
The brave men seemed unobstructed with their open mouths. Even though Lucia alone was out of hand, Teresa, who had thought of it as a breakthrough in attacking her, started using unexpected phantom magic, so she didn't know how to deal with it.

Towards such brave men, Theresa exalts herself in her proclamation.

"Beyond here, I won't let any of you pass a step. If you want to touch Miss Lucia, cross the concubine's corpse. '


"The concubine is Miss Lucia's shield. Make sure you keep your Lord safe."

"... I just said no one's going through it, but earlier Autospell, it was activated, wasn't it?

"... no, it's a no-can."

While Teresa and Lucia had such a barren exchange, it seemed that the brave men were trying to get me back and work out what to do.

"... what would you think?

If "…" arr "is real, you have no winning eye, but fortunately, it looks like a figment using phantom magic. I was wondering if we could make the most of what we have without them."

"It's in them, it's in us... Hmm. Is the timing simultaneous?

"Yep. But before you do, let me confirm one thing."


"How seriously does Your Majesty... intend to beat them?

"It's settled.... all the best. It's a waste of time."

"… I understand"

King Endelusia and Leonardo, after such an exchange, each took up the plot of attack. It seems that Leonardo intended to fight the stick of the tree with a knife because King Endelusia had lost his weapon.

And --,

"Let's go!

"I'm going!

--The two breathed together and kicked the ground simultaneously. Leonardo couldn't use metamorphotic magic, so King Endelusia also uses no metamorphotic magic, only a magical recoil, and bursts into the Lucians at once. Apparently, they thought that if they launched an attack on Lucia at the same time, they wouldn't be able to react even if they had autospelling.

The brave men, who packed their distance from their opponents at tremendous speeds while keeping pace, dodge Theresa as they circle around, almost at right angles just before entering the range of attack of Theresa, the shield. The braves didn't know how much Teresa's defense was, but they thought there would be no problem if she didn't get close.

And the brave men, when they approach Lucia so fast that they are not seen in the eyes of the ordinary man --



—— tried to attack her at the exact same time. At this time, Lucia seemed to be looking straight ahead, not catching up with the two of them and not changing her expression.

Seeing how it goes, the brave men are convinced of their victory. As all the enemies have done so far, Lucia is not even aware of it, rather than conceiving it. … at this stage, if there is anything that would overshadow a win, you will never beat that opponent... The brave men, who were confident of the speed of movement, seemed willing to admit a clean loss if they lost at speed.

However, from Leonardo, who has excellent crisis detection capabilities, it did not appear that irregularities would occur that would cover the status quo. Even if Lucia and the others had something to hide, they could feel in advance that something was going to happen to Leonardo as soon as the intention to kill was directed at them. Leonardo did not doubt the success of the operation because its crisis-detection capability did not ring a bell at all.

Therefore, if an irregular were to happen, it should have been a phenomenon beyond Leonardo's neurotransmission rate. Events of less than a few milliseconds. It is the time of the moment when I do not even feel fear.



'Then I told you... I won't let you through before this. Isn't this what you're saying to protect Miss Lucia? I'm telling you to show your lords. "

By the time the brave men realized, they already seemed to fit in the giant hands of manoeuvre armor. Instead of turning around, Theresa simply moved the embodied position of the hand created by phantom magic, without even moving her gaze, and she easily caught the two of them.

Immediately thereafter --,



—— Lucia's auto spelling that explodes with light and heat. As a result of the brave men getting too close to Lucia, it seems that the magically made reaction armor blew up independently of Lucia's will.

As a result, the brave men will be exposed to an explosion... It seems that they were safe because Teresa's phantoms enveloped the two of them.

'... you see?

With that said, Teresa brings the two brave men right in front of her and lowers them to the spot. At that moment, King Leonardo and King Endelusia, who regained me, seemed to understand at the same time.... I was wondering if Teresa would be more troublesome than Lucia for the rest of her life.

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