The next morning, Waltz and Cortex, plus the Alfania morning was early. Though the color of the sky was not known from the ground, by the time the sun rose, there still seemed to be more than two hours.

"Hey, Alfania?

Continuing yesterday, in front of Enchant's apparatus, prepared beside the giant battleship under construction, Waltz asks the chief inside the elf.

"Hmm? What?

"Are you feeling better, my lady?

"Naturally. I don't want you to look at me like that elf there. It's not like a normal elf. What is an ordinary elf......"

"Yes. Well, Enchant and Energy Drain can still do whatever you want, right?


"Are you kidding? Today I'm going to test if I can do it scientifically -- or engineeringly -- rather than manpower engineer."

"Hmm. You did say that yesterday, didn't you?

"Yes, yes.... So Cortex? Can you explain that to me?

"I don't know if you're asking me to do it because I'm already in trouble ~?

"I don't have to. I'll get the equipment ready in the meantime, please?

"I can't help it."

Cortex, who received an unscrupulous response from his sister, began to explain the scientific enchantment to Alfania, despite his disapproval (mundane). However, the beginning of it was not an explanation, it seemed to be a question.

"So from here on out, I'll explain ~"

"Nice to meet you"

"Well, Master Alfania ~? I'll check something called Enchant once now, but there's no difference in the perception that transcribing a magic circuit against the orihalcon contained in the object ~?

"Mm-hmm. Exactly. It's a technology that catalyzes mana and transcribes magic circuits written in magic ink to Orihalcon."

"So if we could have transcribed the magic circuit into something that's not an Orihalcon, would that have been an enchant ~?


Alfania got stuck in words trying to answer Cortex's query. Even without the Orihalcon, if the magic circuit could be transcribed, I was sure that would describe it as "enchanted" --

"I can't do that."

—— She had experimented many times before and knew that it was impossible to transcribe magic circuits other than Orihalcon.

"Can't you ~?

"I have been using various materials so far to try to see if I can transcribe them. Orihalcon, Mithrill, Dark Matter...... I tried everything, but only Orihalcon was able to securely transcribe it. I don't think we can transcribe (enchant) substances other than Orihalcon."

"Is that what you mean ~. But it is ~? Dear Alfania ~. What if there was such a way that a magic circuit could be drawn on the surface of an object?

"That's... no, I guess that's not what you call an enchant. If you write a magic circuit with your hands, it's a magic prop. It's not what they call an artifact."

Demonic props are tools that are equipped with magic tanks and are effective by the operator supplying them with magic or loading them with demonic stones that can also be called mana crystals. On the other hand, the enchanted item —— the artifact is a tool that consumes the magic of the equipper at will to make it work. The big difference between these two is whether or not to absorb magic at will from the operator. As an alphania who developed the Enchant, it seemed to be an unintended effect, but at this stage it was perceived as a significant difference between the two.

Cortex, who knew that, once again asks Alfania.

"So if you create only the part that sucks magic out of the surgeon with a normal enchant and connect the rest of it to the magic circuit, you can call it an artifact ~?

"That's... well, it's abusive, but it could be true. But --"

"Yeah, I'll admit the disagreement ~? But don't you think this time it doesn't have to be a strict artifact ~? From the crew on board, a huge magic item equipped with a mechanism to suck away magic only when needed ~. I don't think it's such an artifact or a magic artifact, and I think the enchant is good for (...) or (...)"

"I'm not going to argue with you. I wonder, too, why the mechanism forced me to pull the magic out of the gear? If you know how that part works…"

"Maybe the complete enchant can reproduce it, you say ~?

"Um. Well, maybe it doesn't really matter this time?

That's what Alfania said and dropped her shoulder. From her being a native researcher, it may have been shameful not to be able to explain why what she developed was happening.

and then --,

"Whoa. We're all set, aren't we?

—— Waltz, who was getting ready for an enchantment, interrupts the conversation between the two. Apparently they're ready to do the enchantment engineeringly.

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