Energy that flies from Mid-Eden towards the west, slipping over clouds at an altitude of 10,000 m.

As far as that goes, it may not be an exaggeration to say that a ship floating in the clouds,

"It's time over the Merclio border, but when are we going to be attacked..."

In the modern world, it should be attacked at the time of the violation of airspace, but is there a concept of airspace in the other world?

Well, it wouldn't be strange to be attacked whenever, regardless of not going beyond the borders.

"We have about half an hour to reach Carolis."

Strella sitting in the cockpit reports as she looks at the huge status monitor provided for the bridge.

By the way, the bridge had changed dramatically compared to during a test flight a week earlier.

First, that the battery pile is gone.

Since the nuclear fusion reactor was successfully activated, unnecessary portions were removed from the ship.

Once activated, the nuclear fusion reactor does not require a battery because it will not stop unless it is also maintained.

Others had a waltz curved surface monitor installed on the wall called the wall in the bridge, which even looked as if the bridge was floating in the air.

As for Waltz and Strella, I don't need windows or anything, but it's the result of thinking about my people and installing them.

Further inside, there was an oval giant screen called the status monitor with the rear side visible transparent, where the status of radar, altitude, speed, and number of remnants of the soldier's uniform were displayed in a single list.

It's already full of screens, surprised with small letters.

If you are human, you would be somewhere confused about where and what information is displayed.

That is the level at which more than one person handles a division of roles, like a bridge on a large ship.

But that's a strella with the same built-in neurochip as the Guardian.

She was alone in receiving and processing those vast amounts of information.

"Heavy Particle Shield Deployment"

"Jesus Mam"

It was energy that boasted considerable defense even without shielding, but I would also keep the shield in place just in case.

By the way, my buddies had no idea what the Waltz and the others were doing, never worried about their interactions, and they were looking out into the view.

"Beautiful view..."

"Cloudy, you can ride..."

"Can you eat cloudy..."

Catalina, Sylvia and Julia mutter their thoughts on the views outside the ship, respectively.


"The airship was so fast..."

"No, in the first place, you wouldn't be able to come this high..."

"What is this ship..."

Swordsman, Sage, Canopus seem interested in the ship itself.

Otherwise, Lucia and Teresa seem to be looking out (on the screen), trying to eat in, without even knowing the monitor.

In the meantime, with a strange face,

"Hmm... what if they don't attack me like this..."

and whining waltz.

For her, this ship is, to say the least, 'Angel Whee'.

It is a gigantic device for disabling the gathered angels by inflicting an undead amount of damage.

When this is ignored, the Waltz who entered the enemy's Negijo will have to defeat the Angels directly.

I mean, there's a better chance of a dead man coming out.

(I wonder if there's any way to successfully attract an angel... to shower a rail gun from above his head?

And it was when Waltz thought about no such body or lid.

"Many reactions to anti-aircraft radar"

Strella raises her voice.

"... All right, all right."

Waltz smiles unintentionally.

Meanwhile, my people,

"It finally begins..."

"Thacubas selling fights to God... I have no regrets in my life!

"Lunch, I don't know yet..."

... Mostly, he looked warlike (?).

"Well, keep the path velocity. Pulse Mazer Cannons, and Pulse Laser Cannon Standby."

"Jesus Mam"

Then, from the front of the model, the sound of the protective cover opening of the firing port (lens) of the mother gun and the laser gun was heard.

"Auto Lock On Mode. Target is Angel Wings"

"Rajar, Angel Wings Auto Lock On"

And ready to attack.


"... it looks like the ship is too fast for the angels to follow."

With the power of angels, they can't accelerate to subsonic speeds.

"... maintain the status quo, after approaching over Caloris, counteract with maximum firepower"

"Jesus Mam"

That's why the attack on the angels became (...) not (...) kake (...).

Well, Waltz had one concern.

It is a possibility that enemies, like Lucia, will exercise a type of transfer magic that allows them to transfer wherever they want at any time.

In that case, it's not strange to be boarded directly aboard the ship...

(... seems impossible to transfer to a ship traveling at high speeds to a boulder)

Even though I finally made contact with an angel, I still don't suppose I can transfer against moving objects when I see them not approaching me using metastatic magic.

Incidentally, Lucia's metastatic magic confirms her inability to transfer relative to what is moving.

But her metamorphosis magic is common, so the angels' metamorphosis magic wasn't necessarily the same.

In a way, let's just say it was a little bet.

Well, if they get on board, Waltz just eliminates it.

Around 15 minutes have passed since we entered Merclio airspace and where we thought we would be.

"... so, Sylvia. Is Caloris in the right direction this way?

If there had been a GPS in this world, Waltz wouldn't have said this.

Waltz and Strella were in the Royal Castle. Map of the surrounding countries (continental map?) I was flying, but the accuracy of this map was actually not very good.

Looks like something with a wasted decoration added to a child's graffiti-like map.

Well, from the characteristic mountains, lakes and other terrain, you should be able to manage to get there even if it's slightly uneven...

"... where is this..."

... Quickly, the directions (Sylvia) got lost.

"Yeah, we don't know either."

"Oh, but I recognize it in the lake that I've seen in front of me. Probably a lake adjacent to Carolis."

"Which means the other side of the lake is the capital, Carolis."


The distance was somewhat shorter than expected, but apparently not in the wrong direction.

"Strella. After passing over the capital city of Carolis, please swirl around a radius of about 20 km around the capital. Altitude is 2000 m, speed is about 500 km/h"

"Jesus Mam"

Then the energy passes over the calories in minutes of the thing.

Then he moved from there to a turning orbit centered on Carolis.

"So, how many angels...?

"... to match those who came out of the castle with those who followed them, there are fifty."

"That... less than I thought..."

Waltz expected about 2,000 people to come out...

It should be noted that the exact number of angels throughout Merclio is not apparently in Sylvia's memory and is unknown.

"... well fine. Defeat it with the meaning of intimidation. Pulse Mazer Cannon, and Pulse Laser Cannon, both launched with only Turret # 1"

"Rajar. Pulse Mazer Cannon, and Pulse Laser Cannon, Initiate Attack"

Then, 50 angels subjected to invisible energy irradiation (microwaves and infrared lasers), the phenomenon of human ignition was greetingly and instantly ignited, falling to the ground.

Incidentally, the firing ports of each of the Mazer and Laser cannons used for angel shooting down are one place at a time, but the direction of irradiation can be finely adjusted over a short period of time, so it is possible to simultaneously attack multiple targets like this one.

"... ma, you're probably not dead. But isn't the focus a little sweet?

Originally, it was an attack I unleashed with the intention of cutting off my wings, but when I saw the whole body of the angel burned up, they were spreading out of focus.

"Next time I'll try and shoot and adjust"

... but its' next time 'is hard to come by.

Apparently, you've shot down all the angels that were in the King's Capital.

To such a dismay, Waltz asked Strella.

"... what do you think?

"There is no denying the possibility that you are lurking on the ground"

"... after passing through the calories at a speed of 200 km/h and an altitude of about 200 m, swirl around the calories at a radius of about 2 km"

"Jesus Mam"

Energy passing over Carolis at low altitudes, with the meaning of intimidation.

From this altitude, it was possible to observe the people of the town fleeing as they looked up into the sky, even if it was not Waltz or Homunculus.

"Something's starting to feel like a unilateral invasion"

"... you're shaking a super weapon, so you're like that"

and until earlier the words of Strella, who had spoken respectfully, can suddenly be shattered.

Did I clap out of my mind at the lack of too many angels?

The angels then approached the energy swirling around Carolis, as if they had remembered, but only those who came not from Carolis, but from its outside.

"... how many now?

I know Waltz doesn't have to bother asking, but I still ask Strella.

"72 people."

"... less... too little... Try shooting a rail gun at the castle."

"... wouldn't it normally be nice to have a bullet instead of a grenade?

and Strella.

Because if you use a grenade, the castle can bounce and fly, causing damage to the town that surrounds the castle.

"... then the starboard rail gun second turret is usually loaded with bullets. After loading, fire towards the enemy castle."

Roger, fire.

... a bit of a throwaway strella.

But I don't know how she is.


The shells flew away at speeds exceeding Mach 10 with the explosion that



The upper half of the enemy's castle blows up in such a way.

Until the bridge of Energia on the boulder, the blown sound was not heard.

At the earliest possible time, even if it is not a grenade, there is likely to be damage to the town.

"... I knew you wouldn't come out, angels."

Waltz in such a way that residents don't come out despite ringing the chime of the house.

"Why don't you try threatening me a little more?

Strella says things like a debt collector.

"Well, usually drop a warhead air-to-ground missile in the middle of the castle,"

"Roger. VLS No. 6 hatch open. ASM Launch"



"... I knew you wouldn't come out."

"Then next..."

The sisters get together and escalate more and more.

In that case,

"... that Mr. Waltz?

Catalina pinched her mouth when she saw the two behave.

"... aren't there any more angels?

"No, 'cause they're naming God, right? Didn't you say there were only a few of these 70?

"Uh... look at that one"

Then Catalina pointed to the person on the monitor.

Apparently, he shot down an angel.


"Black wings...?

Yes, as if it were Sylvia now, the black hair, the black winged angel, was falling down like she had lost her mind.

Has he fallen into heaven?

But it's not just a physical attack that corrupts you.

"... that? Could God have knocked you down?

That would mean.

Or even if you haven't knocked him down, there must have been some kind of problem.


Waltz with a subtle face on such Catalina's words.

And I remember.

"... Ah, brave men"


Apparently, my people have noticed.

And they all turn their eyes to the mockingbirds and smoke-raising castles.

"... silent prayer"

And for the brave men who died, Waltz bowed his head...

That is her joke.

We attacked because we believed the braves could do something about it.

"We're going in."


Companions snorting at the words of Waltz.

Remembering those attacks on them and energy,

"... what the hell..."

Canopus had his head.

"... Dear Canopus. These are these guys. Lose Ghe if you care!" (6G)

"I hear you."

Waltz squashes swordsman without question.

"... be careful because this is what happens when you say something extra"

"Oh, oh..."

Sage and canopy with a blue look on his face.

Whatever it was, the waltzes went into the enemy castle.

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