Among the knights, some of the elite attempt to penetrate the inside of Eccleria's airship. Algas, the troop leader, and two of his men. And a total of four Mid-Eden Intelligence Agency newcomers, Lisa, were its penetrating members. It should be noted that Sylvia, who remains outside, was sometimes not comfortable fighting in the closings and seemed to be supposed to gobble around and sentry around the airship to guard against new enemies appearing.

"(than this, Alpha Squad, start entering!

"(I mean, there's only Alfer, right? Us)"

"(Difference. Come on, Lieutenant Lisa. This kind of thing is about the atmosphere. Come on!

"(Hmm...... You're not sure)"

Lisa didn't hide her subtle expression before Argus, who seemed incapable of suppressing her motivation for being vigilant around her. The other two soldiers accompanying them seem to think roughly the same way as Argus, and are they all, all together, serious or not... He seemed to be reacting poorly. For example, boys who couldn't grow up, or something?

They, for once, apparently meant to be serious, slipped their bodies into the cracks in the hull that led them aboard, handily defeating their surroundings. Fortunately, no one was in the place where they broke in and never seemed to develop into combat. Well, there was Lisa on the spot and she was developing phantom magic, so if she didn't even bother to tell me where she was by talking out loud or something, it wouldn't have seemed that likely to be found.

The four men broke into the ship, and the lights went out and something like purple electricity seemed to have flown from place to place. The walls have cracks, and the floor coverings are shaken... Exactly right after the crash, things like that even seemed to smell like burning.

"(Damn, looks like you should hurry)"


"(Yeah, if they're up to something, if they weren't there, this ship would burn.)"

"(Then I can't stand the smoke and heat if I leave them alone, and people are outside... so can't we say that the same goes for the Boreas who might be caught anyway...)"

"(Yep... Well, let's hurry.)"


And the four of them, on guard, proceed inside the Ecclerian airship.

But even if we go on for a while, we don't have one human child...... Gradually, tension was lost out of the four.

"(Deputy Captain…)"


A soldier who followed from the rear of the line and was wary of the rear speaks unexpectedly toward Lisa.

"(Are all of them like this in a airship? Himself... I don't know why I've never been inside a flying boat before, even though I know about energy...)"

"(Actually, me too, this is the first time this is something, right? But according to the story, this is how the Endelusian airship was built, isn't it?


"(But I'm talking about magic alone, so I think the fact that the electricity is going through like this ship is probably the hallmark of Eccleria's airship)"

"" (Hmm?

You've been listening to two people, and at some point, the other soldier starts hitting on each other too. He threw questions like a boy at Lisa.

"(With the Endercia and Eccleria airships... and if energy fights, where is the strongest?

"(Well, of course, it's up to the energy. Instead of being wooden in the first place, it's such a strange ride that you don't even know why it's floating in the sky, so much so that they call it an armed, airborne battleship... Well, if it's Endercia and Eccleria, I think it's a subtle place...)"

"" (Indeed…) "

"(Indeed... you're not! Fools! Focus. Focus!

"" Sa, sir! Yesser! ""

"(Ugh, assholes! Be quiet!

"" (Yea, yessah......!

and soldiers angry with Argus and returning small replies.

But by their faults, it doesn't look like the enemy has noticed... The line was to reach the central part of the ship without seeing anyone at all. It is a power reactor that moves the airship.

Inside that room there was a power furnace, which was also a particularly heavy part of the ship, but it appeared that the barrel-like furnace had rolled into the room, broken from the part of the pedestal where the furnace had been secured by an untimely impact. From the windows mounted on its surface, the magic and the light seemed to blink in an unstable manner.

"This is a dangerous guy, no matter what you think, right? Something's about to explode..."

"... deputy captain. Can you stop flagging me?

"Well, if it's going to explode, you're doing it from the beginning. Maybe nobody's gone because they didn't know when this was gonna explode and they ran away?


Lisa was right, so far, it didn't look like a bright power reactor would explode, and it seemed stable at first glance.

However, Argus' expression was not excellent. He seemed to be sorting out the situation, frowning.... those of Eccleria who thought they had escaped. The fact that I never met anyone so far. And now it looks stable Magic Furnace......

"... that's not very fragrant"

Apparently, to him, the demon conductor in front of him only looked like a trap. It's also so oversized that it's super attached.


"I'll leave you in front of me for a moment, okay?... you guys. Whatever happens, protect the deputy captain. Also, put one side in Captain Sylvia and contact everyone to stay away --"

and where Argus spoken --,


—— and the light of the power furnace went out loud and bright at the moment. The light is like a heartbeat...... Slowly, but gradually, the periodicity of brightness seems to have become shorter.

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