When Lucia, who transferred the waltz, looked out the window, there seemed to be a motorized armor figure there as usual. Lucia, who didn't know why her sister was getting smaller, seemed to lean her neck strangely toward Waltz's manoeuvring armor floating in the black world.

Such she exercised gravity-controlled magic against herself and two others when she shook her head and returned to me. The plan is that after this, Waltz will hang a big brake against Strandia, so I was prepared to neutralize it as soon as something accelerated.

And Lucia nodded toward the manoeuvring armor that was visible out the window —— just after that.


The brakes slowly began to hang as the sound echoed on Stranzia's hull.

At first, that sense of deceleration was a small one at the level of whether the hull, which was in a non-gravitational state, was slightly multiplied by gravity. It gradually grew bigger, and it didn't seem to take that long to get to be the same as normal gravity - that is, 1G.

"I wonder if now is roughly as heavy as usual?

"You're not gonna tell me when you can't stand it, are you? I don't want to be crushed..."

"I'm not gonna crush you."

"Believe it or not. So you're gonna tell me as soon as something really happens? Because it's easy enough to talk to Waltz."

"... I know"

and Lucia swells her cheeks as if she were a sister outraged at her loud sister. Was the beatrix watching that exchange pointing a gaze at the two as if they saw something smiling because, in fact, the interaction between the two seemed like an exchange between the sisters themselves?

And the acceleration associated with the deceleration exceeds 1G. By the way, even if you're away from the planet, gravity isn't something that attenuates you that much, so the acceleration of 1G only means you canceled the acceleration caused by the planet's gravity. I mean, the "acceleration" of the hull just finally got canceled. Yes, until now, Strandia, with the gravitational pull of Planet Ania, has continued to accelerate.

So the deceleration came from here over 1G. Strangers gradually start to multiply by 1.1G, 1.2G and 1.3G. In the meantime, Lucia's gravity-controlled magic has not been broken... Beyond 3G, no particular problem arose.

Something went wrong —— no, what was happening was on the hull of Stranzia. The sound of a mistletoe heard from a giant hull began to exceed the volume that could be ignored mentally and hygienically.

"... hey, both of you? That you don't hear dangerous noises coming from around?

"... what's around me collapses doesn't seem like anything at the moment..."

"I don't know what's going to happen when more brakes are hung..."

Inside the room at the laser launch point where there were three people, the frame of the hull was well equipped with laser oscillators, not that there was so much room for people to enter. Therefore, there was no such thing as falling (...) chi (...) and (...) ru (...) from above, beside, or below, and it was a relatively safe place compared to a dining room, a bridge, etc.

But that's what Teresa says, "the status quo is". If there is a crack in the window, they will be thrown out of the ship, and if the wall that holds the laser oscillator will peel off, there is no denying the possibility that it will be crushed.

"What do we do?

"Don't we have to... pray anymore?

Is there no way to protect ourselves on board? Can we really only pray...... Neither Lucia nor Beatrice could come up with a good way.

Theresa opens her mouth, remembering something.

"... Speaking of which, I heard there was a massive enchant on this hull."

"" Enchant?

"Uhm. Unlike the future world, we couldn't make high-performance structural materials, so we use materials that can be as strong as possible with the objects we have in this age. But the lack of strength doesn't help? Because they had no choice, the waltzes ensured no less strength than high-performance structural materials by applying reinforcement enchants to the frames. I mean..."

"... that if you shed magic on the frame of this ship, it would increase in strength?

"That's what I'm talking about. Besides, I don't think the Enchant is functioning because of the loss of the Magic Furnace, which can now be called the ship's heart. I take it for granted that the hull is tucked away."

"Well, if you let the magic flow —— yeah. Instead, it's dangerous if you don't let the magic flow."

"Hmm. But don't you watch out for overdoing it? Because I don't know if Enchant can stand the immense magic of Miss Lucia."

Like, Teresa said, the construction secret of the time when Strangea was built (?) from the Cortex, so they knew how to reinforce Strandia.

By the way, Waltz outside seems to have contacted only her, thinking that Teresa knew about the Stranzia enchant. Theresa would read between the lines and act optimally even if she didn't tell them everything in detail...... As a waltz who wasn't very good at explaining, he seemed to think it was more certain to throw everything at Teresa and focus on the operation than to contact Lucia and explain it.

As a result, as Waltz expected, Lucia began to increase the strength of the hull by flowing magic into Strandia while unfolding gravity-controlled magic to protect herself. But they haven't, the whole course of falling to the planet. The battle in the true sense is coming...... I was just finally at the starting point.

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