And the perspective goes to the ground. Return to the waltzes who went to the Alfanian hall in the elves.

There was a continuing explanation of the mechanism of enchantment by Alfania.

"... draws a magic circuit on the surface of the orihalcon contained in the material and makes it a simple magic tool. We need you to think of the magic of the gear as a magic prop that moves instead of a magic stone (battery)."

"Hmm. So a lot of magic props that contain Orihalcon can have a bigger effect because they also increase their surface area, so what?

"I see ~. I had never observed the orihalcon included in the enchanted equipment, so I had never noticed it ~. I'm going to take a peek at it with an electron microscope when I get back."

and to Alfania's explanation, waltz and cortex in a convincing manner.

The explanation of Enchant's apparatus, which those two had received from Alfania, went far beyond their imagination. It comes with Enchant's appliance, a trinket like a judge who chooses what effect to grant. Is that an indisputable "umpire," with a magic circuit carved into the part of the impression? Putting it with the material inside the mana tank provided in the instrument of the enchant transcribes the circuit to the surface of the orihalcon contained in the material...... It is said that the material is given the effect of an enchant.

The mechanism was almost identical to the lithography used in semiconductor production facilities, although there is a difference between 'physical phenomena' and 'magical phenomena'. Apparently, Alfania had developed a way to transcribe large magic circuits into small objects before they could be taught by the waltzes.

And one more thing. Alfania added a description.

"By the way, the improved ink I make on the desk there is what I use with this appliance, right? Pour the ink into the holder that keeps this umpire and tame it beforehand on the surface of the umpire. So, when the inked determinant is placed in the mana, the ink peels off and contracts from the surface of the determinant, and adheres to the material. You know?"

"I totally get it ~? But is it good ~? Even if you taught us such an important thing."

Alfania answers Cortex's words with a look that seems complicated.

"Oh, it's good. A gift from inside the elf. It would help if you could see it as a sign of friendship. Especially for the rest of them, it might not be a great deal of technology, right?

"That's not true ~? At least, for us, it was very important information ~.... but I get it ~. That feeling, I would never waste it. One day in the future, if there is anything like a crisis in the elves, then we in the Foxtrot Empire ~ … No, the Mid-Eden Republic would be happy to help."

"... Is Foxtrot a pseudonym?

"Uh-huh. It is rightly the Mid-Eden Republic. And the king is not Lord Vixen ~... well, you can assume it's me.... Your sister, by the way, is the Lord God of the National Church" Boosh

"... hmm?


"Oh, but be careful, it's different from King Mid-Eden (...) Country (...) ~? If you call for help over there, you can't deny the possibility of being attacked the other way around either ~"

and in the king's capital of Mid-Eden in this era, Cortex recalls reports that Lucia and the others were attacked by Theresa-like girl Theresia. It should be noted that the attack on Teresia was caused by the fact that he was found sneaking into the royal castle at midnight... Apparently, Cortex decided to put it on the shelf and now Mid-Eden is a country ruled by ferocious races.

"Oh well...... Let's remember the liver."

"Well, in any case, the distance from here to the king's capital of Mid-Eden is not so easy to reach, as it is also about 2300 km away in a straight line distance ~"


I'm not sure what I thought of Cortex's words, but Alfania seemed to have such a complex look on her face that she was frustrated by stunning, stunned and bewildered. As far as that goes, perhaps she must have thought of Mid-Eden as a new country that could have been made somewhere in the neighborhood. It should be noted that not only the distance, but also the time seems to be about 1300 years away.

"Hey, Alfania?

Waltz asks most of the time about Alfania, who was having a reaction that was difficult to describe.

"Maybe I can't do it with current technology, but if I enchant with magic to the limit of breaking materials and enchanting appliances... what do you think will happen?

The answer can be a time leap artifact. Without saying it, however, Waltz seems to have decided to see what views Alfania speaks of.

And after Alfania has been troubled for a while...... I started talking about my thoughts on the phenomenon that happens when I do enchantments to my limits.

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