Not to mention how immortal the soldiers on the Eclerian side were, there was a terrible sight after the battle. The garrison, which was so thoroughly attacked that the prototype could not be retained, left traces of thought that people had lived to this day for all things... There was a wide spectrum that could be described as vivid.

But the body was nowhere to be found. Not even a drop of blood. The soldiers of Eccleria, after they have ceased their life activities, become particles of light and disappear, leaving no corpse or similar.

Therefore, if there be a corpse on the spot, it shall not be the corpses of the men of Eccleria. Since this is the territory of the Boreas Empire, it can be said that it is most likely the people of Boreas who have been taken by the Ecclesians.

But even the bodies of such Boreas nationals were not on the spot. Of course, not because there were no Boreas people from the beginning. They were on the spot, but they didn't die alone. It was caused by Sylvia and those who acted with her.

"Captain Sylvia! Capacity of 62 ordinary citizens, complete!

"Captain Sylvia! We've secured three prisoners!

"Captain Sylvia! No damage on this side!

"Captain Sylvia! Captain! Captain!

Soldiers wearing modern style equipment following Sylvia, such as…, were entering the garrison beforehand to carry out work activities and act to ensure that no damage was done to the Boreas Empire.

There's a Mid-Eden flag on their right shoulder like that. And on his left shoulder, he had a crest depicting a silver fox.... Mid-Eden's elite troops. self- (...) referred to as (...) "Cortex SS".

Why "call yourself" by the way, the reason was complicated.

Originally, about six months ago, they were knights who accompanied the waltzes to Boreas. But around beyond the "Great River," Waltz instructed me not to come back until I was A-ranked as an adventurer to the field of Boreas (?) will be released to...... Although we all lived in detail and regrouped as adventurers while we were on our way, the war between Boreas vs Eccleria began and we ended up not returning to Mid-Eden...... Poor people who had no choice but to join the resistance members and were about to find an opportunity to return to Mid-Eden. That was them.

In the meantime, they find out that their original unit, which had been on duty outside the country for a long time, has already been disbanded in the country, joining the Sylvias of the Mid-Eden Intelligence Agency…. We had no choice but to name our own troops that had regrouped. At that time, knowing that the troops were being disbanded would not have discouraged them, because they knew very well that the national politics of Waltz and the Cortex were extremely appropriate.

By the way, they seemed to be looking forward to meeting Waltz and reintegrating him as a full force, following Waltz's dictum properly and all becoming A-ranked as adventurers.... It should be noted that even though it bears the silver fox crest, it was the political pressure r y —— oops, let's stop this story here -- that chose the Cortex name for the troop name, not Teresa, the former princess.

That's how the Sylvias weren't controlling the garrison with just two, but hundreds of A-rank adventurers (?) and were doing all they could to ravage.

"Hmmm... you caught a prisoner?

"Ha! They've been our bait many times before, and I don't want to die anymore," he said, surrendering. How would you like it?

"Right...... newbie, what do we do?

"I think you should stay alive and put it on the mixer, right?


"No, wait a minute! Joke of the moment! Because it's a joke, right?

Did you really feel like leaving your men soldiers alone would hang the prisoner thing on the mixer, Lisa rushing to stop it? When I was in Mid Eden, I should have rather had a jokeless personality with her, but the way time goes, I think about her, at some point, an adult (?) It seems to have grown to

"Copy that. So, is it torture?

"Suddenly it's torture..."

"Roger! Hey! You guys! Master Lisa wants torture! Get ready!"

"" "Ouch!

"Hey... there, it's not" Whoa! "! Already..."

"Right...... I guess I'll listen to you first, then torture you."

"... Senior Sylvia. Something's black."

Lisa turns to Sylvia with a look that seems complicated, with a mouthful of that. Apparently, the flow of time has changed not only Lisa, but even Sylvia's mind.... Well, I can't deny the possibility from the original.

And the captives captured by SS members are brought before their captain, Sylvia, and their deputy captain, Lisa, who saw them - especially Sylvia - with a surprised look on their face and leaked these words out of their mouths.

"" "O, witch of the mighty arms..." "

Witch of the Awesome Arm...... As for Sylvia, she didn't seem to know why she was told that, but each of the Mid-Eden officials, starting with Lisa, who was nearby, seemed to snort convincingly. Behind their brains like that, the figure of Sylvia throwing a large rock at supersonic speed towards the garrison must have come to life as it were......

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