
………… ♪ Kikupi ♪

"Hmm. Delicious."

".................." Buh.

"Hey, Van? Maybe I'm not about to cry there. What..."

Although Rosemary and Fei Long spoke of the delicious taste of okonomiyaki with that look...... Only Van, as soon as he stuck to his own okonomiyaki, somehow began to shed a large tear.

However, his tears didn't seem to be because of the stiffness, if not because the okonomiyaki wasn't delicious.

"Eve... this... is good..." Guru

"Could it have been delicious and you cried?

"Yeah... because... it's delicious..." Buh.

A bite, another bite and a stick to the okonomiyaki, Van keeps crying. The first dish he ever made worked with a special spice that only he could tell... It seemed so delicious that I couldn't find the words to describe it.

After laughing bitterly at how he was doing like that, Eve spoke to Catalina (Jr.). Catalina has not yet baked okonomiyaki because of the limited number of frying pans...... I was waiting for the frying pan to empty.

That's supposed to be--

"Well, Catalina? Maybe it's Eve's turn next, huh?


"... Catalina?

—— Even when asked by Eve, Catalina did not respond immediately. She stared at the three people who ate okonomiyaki looking delicious and seemed to narrow her eyes somewhere worried.

Then a little later...... Catalina shrugged.

"... me, like that, can you bake it looking delicious?

"You don't have to worry so much --"

"I'm not so sure I can cook an amazing dish that it's delicious and makes me cry..."

Apparently, she sees Van clinging to the okonomiyaki crying and making some mistake.

"No, no, that's just because Van is changing, and the food itself might be normal, right?

"... really?

"Yeah, absolutely"

To Catalina's inquiry, Eve made a rare affirmation. "Maybe" is Eve's cliche, but just because I baked an okonomiyaki doesn't taste like crying, I had to assure you.

"... So, let's make it?

"Maybe you'll be okay, huh? Yes, this."

Eve offered the freshly washed frying pan to Catalina. Catalina then hung the frying pan on fire, as the previous three had done, oiled it, and quietly opened it over the frying pan under an okonomiyaki mixed with spring and utensils.

Eve on the other hand, at this point, had not mixed the utensils with the spring. To explain to everyone, the work also seemed to be delayed…. Apparently, that was not the case.

"Well, Eve might try to change the baking style a little bit."

"Mm-hmm... Eve-style okonomiyaki maybe?

When Eve mouthed it that way, on top of an oiled frying pan, she started baking with only utensils. Specifically, if the meat is cooked first and the fire passes, now replace it with vegetables and let the fire pass again.

"... hey, Catalina? Maybe it's about time we burned half of it, huh?

"Oh, yeah!... all the time" Kasha. "... Eve, what are you making that for?

"Of course, it could be okonomiyaki, right?

"It doesn't look that way..."

"The name" okonomiyaki "doesn't mean anything to you."

"You can put in whatever utensils you want, besides what you mean, you can like how you bake them, right?

"Maybe Eve just thought it right now..."


I thought it was a serious story, actually exposed that it was a joke, four other than Eve with a subtle look on her face. Even in the meantime, Eve's cooking continued without stopping.

Once I put the meat and vegetables through the fire, I put them up on a plate, only the spring in a frying pan with nothing in it...... Once it's lightly cooked, lay there cabbage-like vegetables and fire-through utensils...... indentation in its central part, then there --,


—— and opened the egg. And after putting a thin tang on top of it again --,

"Good," he said! ♪ Kasha ♪

--Eve flipped the okonomiyaki.

That's Nagoya-style okonomiyaki. The skin is crisp and the utensils are an okonomiyaki characterized by fuzziness. Although Eve didn't know about the existence of Nagoya-style okonomiyaki, she seemed to have done it once she had cooked it somehow.

"This might leave you alone for a while. Catalina might think it's better now, huh?

"Ugh, yeah...... But... something completely different from Eve's..."

"Well, I don't know how to bake it, 'cause it might be completely different for people."

"Is that the story...?

Catalina put her okonomiyaki on the plate, even though she looked uncomfortable. And when she started hanging sauce over the okonomiyaki. Eve's okonomiyaki is at the end.

"Maybe it's time for Eve's one to get along... Well, around here......!


"I might put in a special sauce!

With the frying pan hanging on fire, Eve hung the sauce for okonomiyaki. Then naturally, the sauce evaporates to produce intense but aromatic smoke on the spot.

"That's Master Eve..."

"Ugh, um..."

"What is this..."

"I think it's a different dish..."

A little scorched sauce turns Eve's okonomiyaki into a different dish...... The four people who were watching it seemed to have accidentally nailed their eyes.

And --,

"Yes, it's probably done."

--Eve's okonomiyaki is complete.

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