
"Oh, I didn't plant any LEDs, did I?!

"... Only your sister will be able to make that statement in this development ~"

Science Enchanted (?) As soon as Waltz hung the supergravity on the Orihalcon alloy plate, the plate began to glow. To be more precise, every single one of the countless magic circuits written on the surface of the board began to emit light, as if it were even equipped with an LED chip.

The phenomenon seemed to round their eyes, not knowing what had happened to all three of them, as neither Waltz nor Cortex nor Alfania had envisaged it. Among other things, Alfania, who was touching the board directly, was not only stunned, she also felt fearful...... As soon as the board starts to glow, she releases her hand from the board.

And then as soon as --,


Meiki meiki meiki......!

—— The board lost its shine, and it bent. Enchant's effects could not be sustained due to the loss of Alfania's magic supply.

"Hey, what is it?! This..."

"That's what I want to hear, too?

"Perhaps everyone here doesn't understand what happened ~? So here's the question to ask."

And when Cortex turned his gaze to Waltz, he threw the question again.

"Sister ~? Did you feel any difference when you were hanging the force field ~?

"Hmm...... yeah, you didn't even say Missili at all, even if you applied enough force to break it. I think it worked pretty well, huh?

"I see ~. So applying a scientific enchant to the Orihalcon alloy plate will not only increase the effect of the enchant, it will also change the lights ~?

"Things say...... But it actually seems so. Is it good or bad to fulfill..."

"If it's to be used for frames, wouldn't it be otherwise good ~? I think it would be very noticeable when used for exterior ~ …"

"Oh, but if you use it for exterior, you might be able to do something interesting, right? I mean, this, if you get a shock from the outside, only the part you get glows, so here's the thing... doesn't it feel high-tech?

"I don't know what you're talking about, but ~... does that make sense ~?

Cortex turns his jitsu eyes to waltz just because his sister again says something unexplained ~. It should be noted that as a waltz, he seemed to think that it would look as good as this look-alike barrier on a spaceship like the one in the SF movie... As Cortex pointed out, it doesn't make much sense.

Alfania, on the other hand, seemed to be leaning her neck, unable to go about the conversation between the two. That's how she tries to get up from the position she was kneeling in to touch the board--,

"Yo dude.................. oh, that...?/(adj-na, adv-to) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) loose/


—— and I get out of shape, and I get my buttcake on.

"Hmm? What's going on? Alfania."

"I don't know... no, it feels like this... looks like they took a pretty big piece of magic. No strength in the body......" puffy

"You don't have to because I'll carry you, do you? But yes...... You take great magic on your own...... Then maybe we should connect something like a tank that supplies magic instead of an enchant and build it as a magic prop. I think it's quite annoying to remove magic on your own in some cases..."

Hearing Waltz's concerns about seeing how Alfania is doing, Cortex speaks his mind.

"But, sister ~? The demonic stones that serve as tanks for preserving magic are not so easy to collect, and I don't think you might get the same effect as this one ~?

"What do you mean?

"First of all, it's a demon stone, but I think it's hard to make it right away because you're going to need the right equipment to make an artificial demon stone. Or hunting for the lives of massive demons in order to collect natural demon stones. Then I think it's simpler to suck the magic out of the people on the boat on their own ~"

"That's the thing...... So, what's the effect?

"In the first place, it's odd that it glows like this one. Sure, magic formations engraved on magic props can shine bonyards, and if they're meant to shine bright like lanterns, they shine bright and natural, but this time the magic formations are specialized in doing" enhancements ". It can't be what it is, such as glowing like a glow.... right ~? Dear Alfania ~?

"Exactly. It's what amateurs do, such as drawing magic circuits that have different effects from their original purpose. That's synonymous with inefficiency."

"I mean... In other words, perhaps, trying to use the same magic circuit as a magic prop can also have very different effects. Why not grant the effect of" Enhancement "with the method of making magic props to try ~?

"Right...... For once, should we try that one?

Thus Waltz also decided to carry out an experiment, as proposed by Cortex, of drawing the magic formation of "fortification" on the Orihalcon alloy plate to confirm the effect.

The production itself is very simple…. Cortex wrote a magic formation in about five seconds of the thing and created an Orihalcon alloy plate with an "enhanced" effect by using a handheld demon stone.

And Waltz hung up the supergravity force field in the same way, but as Cortex expected, the effect wasn't very fragrant...... Besides, the magic circuit never seemed to glow.

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