"On what principle does Enchant work?

"I've explained this before... don't you remember?

"Do you remember that? You're transferring the magic circuit to the Orihalcon included in the object, right?

"Exactly. Don't you understand?

"Uh, sorry. That's not what I want to know... right. Was that a bad idea? I wanted to know how you were transcribing it."

What Waltz wanted to hear. It was not a mechanism through which the Enchant would work, but a mechanism through which the Enchant would be applied. Anyway, what she's doing now is building a giant battleship. I mean --,

"You want to know how we're transcribing the magic circuit to enchant this Starship? He wants to apply it and explore ways to enchant these massive structures,?

"Yeah, yeah, that"

—— and so on, because the aim was not to extremes the effect of the Enchant itself, but to reinforce the frame of the giant battleship.

But Alfania's reaction was not fragrant.

"There's nothing we can do about how to transcribe it."

"You mean secret?

"No, it's not. In the Enchant method developed by Washi, a magic circuit made in advance using the magic guide ink is used as a catalyst to transfer mana. A magic circuit is carved into the surface of something like a" seal "to be placed together in the tank when applying the enchant... but the subject needs to sink into the mana to transcribe it?

"... you're trying to say that it's hard in the first place to prepare a mana where all this frame just sinks, right?

"That's the thing. I don't know how big of a structure it is, but I'm going to need an amount of mana that's not half the size. And one more thing. In order to transfer the circuit, we also need the magic to activate the system of transcription."

"Uh, sure. When you were an enchanter, you used magic, didn't you? Doesn't that put the magic of the surgeon in the object?

"You're right if it comes from the results. It is no mistake that the magic of the surgeon resides in the goods. But if you want to go into more detail, just a little bit different. The more magic you put into it, the deeper the circuit will be carved into the components of the Orihalcon contained in the item. To say that the circuit will be deeply engraved means it will be more effective... No, does Lord Waltz know what a" circuit "is in the first place?

"Yeah, you know what I mean? It's finally the same as an electrical circuit, isn't it?


Here it seems that Alfania finally realized that two interpretations existed for the word "circuit". While he said "magic circuit" himself, Waltz saw it as an "electrical circuit"...

However, Waltz seemed to see the magic circuit as an electrical circuit on the understanding that it might occur. That was easier to understand as a waltz from Earth.

In fact, as far as Alfania's explanation is concerned, the behavior of electricity and magic were very similar, and if you think only of the flow, neither electricity nor magic seemed to have any problems considering it almost identical. Of course, in parts other than the flow, it has a completely different nature, so it's not exactly the same.

"What is" Denki "?

"... maybe you're asking about philosophy?


"No, no, are you kidding me? Electricity is something similar to magic... but when you start saying it, it's going to take about 50 years, so let's just leave that story behind, shall we?

"Oh well..."

Alfania has a sad look somewhere as a result of being turned down by Waltz. Apparently, she was interested in something called "Denki" with properties similar to magic. … It should be noted that it is unclear at this time whether Alfania will start studying electrical circuits.

The waltz against came up with something —— no, they had something in mind from the beginning, and they ask this to Alfania.

"Hey, Alfania? What happens if you draw a magic circuit in a frame, in a way that's not an enchant?

"How not enchanted? Draw with your hands, it's the same as making magic props. If you draw the exact same circuit as what you transcribe in Enchant, the effects that will occur will be the same again. But there's a strange difference..."

"Strange difference?

"Even if you draw the same circuit, you will always need something like a tank to build up magic, while the enchant will move without a tank. I don't know how it works yet."

"Aren't you using the magic of the person you're equipping on your own? I mean, didn't you say that before?

"Actually? In Enchant's itinerary, it does not grant functionality to remove magic from people. You are granted a mechanism to pull magic from anywhere on your own. Situationally, you can only assume you're pulling yourself out of the surgeon, right?

"Sure...... (But is it true?

Waltz seemed interested to know where the magic to exert the effect of the Enchant would be supplied from.

Anyway, there's also an enchantment on the hull parts of the energy that was moored behind them... Because if Alfania's statement is correct, if the human being who is the source of the magic hasn't touched the parts, the enchant makes no sense at all.

As a result, Waltz first seems to have decided to find out where Enchant's magic might be supplied from.

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