"... Master Waltz, this is a report."

'... yeah, you know what I mean? Anyway, the sage that accompanied Yuki didn't help you in many ways, did he? Totally...... If only a man could shake it......'

'... I won't deny it, but it's not a report like that, it's a report that I was able to occupy the town safely'

"Oh, that way..."

A report of the situation came in from Julia at Waltz, where the sun was rising and he was returning to Energia. Waltz seems to have received that by some mistake as usual, but because Julia was used to it, Waltz's thoughts soon went in the normal direction (?).

"So how'd it go? Did you find the metamagic team? If we don't find that one, there's gonna be walruses and soldiers, right?

'Yes. It was in the courtyard of the Lords' Hall. The magic team's activation circuit has been altered by Master Cortex, so there is no risk of opening it from the other side. '

"What about reverse scouting?

"At present, Master Cortex is going, but for many years, the magic props used by Master Cortex... er, I just... d anywhere --"

"Oh, no, no! Because that's the one that gets caught up in the copyright." Door anywhere "? Wherever (...) '

'Oh, I was. It was "door anywhere (...)". It seems that Cortex-sama's principle of metastasis is very different from that of "doors everywhere", and it cannot be easily analyzed. "

"Hmmm. You take a while to analyze even Cortex... (That's 1200 years, there's just something you've lived through. Altair............) '

and waltz remembering a certain girl, who met in the 1200 years ago. If she had extremed magic, could she have created such a complex magic formation that even the Cortex would be difficult to analyze...... Seems like he was thinking about it.

'So I'm going to be in town for a while until I finish my analysis work on Master Cortex, but how about Master Waltz? If it's not time to go to the town of Wespel, I think Grandma Ardelheit will tell you a novel...'

'Oh... you mean Alisa. If you mean late, I'm already over two months late, so even if I did go now, I don't think it's inevitable that the novel would fly by? Kana......'

'... what's wrong with you?

'Yeah...... go 1,200 years ago. Okay, but doesn't Alisa's trying to get Boreas back here mean my instructions if you ask the original? Given that, I don't know if it's hard for me to look at you or if I'm afraid of loyalty...'

'I know you're a troublesome lady and I don't really want to be with you, but you never have to feel so hostile or dissatisfied with Master Waltz, do you? Oh, yeah. If it's hard for you to go see him, why don't you take His Majesty King Endelusia on the road —— oh, no, why don't you come with me? Look, for a long time, those two have been talking about something to do with it...'

'... I told you to take the road now, didn't I?

"Ha ha... hi how are the radio waves... zazz... (if you do it!

'... I'll do it with no good or shy voice expressing noise... well, fine. But I don't think what's between Enders and Alisa is an absolutely busy edge, is it?

'Well, things are a try, try. Worst of all, you just have to run away.'

'You're starting to say... Julia...'

Waltz remembers two things that have been fighting and supporting him for over a thousand years as he speaks, as he is the one, the demon king, the one and the brave one. Such a relationship between the two was also originally triggered by Waltz, so as a Waltz, his anxiety about asking King Endelusia to accompany him seemed unwiped.

But I thought King Endelusia would make it about just as good a decoy... Looks like Waltz, with King Endelusia, decided to go to the town of Wespel.

"... so why are there Polaris too?

After landing Energia on the outskirts of the town of Wespel, Waltz contacted King Endersia, who is in the king's capital of Mid-Eden. Then he moved in roughly three seconds... Next to it, for some reason, the polaris of the humanized dragon also seemed to stand.

"Because Enders' side is a certain place..."

"... it's been like this for a long time these days. Sure, when Polaris was little, when he was awake or asleep, he acted all the time without letting go of his skin... (That was because he was still small and cute...)"

"… Endels disappears from a certain front as soon as he looks away. Therefore, the extreme of foolishness, such as taking your eyes off. A certain presence follows the Endels everywhere. Even in the bath, even in the sun, even in the afterlife..."

"... all kinds of heavy..." snort

"There's nothing I can say..."

Polaris love (?) Waltz turning his sympathetic gaze toward King Endelusia, who cannot accept and is crushing. Polaris, on the other hand, seemed strangely inclined to his neck, apparently unable to understand the meaning of that gaze.

"Well, we're going anyway, right?

"Hmm? Where?

"Huh? Alisa...... I mean, at Ardelheit's?

It is that moment.

"Hmm?! ♪ Biku ♪

King Endelusia opened his eyes and took a distance from Waltz at once.

"Yes, no, wait! Mrs Waltz! I didn't hear it would suit you, did I?!

"That's because Enders has metastasized, right, before we explain the circumstances?

"Well, that may be..."

And it was when King Endelusia, realizing that he had an aberration, went astray.

"... something. If you think you can hear a nostalgic voice, besides Master Waltz, have you come to Yobo Yobo's Jiji brave men?"

One girl appears on the spot. No matter what she looked like from anywhere, she just looked like a Sacubas girl, but she was talking in a tone that was the opposite of what it looked like, like an old woman.

Seeing her like that, King Endelusia gives an extremely unpleasant look.

"Wow, it's Baba... Baba's out. How young are you to make..." Boosh.

"Baba, baba, baba. Shut up. Did you finally get busy and forget to say anything other than Baba?

"And you're still a hell of an ear..."

"Hmm. I can hear you because you're a muscle idiot and you have a loud voice. You fucking dickhead."

And King Endelusia and the girl who start cursing each other —— Ardelheit-Shach. Such an exchange between the two seemed somewhere happy with each other, although the words were dirty...... For quite some time, in dirty language, public discourse (?) Seems to have exchanged. For the two of us, it may be possible to say that cursing each other is the normal exchange.

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