Apart from the cafeteria, there is a kitchen. Some of the newly built bases, for example, have a new kitchen... In addition to Catalina (Jr.) and Eve, the aspirants seemed to be trying to make okonomiyaki. Specifically, two others, Rosemary and Fei Long, plus --,

"Cooking... Me, first time!

—— Van, who looked like a person, also seemed to have participated in the dishes.

"Van, maybe you've never cooked before?

"That's right. I'm Fenrill."

"I see. That might be a bit of a mine..."


"But it's okay. Even Van can cook delicious dishes like that, because it's probably okonomiyaki."

Whatever way you bake it, if the spring onions and utensils are decent, you can't bake an unsavory okonomiyaki... Eve had such certainty. That's why she called Van to cook, who was not originally a person and seemed to be bad at cooking. It should be noted that Fei Long is usually able to cook because of his maid training at Eve's every day.

Such an eve began to explain today's dishes while grating and mixing wheat and eggs, and plants like long potatoes.

"Eve's going to have the basement ready, so we might want everyone to cook it, right? Look, there's the equipment, right? Pick whatever you want out of it and just mix it in this dough called Tane and bake it, so maybe it's easy, huh? That's why they call it okonomiyaki."

"" "" Hmm "" "

"But hey... maybe you need to be careful, but depending on what you mix, how hard you make it, and how you bake it, you could get into fights? Eve just listened to me, so I don't know..."

"All the time, yes! Maybe we got a spring, huh? Like I said, mix whatever you want, okay? Because when you're done mixing, Eve will teach you how to bake."

Eve said so, dividing Tane into bowls for five, including herself. There were about 10 of the tares made, and there seemed to be enough left for everyone to cook another time or so.

"Hmm, should I put anything I like in here..." boom.

"Yeah. But if you put too much in it, you might not be able to get the fire inside, so maybe you should stop to the extent that Tane goes across the whole thing, huh?

"Mm, okay. Well, here it is for now..."

And Van chose the equipment without hesitation. He chose the use of chopsticks.

"We're gonna make this meat?

--It was like a carnivore, it was meat. No, it's an omnivore, to be exact.

"So, what kind of meat is this?

"Hmm? Maybe chicken."

"Bird...... Nik......?

At that moment, Van's chopsticks stop. He turned slowly towards Eve with the look he said was terrified.

to "………"


Seeing Eve laugh, Van gently returned the meat to its original place for some reason. He had special circumstances that made him want the meat back.

Meanwhile, Eve also seemed to know what Van was thinking...... Looks like he decided to correct it before he seriously believed it.

"No, that might be okay to eat because it's not Pea's meat, right?

"Ho, is that true?

"Such a cruel thing, Eve might not be able to do. Hey, guys?

"Cooking about Pea... I can never..."

"The meat is delicious, but I'm not going to eat Pea!

"... if you really want to eat, you'll swallow it without cooking"

"... because? I mean, Dragon, maybe you shouldn't eat..."

"Oh well..."

And for once it was Van who had a convincing reaction...... Even though he knew the meat that was out there was not Pixie's meat, he did not seem to have tried to take the chicken. For once, you seem to be very conscious because you've thought about something extra.

He asked Eve, as if he remembered.

"By the way, aren't you bringing in Pee-suke? Aren't you missing me?

"Nah, Kata r...... because Master Vixen might have strictly said that when you cook, you should never put Pea in the kitchen..."

"Why what? No way......"

"... I may somehow know what you're thinking, but as I was saying, I may not be willing to cook Pea. Not really, to Pea and the little birds, the bacteria that break your stomach —— well, it could be something like a little demon on your body, so if you cook with Pea, what do you mean, Eve and I could break your stomach? Besides, with Pea and Eve, it might be something different to eat, so maybe you should stop putting Pea in the kitchen because it's pathetic, huh?

"Pathetic...? Could it be... Piisuke can't eat the rice we eat?

"Yeah...... It's like when Pea eats Eve's dinner, she breaks her stomach the other way around."

"That's hard... People and demons live together..."

Van muttered so emotionally. Maybe his words were referring to someone who wasn't about Pixie.

Eve's okonomiyaki will continue after that.

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