Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 After-21 persuasion failed

energy that rapidly drops altitude.

"Tempo? Uncontrollable?"

'No, hardly. But two of the three nuclear fusion reactors have been shut down. Since the molecular pump was damaged by vibration, it appears that the vacuum in the furnace can no longer be maintained'

"... yes. So you have the functionality and output to maintain flight status?

'Yes. So far I have no problem with the flight itself. However, as soon as we arrive in Wangdu, we were wondering if it would be necessary to inspect the furnace, including the one currently in operation'.

Apparently, the worst thing about the crash is going to be spared.

"Yes... Now, drop altitude anyway, and don't be attacked any more."

"I understand."

Enemy attacks are apparently flying from close to horizontal, so dropping altitude should be a blind spot in the mountains and woods and you can't hit them.

Even if we have pierced them, if they are sufficiently attenuated by obstacles, we will be able to do something with heavy particle shields.

"There's no injuries on the bridge, is there?

'Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I had my seat belts on, so there was no problem. There's nothing wrong with Teresa sleeping in her own room. "

Modern world customs (wearing seat belts) seem to have helped this time around.

"Copy that. I'll take care of the route to Wangdu. Anyway, I want you to fly safe."

I'm in awe.

"And then there's Leah and the monk."

... Note that I seem to have completely forgotten about the swordsman.

Waltz lowered Catalina to the ground, which he was protecting with gravity control from sudden swings.

"Thank you. Uh, two... no, I mean three, but I was wondering if there's a problem because it's fastened with a belt on the bed just in case."

With that said, Catalina opens the infirmary door and goes inside.

Then, as she said, all three of them were tied to their beds, so they never seemed to get hurt by a sudden shake.


"Hih... ah, who are you guys! Ko, where are we!? Why are you rocking!!??

Monks who don't know about the waltzes, things like that.

What the hell does it mean that you don't even know about the waltzes, even if you couldn't help but faint because you didn't know you were in the energy?

"Catalina? Could it be that we were just talking about..."

"... yes. But it doesn't seem like it's amnesia. I don't really want to think about it, but wasn't the demon king Al 'Pea' Le possessed all the time since he was being acted upon with the brave men?

Catalina tries to describe the part of the pea with her voice.

Note that in the case of waltz, it is a complete electronic sound.

"Catalina... she's cute."

Katarina blushes while still maintaining her faceless expression somehow.

Apparently, he was embarrassed to say it himself.

"I see. I see. I see. I see."

Having said that, Waltz was bare hands without using gravity control after making sure that the energy was dropping sufficiently altitude and stopped shaking (?) So I removed the monk's belt.

A monk pointing a pompous look at such a waltz for some reason.

"... I'm sorry. When I hear a few things, I'll arrange for you to go home."

"Uh... uh... excuse me..."

Waltz smiled bitterly at the monks who grew up for some reason.

And Waltz asks, letting her sit on the edge of the bed and see Catalina.

"You know what a brave man is?

Remember when you were at the brave party? I don't ask.

Because if you did not remember, you would simply be confused.

"Uh, you're on the side of (...) between bad demon kings and those who defeat demon gods, right?

"... right. I think so."

I'd rather it be, Waltz.

Behind her brain, the king of the irritating kingdom had a niggling grin.

"Is something wrong? The... brave... you and me."

Later, monks who attach 'Dear'.

As far as the reaction of such a monk, she doesn't even seem to remember that she was acting with the brave men.

"... that look, was it something to think of the brave?

Waltz, who, for some reason, seems to have a hard time asking her, 'Master Brave'.

Then the monk said something unexpected.

"I... actually don't like brave men."

"... why?

"Uh... will you keep a secret of what I'm about to say?

"Yep. Absolutely."

(... a little more, you better doubt people, monk...)

And so on and waltz thinks, she removed her hair fastening.

Then something becomes evident.

"... a ghost."

What emerged from the shadow of the monk's hair were two pairs of small projections... that is, horns.

"Yes, I told you because I heard you were putting me back in my hometown. My hometown is a hiding place in the territory of the Demon King Vega."

"Vega... there you are. Such a demon king."

Waltz remembers the Demon King (Vega) who transferred a round of splendid roses instead.

(Which means the monk is from Mid-Eden, and the story must have been an Altair lie that was possessed)

I was telling this story because I was a wise man, so I guess Altair still cheated on me, including the brave ones, from the beginning.

And the monk keeps talking.

"I have a lot of friends in my hometown who have been hurt by brave men. My father and brother are one of them."

"Yes... by the way, do you hear about how you got into battle with the brave?

"Yes. The brave men are invaders who offend our territory for no reason, and the fathers tried to save their territory from them..."

"Well... I guess so..."

If the direction you see changes, so does what you see.

That would be a good example.

"Something, I'm sorry"

Catalina, a former brave party member who listens to monks and apologizes small.

Perhaps it is also a memory of a ghost exorcism, with the brave men.

"I don't think you need to think that hard because it's a matter of angle to see everything."

Waltz to follow Catalina apologizing to the monks.

The monks didn't seem to know what the hell Catalina was apologizing for.

"... Fine. I'll send you there."

To the words of such waltz,

"... but... it's still good"

And a monk answers with his eyes down.

"Me, to be alone, I've been getting out of there. So you don't really have to give it back to your hometown. No, you can't go home now."

... Maybe she's, like, running away from home.

It was captured by Altair.) of.

All I would say is that I had no luck.

"Well... then, Mid-Eden... you know what I mean?

"Mid Eden...?"

"It's our country. What do you say we drop him off in the king's capital?

"... put it down?

Including the infirmary, energy doesn't have a single window.

The monks didn't even know they were flying in the first place.

"Well... it would actually be quicker for you to see it than to explain it. But before that..."

And Waltz explained to the monk that, in fact, he had been possessed by a certain demon king for about three or four months.

"... incredible"

The memory she thought it was yesterday is actually a few months ago.

It would be unacceptable and natural.

"You don't have to accept it right now. I don't think it's okay to assume that there wasn't any such facts. We have time, you just have to think slowly."

"... yes"

To such Waltz's words, the monk meditated his eyes and took a deep, deep breath.

"... let's see"

There were many things that had to be explained to monks who had no memory.

For example, why did this room shake?

"Catalina? I'm going to follow her back to the bridge, but what about you?

Then Catalina,

"Right. I'm still investigating the cause of the soldier's zombification, so I'm going to stay here."

That's what Catalina said as she turned her gaze to the suspicious cylinder where the bubbles and bubbles dance inside.

"You shouldn't have stuffed the roots, should you?

"Yep. It's okay, because it's what I like and do."

"Yes... I think so."

Waltz decided to leave Catalina with a sharp gaze against the meat mass floating on the cylinder.

So waltz and monks back on the bridge.

... Now, what happens when people who have never flown (I don't remember) before want a view from the bridge?

"... wow..."

Unexpectedly, monks sticking to the bridge walls.

"Lithia, you look good"

Lucia sat (...) in the seat (...), close to the monk (...) (...) (...).

Incidentally, however, the seats on the bridge were floating with the effect of gravity control devices installed on the floor, allowing them to move freely within the bridge.

And in an emergency, because it is fixed to the floor by ultra-gravity, it can also respond immediately to such sudden swings as earlier.

Worst of all, even in the event of an energy crash and a major shock, it would act as a damper that absorbed as much shock as possible, taking advantage of the wide bridge space, so it was safest in the energy to be sitting in a chair and wearing a belt unless things fell from the top.

Is the atmosphere such as a wheelchair without tires?

Now, as Lucia approached the monk, the monk, who had no recent memory, naturally uttered these words.

"... excuse me. Who is it? Or who is Ritia?

... Apparently, the monk's name isn't Lithia.

Perhaps she's not even a monk.


Lucia unwittingly shuts up about her lack of memory.

"Uh... Lucia? Besides, guys. There's something I have to tell you, okay?

Then everyone turned their gaze to Waltz.

"Actually... it seems like she (the monk) has always possessed Al-OO (Pee) Le... So now that I'm out, I don't have a problem with it, but I don't seem to have any recent memories because of it. So when you deal with her, think about it and deal with it properly."

(Something to think about, maybe Altair is like an angel...)

Waltz thought of that, remembering angels who were possessed by sages and Sylvia.

The first reaction to Waltz's words was from a monk (?) was approaching Lucia.

"What... yeah?!

... exactly in the middle of confusion, and so on.

"So, me, you mean I've been playing with Al... 'Pee' Le?

Lucia, who was about to say 'Altair'.

But he couldn't even say 'Al' and then say 'Demon King of Examples' and seems to have decided to use 'Pea' like a waltz.

(Yeah... I feel like I'm old enough around here. I knew Catalina would be cuter with the gap with her looks)

While I think so, Waltz answers Lucia's words.

"Um, well, I guess that's what's gonna happen..."


Lucia listens to Waltz and enters.

"... tricked?

And then enough magic begins to leak out of Lucia to be visible.


Haven't you ever seen such enormous magic, monk (?) begins to retreat toward the bridge wall, even though he says he can't back any further.

"Lucia, you're not the only one who's surprised. I think maybe everyone here is. Of course, I'm the same. So let's just calm down first, shall we?

With that said, Waltz strokes Lucia's hair, whose magic is leaking.

Then her magic gradually subsided.

"... something sad... and I regret it..."

"Right... me too..."

(... but monks from the beginning (?) If it was possessed, why didn't Altair reach out to everyone? If you're after your life, you should have had as many chances as you could...)

I was just really free. I don't know... etc., Waltz is a monk (?) I turned to the


"... su, wow... it's amazing!

... monks sending hot gaze to Lucia for some reason (?).

Apparently, she cared about her overwhelming magic.

And now, I said, with my gaze toward Waltz.

"You're the leader of this party, right?

"... uh, sounds like...?

In those waltz words, the people around you said, 'What, no?' I send my gaze at things like that.

"Then I have a favor to ask. Could you keep me company?

"... but you, Yong... no, it's nothing"

You're not a member of the brave party, Waltz.

One day I'll have to say it, but I won't have to say it now.

"... what does everyone think?

When Waltz asks his people,

"Just do as Waltz thinks."

"I will follow Master Waltz's decision!

"As well as seniors!

"I'll take care of it"

And finally,

"... new, will you be my friend?

Lucia is a monk, not a waltz (?).

"Uh, yes. If I may."

And a smiling monk (?).


Lucia also gave such a monk a full smile.

"... then let me welcome you. But... okay?

And Waltz gives a difficult look to a monk (?).

The monk (?) also set up some difficult exams, etc...

"... you, what's your name? I mean, I didn't know his name and it was hard to call him earlier..."

"What... oh, excuse me! I forgot to name it."

Saying so, the monk said with a correct posture.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is' Silanui '. In the future, please!

Syranui to say so and give a profound example.

(Silanui) Well, it's a world with Japanese, so it's natural to have a name like that, but when it comes out, it's so uncomfortable...)

... completely, preconceived.

"Okay. Silanui. Nice to see you again."

"Yes. Uh, I hope so!

By the way, is.

"... I'd like to ask you something, you know, cliche and say 'hehe' or 'hawawah'?

"What... no, I wouldn't say such a childish thing..."

and Syranui, who is smaller than Lucia, replies.

Apparently, 'Huh' and 'Hawa' are altile clichés...

"Just one more thing... may be rude, how old are you?

Why did Waltz ask such a thing?

... because her answer, no matter what she thought, did not correspond to her appearance.

"Sister. Isn't it rude to ask a lady that kind of thing?

"You said it might be rude... I mean, I'm a lady, too?

"Eh... I've never known that before"

"Wait a minute. Is that supposed to be a provocation to my shape?


whereas the Waltz and Tempo exchanges started as usual,

"No... you know... you're not gonna hide your age, are you?

And, Silanui.

"I'm 15 this year."

The moment I heard that word.

Waltz and tempo solidify.

"Hmm? What's going on, both of you?

"No... nothing."

"Yes. I'm sorry to disturb you..."

Waltz and Tempo answering the hunter's query with some reflection.

Apparently, he was a lot younger than I thought.

(... even though I'm the same age, something, I'm starting to feel younger...)

Unknown, mind-damaging waltz.

Apparently that is the same for tempo.

"Well, tempo. Please report the current situation."

There was a case of Silanui, but the waltzes are now in the process of avoiding an attack and flying at low altitudes.

Energy that flies hundreds of metres above the deep woods as it sews the gap between mountains and mountains.

Would it require considerable manoeuvring skills in order to fly through the valleys that have entered them, as if they were running on rails?

Moreover, with damage to the main engine,

But that's where the waltz is copied (backed up) tempo.

Her appearance of piloting energy while answering Waltz's questions was exactly like 'One Hand'.

"The attack hit the starboard propulsion turbine intake side duct directly, seemingly exploding on the fuselage surface after piercing the heavy particle shield. At that time, an excessive load was applied to the fuselage body, which exceeded the control range of the gravity control Gravity Stabilizer, thus creating a shake."

"What type of attack?

"Details are unknown, but from where fragments, etc. have not been found, it is possible that they were not physical ammunition such as HE (grenade). Perhaps a similar attack to Lucia's magical particle-based attack magic."

"Though calculated to withstand Lucia's attacks..."

But this time it was attacked beyond that assumption.

Aside from what the hell the attack was, I would have to admit that there are attacks that threaten energy.

"So you know where he was attacked from?

"Yes... but..."

Tempo pointing towards the hunter with a look that seems difficult to say somewhere.

"... no, I already know somehow. So tell me."

"... is the South Fortress way (...) side (...)"

"... right"

With that said, the hunter closed his eyes after looking up at the sky where the moon floats.

Sage Angel (?) As can be inferred from the words, there is no doubt that someone is taking some action in the South Fortress person (...) direction (...).

However, at the moment, I couldn't be sure that something had happened to South Fortress...

No, I didn't want to, should I say?

"... Cortex. Are you listening to me?

Waltz raised his voice in the bridge.


'Yes, but we haven't heard from the transfer wizard yet'

Cortex replied without getting her hair in.

As a matter of fact, from the time we discussed the information from the Angel of the Wise, it was an emergency that kept the energy and voice communication connected.

"What... can I even talk to Cole?

"Yes. You can have a proper conversation ~"

Of course, I'm listening.

"Lella too... wow... you can always talk"

Lucia in how now she realizes the importance of the radio.

(... I don't know what to do... maybe I should also support private communications...)

Waltz considers the risk of a child having a telecom.

Nevertheless, unlike the modern world, it is not so risky because it does not connect to an unspecified number.

"... to South Fortress, I wish I had..."

"Master Hunter ~. This is the case ~, we are currently working on a prototype communications machine for deployment. I was wondering if we could have a communications network connecting all of Mid-Eden in another month or so. '

"Well... that helps..."

A hunter who answers the words of Cortex without power.

The question for her is what's happening to South Fortress right now.

"If the angel of the use of King Endelusia... said, 'If you're in the country, we'll guarantee everyone's safety' was in this energy attack, I guess I'm the only one heading for South Fortress... normally."

Whatever you think, Waltz said to the hunter looking impossible.

Then the hunter starts talking like he cut a weir.

"... Waltz, would you please take me? I don't mind if I die because of that, I won't say anything stupid. I believe in waltz. But as a result, no matter what happens to me, I don't hate Waltz. So, please. This is it."

A hunter who says so and bows his head.

To her words like that,

"... Phew."

A waltz that unintentionally zeroes a grin.

"I don't think there's anything in there that's safe for me... Well, with an attack to the point of sinking energy, I'm not scared, so I don't mind taking them myself.... Instead, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to South Fortress right away, hunter."

"No, I know there's no choice. Even considering the population, I think there is no other way to prioritise helping the 800,000 zombified people or the people of Endercia. Normally, you can't come and go to Endercia or Merclio or Mid-Eden in such a short time. I wouldn't complain if I waited about a day or two."

That's what I said, a grinning hunter.

He's probably telling himself that he's not calm in his heart, but he can't help but rush.

"... so I'm gonna go to South Fortress for a bit."

"What... what about me?

Now my voice rises from Lucia.

It was the first time for Waltz to act away from her.

But he could not have taken his dear sister to a battlefield where attacks like those earlier frequented him.

"... uh, Lucia?

Waltz tried to spin words to convince Lucia.

But before that, Lucia opens her mouth.

"... absolutely, because I'm going after him. Wherever your sister goes, she'll definitely go after you!

(Definitely, you'll come after me to the end of the earth... or maybe even beyond the walls of the dimension...)

Now, what do I do, Waltz?

Though I thought and saw if I could somehow leave Lucia in the energy, such as asking Catalina to force her to sleep with drugs, asking the hunter to pass out...

(... I can't. Absolutely, I can't... I don't care what you think, I can't powerless Lucia...)

Unless we do something about equipment such as bangles or her own magic, there seems to be nothing we can do about it.

At the earliest, I wonder if it's much stronger than the demon king in line, etc., Waltz.

At least to the brave, you'll be able to beat them instantly.

"... okay. Let's go together. But you can never leave me, can you?

"Yeah! Because I'm the one protecting your sister!

"Oh, yeah... please..."

... In the end, Waltz couldn't convince Lucia...

Energetically entangled, once moored when the direction of South Fortress was completely shaded by the mountain, three people, Waltz, Hunter and Lucia, decided to fly out of it.

A farewell greeting to the three people who stood in front of the open talap (?) The people who do.

"Tempo. Later, please"

"Good luck... or don't kill us all."

"... I'll consider it positively."

and tempo to drop off in the usual exchange.

Julia and Sylvia also

"Master Waltz! We'll take care of the information!

"... but seniors... how do you collect information? I can't go with you..."

"... temper?

"... you're in the mood. I get it!


"No, too much force can cut the blood vessels in your head, right?

Sometimes two people talk about things that don't make sense.

But since I seem to be doing some intelligence work, I guess I'll be purchasing information from somewhere again this time.

"Mr. Waltz. I'll take care of the zombie thing. We'll find out what caused it by the time we get back."

"... yeah. Please, Catalina. And about Leah."


... Again, I forget about swordsmen, Waltz.

"Something... it's a great party..."

"It's always like this. I think you should get used to it."


Is there anything I can do?

Silanui looks like she started worrying about the first thing that bothered everyone when she walked into a waltz party.

"Well, I'll be back before Teresa wakes up, so I'm gonna..."

And Waltz, standing in Tallap, turned around and said, as if he remembered something important.

"... you're not flagging, are you?

Thus the waltzes flew to South Fortress.

... In doing so,

"Wow... Mr. Waltz and the others jumped... eh..."

Seeing the manoeuvring armor (waltz) floating in the universe and his people, it goes without saying that Syranui was shutting up...

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