After flying out of the energy, Waltz wanted to enjoy a short but slow air walk to his companions to forget about the king.

But is it bad daily behavior that the situation doesn't allow it, or is this also part of the King's harassment...

So Waltz was taking Lucia, flying at full speed, straight, and the shortest distance towards his people.

"If you do it... you're surrounded!

Waltz raised his voice to what his (manoeuvring armor) companions had seen.

"Uh, does it look okay?

Lucia asks her sister's hurried voice if she is worried about her cheap.

"Yeah, so far, the hunter's working hard, so it looks fine. But hunters don't have stamina, so... well, it shouldn't be a problem until we get there. Besides, the biggest problem is the pattern that is common in zombie deployment."

"What? What's that?"

"... if a zombie bites you or causes you to get hurt, the person who was attacked will also become a zombie."

... not leaking into examples, it is common sense in the modern world.

It's not necessarily the same in this world, but I would have never gone beyond being alert as a common pattern.

"What... so you're saying the hunter's gonna be a zombie, too?

Apparently Lucia thinks she's going to be a zombie simply because she was attacked.

Maybe that's what happens when you're a ghost.

"Uh, as long as you're not hurt, you should be fine. Looks like the hunter's still intact."

"Good... then cover?

Coverage... in her case, that is, annihilation.

"... I was wondering if you could give me a moment. If there's a way to undo the zombied people, I want to save as many people as possible..."

"Yeah, okay! But if the hunters are about to get hit, I'm gonna help you, okay?

"Yep. Then, please, Lucia."


And soon, the two arrived at the company.

The journey from Energia has taken less than two minutes.


To mass weapon tension, Waltz blows up the zombies who were around him in the impact of his arrival.

It should be noted that they are all intact because they place a barrier to gravity control on their fellow citizens.

"I'm sorry! I sent you in the middle of an enemy..."

Upon arrival, Lucia apologized.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?

Lucia seems to think it would be her fault if the hunter got hurt and zombied.

"What? Oh, oh. I didn't suffer one scratch, Lucia. Thank you for your concern. Don't worry, they won't be late."

The hunter replies with a smile to Lucia looking disturbed.

Of course, it's not just the hunters.

My people around me were grinning the same way.

"... yeah. Good."

Now, we'll need to make that supplement to why Lucia had to apologize.

"... there's something I need to tell everyone."

Waltz tried to tell us the precautions when fighting the zombies with his mysterious face.

If this was just an undead zombie, even if it was attacked, it would have simply had to be injured.

However, it is highly likely that they will be half-dead.

If it is a viral infection, if it is attacked and injured, the virus will enter from the wounds it has done... and then the infection will spread like a certain horror game.

Waltz tried to be cautious about it.


"Eh, I already told you all from me. It's about infection, right?"

Apparently Catalina was drawing attention first.

"Eh... well, yes... Catalina boulder."

Waltz was more purely surprised by his apprentice (Catalina) being able to think and act without saying anything...

If you have prior knowledge of the stories, films, or games of the modern world, you can realize it as a matter of course, but she doesn't have it.

Mention the possibility of infection in a short time using the knowledge you can have.

Normally, it wouldn't be what you can do.

"So what are we going to do? I'm asking the two of us to find a thin spot for the undead..."

Theresa turns her gaze to Lucia and Sylvia as she says so and swirls straight up.

Apparently everyone, even in Waltz's absence, was doing the best they could now.

"... right..."

Waltz thinks it's not a bad idea to leave it to the people who can act accurately even in an emergency.


(Unless there's 800,000...)

As a result of leaving it entirely to my fellow citizens, I have no ex or child to lose many people's lives, so this time I decided to act on my own.

(For starters, maybe life-saving. The problem is that there is no fence in the capital...)

Yes, there were no walls in the capital of Endelusia for cultural backgrounds.

With the walls, I could have caged them inside and slowly processed the zombies...

(If there are no walls, isolate the zombies in the (...) middle (...) of the wall)

So Waltz decided to build a wall (...).

... but not the wall that surrounds the King's capital, or the zombies.

"Guys, for once, let's fly, shall we? Julia and Sylvia are self-service."

"Copy that!



"Oh, okay."


And Waltz floated four people into the universe who could not fly.

Height is about 20 m.

Not so high, but high enough to avoid the zombies who can't fly.

After evacuating that far, Waltz did Lucia a favor.

"Lucia, why don't you build me a tiny hole about 200 meters deep and 3 kilometers wide? Slowly, if possible, so as not to hurt the zombies as much as possible..."

"Uh... I'm not sure how big it is, but I'll try"

"If you don't do the damage to the capital, there's nothing wrong with it being slightly larger."


... Normally, then, it's not easy to say.

Approximately 2.6MT (megatons) by mass.

That's what she does with dirt magic...



... and they erased it easily.

(True, I wonder where it's disappearing...)

It should be noted that if they were all converted into energy, would they be converted into the modern world and hit an estimated 3200 years worth of electricity worldwide?

If such energy suddenly exploded on the surface of the planet, then if you do poorly, every moon that looks empty will disappear and disappear.

Incidentally, Waltz's energy mass conversion appears to be done appropriately, in fact after elaborate calculations have been made, so it may be adjusted so that there is no effect on the planet's public orbit or on the speed of rotation due to the release of energy.

If it were simply to release energy into space, the orbit of this planet would have changed dramatically at the time of the installation of the Great Workshop beneath the King's Capital in Mid-Eden.

(Like metastatic magic, you must be moving it somewhere...)

Perhaps they are dumped in the sea, or in places like different spaces.

Well, that's anyway.

It was as if the elevator was slowly going down, and a huge fall (...) and a hole (...) could be made.

Lucia, as Waltz said, seems to have exercised her earthly magic by trying not to hurt the zombies as much as she could.

From the zombies who were inside, it must appear that the wall (...), 200 m high, suddenly appeared.

"Perfect. Lucia. Is your strength still okay?

"Yeah. I'm perfectly fine, aren't I?

"Well, next time, why don't you transfer the zombies surrounding the city into this hole?

"Yeah, okay."

Lucia, who then remained floating in the air, replied with two replies and began to move the zombies within sight into the hole.

Waltz flying the next instruction in the meantime.

"And, Mr. Hunter, Julia, besides, could Sylvia go and make sure the people in town are safe?

"Okay. Let it go."

"It's Gatten!

"I'll do my best!

With that said, Julia and Sylvia try to fly as they grab and lift the hunter's hands.


Pata, pata, pata...

Pata, pata, pata...

... there was little sign of movement.

"... don't push me, okay? I still don't want to fall..."

and a hunter who grunts as the zombies gaze at a pit like the bottom of a falling Naruto.

"... no, you don't have to do that... I'll walk you out the hole..."

"Uh... excuse me"

"After all, it's hard to lift completely..."

Before (3 days ago), they were two people who managed to lift Lucia and Teresa at sea, but that seemed to be because they were light.

That doesn't mean the hunter is heavy, though.

Apparently, the postural problems went hand in hand, and I couldn't hold them up.

... and then moving to the edge of the hole, the three hunters walked normally to the city.

"Well, Catalina? You know what you're gonna do, right?

"Yes, it's a pathology test."

"With Soyuko. So, what do we do? Back to energy once?

Waltz asks Catalina, who at some point had a sample (a zombie arm) packed in a bottle.

"Uh, well... we can detect bacteria here, but in the case of viruses, we can't detect or observe them, so we'd better get back to energy if possible."

"Okay. You know how to use electron microscopes."

"Yes, I'm fine"

and the name of what should not be in this other world popped out of the waltz, but for Catalina it seemed to be the earliest and commonplace tool.

It should be noted that this electron microscope is not originally used to observe the virus, but is what Waltz uses to create his own repair parts.

If you find anything, call me on the radio.


She nodded at Waltz's words as she took care of the bottle with the zombie arm in it.

"Lucia, give Catalina back to Energia. You're gonna be okay now that it's not working, right?

Waltz asks Lucia as she looks sideways at the energy that is not moving but occasionally releasing (shooting) something shiny.

"Uh, is the bridge okay?

"Yep. It doesn't matter."

"Then I'm going, right? Catalina, sister."

"Yeah. Please"

Then Catalina disappeared.

"Uh... okay. Looks like we made it."

"Yes... I hope Catalina finds out what caused the zombification..."



But Teresa's expression in response was not very good.

"The concubine... there's nothing the concubine can do..."

What the hell can I do?

Teresa seemed to be worried about it.

In response to Teresa like that, Waltz said with a smile on her face.

"Then hint. Catalina is trying to figure out if a small organism (a virus) might be responsible for zombies, but is that really the only reason?

"Mm? There are other causes...?

Having heard Waltz's words, Teresa gave it a little thought and then, hah, she showed herself and opened her mouth.

"... the concubine should look from the magical incision for the cause of everyone's zombification, right?

"That sort of thing. It also focuses on the illusion magic that Theresa is good at."

This is a different world.

The cause is not necessarily biological.

Rather, it would be more likely to be caused by some sort of magical element that governs the spirit than magic exists.

It is Theresa's role to explore it.

"Uhm! You got it!... I should have thought about it a little more..."

Teresa seemed to notice that the zombies in front of her distracted her and at some point narrowed her horizons.

And without turning around,

"The concubine loves the Lord, who has given us a proper opportunity to play!

With that said, swinging her tail with a boom, she began to sense the magical currents around her with her beast ears on its head.

(... you almost found it yourself...)

Waltz was going through a smile and smiling bitterly...

That's how Waltz and the others are processing the transfer of the zombies still on the ground around the pitfalls they could, while gathering information.

"... is my eye (camera) broken?

Waltz himself uttered words that usually made me feel bad when tempered.

"... no, I don't think that's normal, do you? Alternatively, the concubine's eyes are in denial of the possibility of rotting..."

Teresa also doubted her own eyes at the presence of certain things that appeared in front of her.

"... do you want to do it because this is the time?

Lucia seemed different...

"No, let's not, Lucia. It's not good to dissipate in a situation like this just because of how much daily resentment..."

"Uh... yeah. Okay (not that I have any grudges whatsoever...)"

Now, what the hell happened before the waltzes?



... is a zombie.

That, too.

"That was a short use... brave and swordsman..."

Yes, the zombies of the brave men who were supposed to have gone down to the royal castle appeared.

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