A dazzling light plunges into the airship. However, it is not a glow of magic. It's sunlight. The power reactor —— that is, the demon conductor exploded -- blew half the hull clean.

In time, half of the hulls that Lisa and the others have had seem to have gained nothing by Theresa standing up and defending herself. Well, it might be more accurate to describe Cortex as grabbing me and not being able to escape, rather than protecting me. Yes, if you like, like a disposable shield......

"" "" Co, Master Cortex?!

The voices of those who were there overlap in unison. Everyone didn't expect Cortex to come and that means they were surprised at her appearance, but the fact that the troop name was given the name "Cortex" or that the substantial head of the intelligence service was Cortex must have had no small effect on their surprise.

"I also have a concubine..."

Therefore, Teresa's thing went through beautifully... Those who were on the spot raised their voices happily toward the Cortex.

"My lord! You were safe?!

"My lord! Looking forward to seeing you like this... I was..." Buh.

"My lord, I congratulate you on your safe return"

"Dear Cortex! How did you get here..."

"Wherever there's a door, I can go anywhere. Yes, as long as this" door anywhere "~"

So Cortex lists the ring-shaped magic props in front of everyone. That magic item that she has is, in short, a substitute for being able to transfer anywhere, as long as there is a door to the destination. Technically, they seem to be able to transfer to nothing, but then the magic drain seems to be so great that they are adjusting so that they can transfer to a limited space called the door without difficulty? Note that as long as it can be opened and closed, it may not have to be a door.

Apparently, Cortex has used its "doors anywhere (...)" to move directly to some door inside the Ecleria airship. Otherwise, they would have had to destroy the outer walls of the airship and come in, but if they did, they could say that using the "door anywhere (...)" was the best way to break in because it might pose a danger to Lisa and the others.

"And it was dangerous ~. You almost followed the same fate as Teresa ~?

"..............." Slow down.

"Yeah, it really helped. I didn't expect the lid on the air conditioning duct that was on the ceiling to fall and hit the power furnace directly... By the way, where were you two from?

To such a Lisa inquiry --,


—— Cortex and Teresa accidentally silent. Theresa hasn't spoken since the beginning, so let's just leave it... It was a little unnatural for Cortex to be silent.

Because he was aware of it, Cortex began to change the subject and talk, as if to delude him. Note that it is unclear why she went into such behavior, just to say.

"I was in a bit of a hurry, so I already forgot ~. That's right, and this is an Ecclerian airship, right? Could it have been that you all crashed ~?

It was Argus who was in a position to summarize the soldiers who answered the query.

"My men found this ship that was landing, planted explosives, and crashed it! I would have liked to have captured it if it had been us, but we couldn't do it alone... Sorry!

"No, it's good. Rather, let's say it's a great job."

"Ha ha!

"By the way ~... who are you ~?

Cortex, who asks so, seemed to have noticed the crest they were wearing, although he didn't even remember who the Argus were. One of the two crests they had on their shoulders was the undisputed Mid-Eden flag. And the other was a silver fox crest. He didn't seem to recognize that second crest, and Cortex purely seemed to wonder where the soldiers belonged.

Against such Cortex, Argus began to talk about who they were after worrying about what to answer. However, not in the usual shattered manner of speaking, but in the manner of speaking as if to a respected person.

"… we are those who were originally called the Mid-Eden Central Knights. Those who accompanied us on Lord Waltz's Boreas expedition about six months ago."

Argus, who speaks so, did not name himself "Cortex SS". I was ashamed of myself before, but when I said that name, I decided I couldn't get through to Cortex.

Cortex, against, apparently remembered the name Mid-Eden Central Knights, reacted convincingly with "Ahhh, that ~" before starting to match his hands with Pong to mouth his own memories.

"I remember ~? You were soldiers then ~. Those people who couldn't return to Mid-Eden country after your sister ordered you to wander off until you became an A-rank adventurer ~"

"Yeah, you're right! We, all of us, spared no effort in our workouts, as adventurers, have climbed up to A-rank and come back to try to be useful for Master Cortex, Waltz, and Mid-Eden!

"Really? Really? That was tough ~. Let's figure out how to work it out."

"Ha! Thank you. Happy!"

"Well, that's as doing when I get back to my home country ~...... I've been wondering so much about that earlier, what is that silver fox crest ~? It seems to say" FOX LOVE "~ …"

and Cortex to read the letters written on the crest. As a result, Argus and the others became somewhat troubled... After all, it seems that he decided that the name "Cortex SS" was his favorite unit, without saying anything.

It should be noted that at that time there seemed to be about one person who overreacted to their remarks...... Well, you don't have to tell her stories about sidekicking.

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