When Nike was in the kingdom of Alborosa, he entrusted to the people of the country (?) and was inducing them to make liquor. It was also she herself who taught them how to make that liquor. Nike received the liquor he was able to do in the form of a "sacrifice," and when he took care of it and put it in the barn, it seemed like he was spending his days soaking the liquor at night —— no, from day to day. Not so long ago, she loved booze.

And, well, the story has gone a little out of line, but in short, she is well versed in biology enough to create not only the chemistry associated with liquor making, but also the various distributors... Prescribing intoxicating drugs for Teresa was also unproductive.

"Here, drink but be good"

"What is it? This poisonous coloured liquid is ~"

"It's a drug for drunkenness."

"The concubine was drunk or something?

"Drink it because it's good!" Gah.

"Fugu?! ♪ Very much ♪

Nike forces a drunken medicine in a container like a nutritional bottle into Teresa's mouth to drink all the contents.

Shortly afterwards, when Teresa wept in her eyes, she raised her voice of anger just to say that she had been treated badly.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Almost there, the other concubine I saw across the creek was about to pick up about the concubine!

"... the way you talk seems to be back to normal, but I really don't know what you're talking about. Didn't you get enough..." Gah.

"Huh?!/(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) grunt/

And Teresa getting the second bottle thrown into her mouth. Then soon --,

"... hmm? This bitterness sickens...?/(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) grunt/

—— She seems to have woken up to something...... Well, let's just set that aside.

And after Teresa dried up her intoxicating pills of satisfactorily toxic colour. Nike said to Teresa as if he was frightened.

"Not at all... I've never seen anyone so vulnerable to alcohol, have I?

"I don't know if it translates... Because concubines, regardless of the strength of alcohol, get drunk...... I mean, in the first place, isn't it bad that Lord Nike served an alcoholic beverage to his concubine?

"... Hmm. You said you offered drinks from good intentions to those who came in through the chimney of people's houses on their own and interrupted the rest of the bathing, and you made it bad? I see......" viki

"Wow, my concubine was totally bad..."

"I wish I could tell."

Say, Nike with a satisfying grin.

Then she speaks the truth.

"By the way, who? Did you come here alone? Is that it? Lost?

"Don't treat people like children.... I'm lost."

"I'm just a kid with a scratch everywhere...... But have you made it this far? The gap between the roots of the world tree is like a maze, and if you go off the road a little bit, you won't be spared the shipwreck..."

"No? I think Lord Nike knows that Lucia..."

"... what?

"... No, a friend named Lucia? When I had a mock fight with him, I said it was a mock fight, but I started a serious battle, and when I realized it, I was left flying in the gap between the roots. Totally, although it would be nice if they stumbled across the path, if they made one mistake, the concubine must have gone down in the gap between the roots by now."

"It's... difficult (it's worse to ride a serious battle...)"

"Damn him. What do you think of the concubine... The concubine is like a" sheath "with a" blade "so that he doesn't run wild and destroy himself, but he's seriously trying to destroy it... are you going to keep it on a stress test?

and while foolish, Teresa mouths a little bit of leftover drunken medicine instead of juice.

She had something to think about her words and actions like that, and Nike asked Teresa as she narrowed her eyes.

"... oh, it's Teresa. I don't know what else, but what is Lucia to them? As far as I can tell, it sounds like a" partner, "but I said" friend "before that..."

"Give up 100 steps, my friend. Well, even if you can admit it, my partner... no, Ali as a pretext to avoid Bear... At any rate, I should only think about Miss Lucia to the same extent as the stone falling on the road around her, such as the concubine, and I shouldn't think about my partner very deeply. But then, the concubine's pounding --"

"... well, I don't care what they think about Lucia, I'm not going to go in deep for the rest... at least that Lucia doesn't seem to think about her the same as the stone?

Shortly after Nike said so.


From the ceiling of the living room where they were, suddenly, columns of light penetrate through.

When he said this was the ground, it was undisputed light magic that pierced Nike's home as if it were the light of the sun coming down from the sky. After it settled down, I showed myself through the hole in the ceiling --

"Te, Teresa!/(adv, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk

—— It was Lucia, the person who emitted the light magic.

"I'm sorry! Teresa! The battle is good with my loss, forgive me..."

"... of?

"of.................. ha" Slow down

Teresa has a subtle look on her face as she hugs Lucia, who cries. Until a few seconds ago, I was complaining about Lucia's behavior, but when I was just apologized for, I couldn't let it go... She seemed to have to gently stroke Lucia's head as if her sister would comfort her sister.

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