on the bridge after debriefing.

"... sorry, waltz"

Suddenly the brave apologized.

"Did you help? You're going to defeat God, so you don't have to worry too much about it, do you?

Well, if the Waltz and the others hadn't helped, Altair would have done something about it... no, or it's possible that it's already done...

"I wanted to thank all my friends, including Leah and Lithia and Victor and Nicole."

Apparently, they asked the swordsmen or around Catalina what happened to them, the details of what happened to them.

"Well, I'll get you to work and give it back, so be prepared"


For now, a brave man to relieve himself of what he thanked me for.

But he's got something else to say.

He seemed to have difficulty saying something and was worried about whether to meditate on his eyes or not.

"... you mean Endercia, right?

A brave man who looks up to Waltz's words.

Looks like it was a star.

Look at you two like that...

"Ha... you weren't an invitation to meet. Too bad."

And, the tempo pinches my mouth.

"Ah. That's not it, Gho!!

Waltz adds 8G to the brave man who answers instantly.

"Even if you're not willing to do that, it hurts when you're instantly answered... well, even Busyk is aware..."

Waltz turns his lightless eyes diagonally down, remembering what he's been doing since he came to this world.

Meanwhile, it looked like those around him had said something, but he watched the spasmodic brave man as he lay down on the ground and shut his mouth.

"You're a perfectly rude brave man... so you want me to go to Endercia, right?

"Ah... ah..."

A brave man who stands up slower than usual, either because he hasn't eaten gravity control in a long time due to sickness.

Still, it'll be back on track in a few days.

Forget that.

Why has he asked Waltz?

Originally, he should be able to return in an instant with Leah's metastatic magic, but the truth is, her consciousness had not yet returned.

So I asked Waltz, who owns the airship, to do so.

But since it was a favor from God to save me, I couldn't seem to say it inside.

Well, Waltz herself thought she had to go to Endercia once to see what was going on, so it wasn't a no for her either.

"What do they think? You think we should go to Endercia?

When Waltz asks his people,

"Well, isn't that okay?

"Follow Waltz wherever he goes."

"As well!"

The response came back with things like that.

It should be noted that Lucia and Catalina are not here, but go to the infirmary on board to treat the girl of Leah and the monks.

It's the usual thing that I haven't heard back from Tempo.

But if you do, you won't hear back from one person.


She leaned over with a more crying look than a difficult look.

"... Sylvia. You can do whatever you want, okay?

My first companions to notice that Sylvia is troubled by the accompaniment with that word of Waltz.

Julia, who has been acting with her lately, seemed to have noticed how Sylvia was doing, but she was worried about the words to hang.

"... excuse me. Let me drop you off here."

and Sylvia manages to say so in tears, even as she saves tears in her eyes.

"... yes. Okay."

Without asking why, Waltz gave Sylvia a light consent to leave the party.

"What... Master Waltz?!

What surprised me about such Waltz's words was Julia, Sylvia's next most difficult face.

She thought Waltz was something that would hold Sylvia back.

But it didn't actually happen.

"He who leaves will not chase, and he who comes, will not refuse, than he will bind everyone to time... so"

"... is it..."

Julia sinks into the words of Waltz.

But if I wasn't going to argue, I had an understanding of Waltz's stance like that, so I didn't do anything more sticky.

"Are you going down here?

Sylvia's hometown is not Caloris (this town), but a small village by a nearby lake.

It's not that far away, so Waltz could have taken me directly, but...

"Yes, I will unload you in this town"

Looks like Sylvia's going home herself.

She herself may have thought that it was not enough to annoy (scratch) Waltz's hand because it was an immediate distance if she could fly.

"... okay. There's no one else who can't get to Endersia, is there?

The air on the spot wasn't much of a good thing, but Waltz strives to open his mouth as usual.

Neither did their companions know how Sylvia came to act with them, so they didn't pinch their mouths any further.

And at the end of the day, Endersia was to go with Canopus and Strella, who would be king here, and the rest of us except Sylvia.

That day, I was to stay at the royal castle in Carolis.

Because, in the evening, there was a speech by Canopus to the people of Merclio.

Canopus, who ripens his speech without difficulty without preparing a script or anything, was a boulder 160-year-old man... no dragon man.

During his speech, he stood on the terrace of the castle wearing a crown, but since all the people worshipped in gratitude, perhaps he would continue to do so as king without any problems.

... Well, it's scheduled for a month.


When the speech was over, the sun set and the stars began to blink in the sky.

The Waltz and the others had another event.

... is Sylvia's drop-off.

The main and back gates of the castle had sometimes been killed by the citizens of Carolis, and were dropped off from above the walls of the castle.

"... are you sure? Drop me off from here."

"Yes, you can fly, so you can fly wherever the sky is"

Now you've settled down, Sylvia, smiling.

"I mean, isn't it hard to inn or something from this hour?

"... it's okay because someone I know is in Castle Town"

"Well... don't worry."

And Waltz,

"Yes, this"

hemp bag (?) I gave him a goodbye that went in.

"... uh...?

"It was a short time, but it helped a lot, and... well, it would help if you could take it because it also contains a stopping fee for who I am"

Then Sylvia, after a little thought,

"... yes. Thank you."

Looks like I've decided to take it honestly.

"... everyone? If there's anything you want to say, it's in the moment, isn't it?

Then unexpectedly,

"Sylvia... can I come see you again?

Lucia opened her mouth first.

Apparently, he was a playmate because his back was so close.

"... yeah. Sure."

"... because I will definitely come"

That's all I told you, Lucia ran towards the royal castle.

He couldn't stand the tears.

Seeing how she was like that, Sylvia was narrowing her eyes.

There's more.

"I'm gonna miss you... but I'm gonna be fine."

and hunters.

"Be careful with your body. Make sure you get the right vegetables."

Catalina worrying about her body.

"It's a shame... when there's no more chores, the job comes down to me too..."

Tempo to say a novel, not a word to send it out.

"... you take the example to the grave, don't you?

... where Waltz doesn't know, he was doing something right there, Teresa.

"Junior... be happy... gu..."

Unexpectedly crying Julia.

It was like a word I hit on a friend who was getting married.


"... for a short time, gentlemen, thank you for your help"

To the words of his companions, whether they were there or standing, Sylvia flew up the walls of the royal castle and went down to the castle town...

"... hey, I don't think I'm the only one saying goodbye..."

Speaking of which, I also feel that way... and so on, my people.

Well, Sylvia herself, I wanted to be gone before the Waltz and the others before I cried out, or something.

Thus Sylvia slipped out of the party.

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