Waltz worried. Deprexa suddenly craved a gravity control system. But the gravity control system, for the "Guardian" to whom Waltz belongs, is also a trump card feature. Oh, come on. It wasn't something I could offer the others.

From the beginning, it was impossible for the Deprexer to use the gravity control system. It takes enormous amounts of energy to use a gravitational control system. Maximum output, about a second, 500 [TWs (terawatt seconds)], exactly how much power was needed to distort space-time.

Waltz, remembering that, starts persuading Deprexa to cut through the lack of power.

"So far, your generator has a maximum output of 300 [kW]... but that's not enough to drive a gravity control system at all, is it?

It's classified information, so I can't give it to you, not to say, but waltz that smells physically impossible.

Although the opposing deprexers naturally knew the theory of special relativity, they could have expected how much energy would be needed to manipulate gravity...... It should be noted that, even knowing it, it did not seem easy to give up.

"You don't have to move at all to get started. Because we just need to take the time to modify and gradually enhance it, such as the generator. I won't waste that much effort."

"No, well, sure, that's..."

That's not why I can give it to you... As for Waltz, he clearly wanted to say no.

But I couldn't let her choose that option. If I refused here, not only would I not be able to attach my cooperation to Deprexa, but most importantly, I would likely not be able to teach you how to use magic.

Will magic be available or will you choose to remain silent for the other brothers and sisters in consideration of passing information about the gravity control system...... The answer Waltz gave after the trouble--

"... Must it be a gravity control system?

—— It was about exploring a third option. Well, that too --,

"No, sir."

"Quick answer..."

—— Deprexa will soon dismiss it.

"Naturally. How long do you think it took you to analyze the magic? Considering that, I think it's a good enough consideration."

"I guess so... Gravity control systems are very important to us Guardians. It's not that easy..."

Waltz gave up before Deflexa, who tried so hard not to give in.... Do we still have to study from 1 to use magic? I wonder how many years, decades, hundreds of years you have to take, like Deprexa.

Gradually, I was losing my temper from Waltz's eyes. At that time. A helper who was next to Waltz opens his mouth.

"Um, Dear Deprexa ~? If you don't mind, could you tell us why you're craving a gravity control system ~? Depending on that, there may be something new to look at ~?

It was Cortex who said so. Logically thinking about it, she seems to have decided to try to approach the cause of Deprexa's stubborn desire for a gravitational control system to see if she could overshadow the adhesive state.

Deprexa answers such Cortex questions honestly.

"If you can create a black hole even if it's small, it could solve the energy problem fundamentally. You can also create singularities in space… and in some cases, return to the original world…"

Waltz was unintentionally surprised to hear that word of Deprexa.

"You, you wanted to go back to your original world?! After all, I thought I was ready to live in this world..."

"If everything goes by, it's something that goes around and comes back....... Been working in this world for thousands of years already. Sometimes you want to see your home world, don't you think it's any wonder?

"... if I were you, I'd probably be freaking out around for over 100 years... (I'd like you to give me a break about treating me like a demon...)"


"Well, now you know what's going on?

And Waltz made another suggestion to Deprexa.

"Well, how about this?... in exchange for working with me and teaching magic, we will also work together so that we can return to the original world - Japan, what do you mean? Actually, I'm looking for a way to go back to Japan too... (Well, I think I'll see what I can do soon...)"

and waltz waiting for Deprexa's response, also lightly explaining his circumstances.

Deprexa, who heard Waltz's words, clearly looked lost. Is it a good idea to work with the Waltz to find a way back into the modern world, or to explore ways on your own…. After thinking about the best case, the Worst case, she will make a decision after a while.

It should be noted that it will not be necessary to dare to say what decisions have been made.

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