily repaired."

That's what I meant.

(Same goes for Lucia, but I think Catalina's been getting some kind of monster lately...)

Apparently, the growth of the disciples is overstated.

It should be noted that for Atlas and Strella, restoration of Cortex was given the highest priority and has therefore not yet been revived.

In Catalina's story, we'll probably finish the restoration around tomorrow.

"Well, Teresa. Everyone's already waiting in the dining room, right? Hurry up and come down, will you?

After making a call that seems to be happening in the morning home, Waltz leaves Cortex behind and tries to get out of the room.

To her like that,

"Um.... thank you."

Teresa bowed her head as her eyes turned bright red.

"... because Catalina did her best. Thank her."

Waltz, who looked like a maid, didn't look back, waved his hand in the right way, and then left Teresa's room.

When Waltz got to the cafeteria, there was now an unexpected development waiting for her as well.

"That's why..."

"... sorry. It was my fault I always broke the explanation..."

It is an exchange with Catalina.

Why are we talking about this?


"Sister! You got a souvenir?

"... I forgot this is your face."

... because, for some reason, Atlas and Strella were in the dining room.

Ignoring those two, Waltz expressed his doubts.

"When did you heal?

Last night, after Teresa went to bed, when Waltz received the Cortex, the two should still have been in pieces.

"If I made it all night, I could handle it"

And I don't think I stayed up all night, Catalina with the usual look on her face.

"... zzz"

Next to her like that, she lay down on her desk and a wise man snored and slept.

And on the other side of it,

Kakun... Kakun...

Lucia, too. I'm rowing the boat, drooling who.

"... you couldn't do that, could you?

Perhaps the three of us stayed up all night.

"Right. I won't deny it."

"Well, on the way."

"Yes. I know.

Catalina smiles at Waltz while saying.

(... you have no idea)

To her like that, Waltz could only smile bitterly.

Well, why are the waltzes supposed to be in an underground large workshop coming to the royal castle early in the morning?

Homunculus threesome healed (fixed?) If I hadn't come to report it to Teresa, I wouldn't have escaped because there was a hole in the ceiling of the underground large workshop that could have been seen by someone.

It should be noted that the ceiling hole has been repaired within the last night.

"Well, we'll discuss future policy over breakfast, won't we?

One case at South Fortress and one at the Royal Castle came the way for now, so we were coming to talk about what we were going to do.

So after Teresa and the others showed up in the cafeteria, a line holds a meeting in the cafeteria rented under the authority of the Speaker (Cortex).

It should be noted that today's breakfast is served with boiled and other baked potatoes (+ butter) and salad.

Of course, the hopeful also follow the demonic meat on a set (made by the hunter).

... Some of them were cheeky looking delicious with semi thawed Inari sushi, but if left in the item box, it would rot, so well, there would be no choice.

Well, we're talking about a meeting.

"So, first of all, I'd like you to hear the Cortex report."

and waltz to talk to others as soon as the meeting begins.

But Cortex didn't look like he cared about it, and he started talking.

"It was about half a day before you all came home. The angels attacked us and we fell apart ~"

"... that's all?

Waltz, who was about to hit the baked potatoes, missed eating because Cortex's explanation ended briefly.

"Where the angel came from ~... let me throw it up from the female angel who caught it. We just got attacked all of a sudden, so I don't know."

"... yes"

Again, because of the short explanation, Waltz, who couldn't get his hands on a meal where the hot air stood up, groaned unfortunately.

"Then I'll have to ask you directly."

That's why I was supposed to talk to the angel...

"Speaking of which, where is the female angel captured?

In a battle that crosses twice, a hunter who knows how troublesome an angel is speaks his natural questions.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?

"Yep. You didn't say... Ha! You're amnesic, sister."

"Specifications! Specifications"

Waltz exchanges the usual interactions with Tempo.

"... the angels are caught by me."

"Hmm. So, it's a dungeon?

Teresa asks if she locked herself in a dungeon newly built by Waltz and the others on a rock bed around the middle of the Royal Castle and the Great Underground Workshop.

"No, I'm here, right?

With that said, Waltz released the hologram for cover, and the vacuum space that was blocking the sound.


A female angel whose mouth is sprinkled with monkeys (sawdust) and cloth so that she can't bite her tongue and commit suicide.

She suddenly appeared next to Waltz, either because she was treated for Catalina or because she was completely in her normal body.

At first, she was a female angel screaming something, but those in front of her turned to herself at the same time, so she accidentally pushed her silence.

They all have knives and forks.

And even if most of the seats have potatoes (staples) and salads, the main dishes are not arranged.

Besides, until earlier, the audio had been cut off, so the female angel didn't hear what everyone was talking about until just before.

to Todome,


Lucia (the Absolute Powerful) grinned at the angel.

Angel blues his face to the look of it.

In other words:

"Mm-hmm!? (Ha, don't eat -!?

A diagram of the Weak Angel (hen) brought before the hungry beast.

In such a situation, she tries to squeeze her powers and escape, but there is no way she can escape the gravitational control of the waltz in the boost state... she was silenced again.

Thanks to this, Waltz has been hungry ever since the female angel woke up.

"Hey, will you stop wasting your resistance because I'm hungry?

With that said, Waltz carries Bakubaku and Baked Potatoes in his mouth.

"Ho ho ho... yeah, it's hot, but this is about as good as it sounds"

Flatten the potatoes as good as usual while restraining the angel.

"Maybe it's been in that state forever?

"Yeah, right? I can't keep him locked up in a cell and..."

Waltz answering Teresa's question.

Theresa then said,

"... I envy you..."

I shrugged softly.


"... all night, you've been hand-footed and nursed by Master Waltz... Gokuri"

Julia also behaved strangely.

Waltz decides to ignore them for now, even as he feels that there are signs of bad luck from two of them.

"... so, angel. You got something to say? Before Catalina tortures you, you better stay here and... talk to her, okay?

... waltz to watch your language for once because everyone is eating.


"Mmm! Mmmm, mmm!! (Talk! Don't eat because I talk!!

The word (?) Waltz frowned.

"Eh?" You idiot! You throw up information when you torture... you can't talk!! '?... Yes, Catalina? Looks like we can do this, huh?

"Hmm?! Mmmm, mmm!! (Why?! How can that be!!

"'Ah?! If you can do it, do it!!'?... tough."

"Just fine. As a matter of fact, I recently completed the example confessor."

and Catalina removed a vial with something biological in it from the bag, even though she said she was eating.

"If you're an angel, it's going to be a good experimental bench."

That said, he looks more like an angel than an electron (?) Catalina smiling.




You remembered to try it, every chair you were sitting in trying to fall back, Julia hitting the back of your head on the ground.

But for Lucia, Catalina's confession agent (?) or rather than Julia with suspicious behavior,

"... sister, I know what this guy is talking about... wow!

Waltz's lip reading (heart reading?) Seemed more interested.

"Of course."

Waltz with an unsightly chest.

"Mm... mmm, mmm!! (Goddamn... I'll definitely kill you!

With that said, the angel sent a kicking glance to Waltz.

Then, in the words (...) Leaves (...), Waltz grinned, his face close to the angel's ear, whining small.

"Yes, good luck with that."

"Hmm?! (What?!

... I mean, Waltz knew what the female angel was talking about, and he was doing it deliberately.

Waltz then visually covered her up with an optical camo after enveloping her with a vacuum wall again to insulate her from sound.

Perhaps, from a female angel's point of view, there is a dark space.

"Well, I'm going to go rescue the braves first"

Thus, the meeting proceeded on the guidelines for Waltz and the others' next actions.

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