"………… K……"

Some sound barely reaches his (...) woman (...) consciousness, which was blurry.


Because of the sound, her consciousness gradually begins to awaken.

At the same time she realizes. I couldn't remember when I slept. 100 or 1000 years ago, again 10 seconds ago... Awakened from an infinite or instantaneous nap, she understands her condition --

"(Am I dead...)"

—— and.

Then she thought about where her own consciousness was and in what condition.

"(I mean, this is the afterlife... what you hear is the voice of God, something like that?

Apart from hearing sounds, there's no sensation, nothing that looks decent... All I see is a white world. It was such an unreal world that he (...) had a woman (...).

Why am I here and where am I about to go...... Slowly thinking about it, the voices that were coming into her ears became progressively clearer.

"... Ki... ma...? Kiko......?

…… Ki... Kisa? What about the kikori?... No, you don't) "

She imagines between the sounds heard in fragments. But apparently, that "voice" was doing something completely different than she imagined.

"... can you hear me?

"(... yeah, now I finally hear it)"

Apparently, the voice kept calling about him (...) woman (...) who was in a slight sleep.

To such a voice she replied in her heart...... Somehow her response seemed to reach the other person's ear.

"Oh, good... You heard him, didn't you? I was just wondering what I'd do if I didn't hear you."

"(That worried you)"

"No, that's okay."

"(So, what can I do for you?

"Actually... I'm going to ask you to go on with your second life."

Hearing that word coming from an unidentified person, he (...) woman (...) thinks.

"(I see... Reincarnation, so?

Common developments in novels and elsewhere —— reincarnation. That's what's about to happen to me...... He (...) woman (...) immediately anticipated the situation in which he was placed.

Then, hearing her predictions, the "voice" affirms with satisfaction.

"That's right. Come on, the world is waiting for you. Wake up."

He (...) woman (...) bit at the words of "voice" as if inviting him to an unknown adventure.

"(No, please wait a minute. In these developments, it should be Theory that empowers the reincarnated. No way, I don't have the power to give or take those powers? With no power, you think they'll throw you out in the woods where there might be a lot of demons? Isn't that a development, a lot? You'll be dead soon)"

Then the Lord of the Voice says, somewhere in trouble.

"I don't think you have to worry about that.... maybe."

"(Nothing to worry about? You said there was no power?

"Yeah, because I don't think there are any demons that would attack you."

"(Ha... Really...)"

"Oh, maybe I should have?

"(Isn't that right)"

"Oh, yes... right..."

And, as opposed to angry him (...) woman (...), "voice" strikes an association with some lack of confidence.

Towards such a "voice," he (...) woman (...) asked again.

"(... so what am I reincarnated into? Are you an aristocratic maid? Then --)"

"Uh... it's pretty much the same as before"

"(... is that really what you call reincarnation?


To his (...) woman (...) words, "voice" silenced. It's like they ask me something I don't want to be asked, and I'm lost in answers, that's how it is.

Within such a silent period of time, did you think that remaining silent would make itself unnecessarily worse... "Voice" suddenly began to say this.

"... Ha! No more time! This is the last time I'll be called upon by you. Listen carefully to what I'm about to say!


"When you wake up, there must be a demon n in front of you —— just a town daughter. Listen to her now. That way, the story will surely flow in the right direction."

"Voice" that punctuates the word by saying so. Apparently, everything you want to say has been said out.

He (...) woman (...), against whom he replied nothing, seemed to sigh deeply inside. But that's not because I accepted what the "voice" said. It seemed rather the opposite.

So she wakes up. At the same time he opened his mouth and raised his voice towards the person who was there.... with its own mouth, too.

"Uh, uh... whoa................ I will never forgive you! Waltz!"

She woke up —— Deprexa got up from the top of the workbench where she was being put to sleep. By then his consciousness was clear, and he seemed to recall why he had had to be seen like this.

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