

Crestling floating in the sky (?) Turbidity of all energies, pouring down from the center of.

The angels themselves, undisputed and sucked into the center of the ring, would have been the source of such energy.

... 'jets' arising when supplying mass (angels) to magically generated black holes in the center of the ring.

That is who the energy poured on the waltzes is.


Lucian Wall (Shield) magic that disappears as if it evaporates in an instant.

Is the time I endured approximately 0.5 seconds?

However, if the modern world supposedly reduced its energy consumption by roughly 129 years for as much as 0.5 seconds, it could be said to be of uninterrupted intensity (if the average weight of an angel were to be 70 kg).

It was Lucia's shield, which seemed to disappear without meaning at first sight, but thanks to the fact that it nevertheless made a short time, the deployment of Waltz's gravitational barrier to protect the entire South Fortress was in time.

If it weren't for Lucia's magic, would it have been unbroken by now to leave the South Fortress in the center and see the surrounding land... or is this the continent (?) It could have been 'South Fortress Island' instead.


And a storm of energy pouring down the Waltz barrier.

Needless to say, all her barriers supported her without divulging that energy.

"At all, I wonder what happens to this star..."

Such a waltz crush was not said to target enough energy to lightly wipe out one country... no, one continent.

The real problem was dissipating such enormous amounts of energy on the planet without thinking about it.

The jets released from the black hole are not only erupting in the ground direction, but also in the sky on the other side.

As a result, what happens if cosmic rays cause rocket engines to eject and slack the planet's rotational speed, rotational speed, and equatorial inclination angle to it, etc.

It would be obvious that a metamorphosis would strike the entire planet.

That's not all.

This time Waltz succeeded in taking it all, but some of the jets released from the black hole contain radioactive particles and x-rays such as gamma rays harmful to organisms.

If such things poured directly down to the ground...

The contaminated land will, over the centuries, turn into an uninhabitable place for creatures.

Usually, Waltz is aware of it and carries out mass-energy conversions so that there is no harm around it, but the owner of the ring in front of him is apparently fine.

After all the energy radiation from the artificial black hole had ended and evaporated, Waltz opened his mouth while releasing the energy he was suppressing into the "right direction" in the "right way".

"I hope it won't be a hassle later..."

Will the great cold waves and heat waves strike all over the place, will sea levels rise or fall, or will volcanic and own activities be enlivened?

... but for a short time, as long as Waltz checked the state of the planet here, so far, there seemed to be no particular significant change in the state of the planet.

By the way.

Originally, Lucia or the hunter, who was supposed to shoot a gavel at my sister's words, did not reply.

... of course, something didn't happen to them.

As usual, should I say?

The hunter was solidified in the spectacle (sight) that was going on in front of him.

But Lucia's...

... I was biting my teeth, and I was about to regret it.

I was supposed to protect my sister, but in the end I could only be protected by my sister.

You say you have enormous magic, but you can't make good use of it.

Perhaps she is caustic to the sensation.

"Lucia... thanks to you, the city of South Fortress was protected? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it to my barrier deployment speed..."

Correctly, I protected other than South Fortress, but Waltz decides to protect South Fortress because it makes it unnecessarily less realistic.

That word of hers was never a compliment, but it seemed not to Lucia,

"... I'm sorry..."

I shrugged in a voice that seemed to disappear with tears in my eyes.

(No, I have nothing to apologize for...)

Waltz follows Lucia with a bitter smile inside.

"I have nothing to apologize for. At least, I'm still alive enough. If you don't think Lucia should stay like this, just try not to do it again."

That said, Waltz stroking down with his hands on Lucia's hair.

"... next time definitely... let me try to be your sister's part..."

That's what Lucia lost her mind about.

Probably ran out of magic residue.

"You're a troubled daughter..."

Hold Lucia down with gravitational control, she floats in the air.

"You never use all your magic for me until the end..."

To her words like that,

"Well, don't say that. Lucia's probably just chasing Waltz's back."

Soon the hunter, who was back to normal, answered.

"... I don't think my back is even enough to chase..."

"But guys, maybe you want to be like a waltz? Even I want to be able to completely erase the signs and hunt like a waltz one day!

A hunter who blushes for some reason after saying so abusively.

(... that, no matter how hard you try, isn't it impossible)

In the meantime, I think we'll even get a hologram out of the hunter, Waltz.

At least, it won't be possible within being human.

"Well... shall we go see how South Fortress is doing?"

Waltz said there was still a ring floating in the sky, but he said that.

"Waltz. Is it okay to leave that ring alone?

The hunter speaks the natural question.

"Uh, take a good look. Don't you see things like red flames everywhere?

As the hunter turned his gaze towards the ring, something like a red dot came into his eyes dotted everywhere in the ring.

"Is that the little glowing one? Window light... it's not..."

"That's a little explosion."

Apparently, it was generating an artificial black hole beyond its maximum output, and the ring itself was damaged by the black hole's gravitational pull and is starting to collapse.

Or maybe the first attack on Lucia is now resounding.

"... doesn't that mean it's falling?!

"... maybe, but, well, I'll do something about it then. But I don't think you're going to fall or attack me right now, so you won't have a problem leaving me alone.... maybe."

Which way, Waltz cannot erase the ring itself.

That's why I had to leave it now.

"Right... So, can we get to the city?

South Fortress says it's night, but I can't see any lights.

With an eye for such an unusual state of the city, the hunter said as he tried to pretend to be calm.

"... okay"

And Waltz and the others went down to the city.

While concealing troublesome manoeuvre armor with optical camouflage when seen by the townspeople, the place where they descended was near the usual fountain.

Unlike the usual hustle and bustle of South Fortress, the completely people-free square appeared to give off an atmosphere as if it had come to Ghost Town.

Nevertheless, Waltz never came to the fountain after night, so maybe this is how it's always been around here.

(... water dragon... properly, maybe they got away with it...)

Water dragons who used to deal with children in the square.

If he was killed without running away from the angels, would it mean that Waltz was responsible for what he was supposed to be able to give back to the ocean immediately...

As Waltz and the others walk up the square thinking about it, a half-broken fountain enters their eyes.

Apparently, someone destroyed it.

But I didn't just destroy it, I was cut (...) et al. (...) and (...) (...) (...) so that the water leaked efficiently.

And what was there was depicted.

"... is it a magic formation?

The water that was leaking from the fountain, without wetting the surrounding area, was enchanted by the magic formation (?) had disappeared as if it were sucked into the center of the

Apparently, it's a kind of pipeline that uses metastatic magic.

"Sounds like it... probably the type of magic formation that continuously transfers objects"

And the hunter who keeps a ton of magic books in his room even though he can't use magic properly answers.

They only read books from time to time.

"You said this was definitely Mana... where it was sent..."

waltz looking up at the sky.

(Probably in that ring. After all, fuel (?) I wonder if it's mana...)

and waltz to attach.

If so, the ring flew all the way to South Fortress, not Wang Du (?) Will it explain why I have?

The hunter also seems to have noticed what the hell she's thinking about such a waltz,

"... waltz. No way, are you thinking of breaking this demonic formation?

And I inquired.

"Uh, you're worried about what to do... Or is it something that can float in the sky with just this amount of water for one demon square?

"I don't know. I don't even know how powerful Mana is in the first place."

Famous products of my city (?) Yet a hunter who doesn't seem to grasp it.

"Hmm... then shall we stop irritating them extra? I don't know what's gonna happen, and... well, I think the ring's just gonna fall off."

"Really? Well, I'll leave that area to Waltz."

And they tried to walk away from the fountain and onto the Count's mansion.

... but that's where Waltz stops his leg.

"Oh, speaking of which, did mana work too much magic?

Waltz remembered earlier when Teresa and Julia enchanted in the bangle, when they were brought back to life after being drunk by the inn of the water (Mana) that was gushing out of this town after using too much magic.

"Seems so. You're gonna give Lucia a drink?

"Yep. I'm losing my mind now, so I thought I'd give you a drink when you're conscious."

With that said, Waltz is a few litres of mana from the area where the water is gushing out, again approaching the fountain (?) was taken with gravity control.

(... after all, it's just water no matter how many times I look at it... it's something special for the people of this world...)

In fact, it was a waltz to begin to wonder if all the water in the original world I was in was mana, etc., but of course, the water in the modern world is just water, needless to say.

"... Well, shall we hurry ahead"

That was when Waltz tried to start walking.


A large explosion occurred in the ring that was floating above it.

They've finally begun a massive collapse.

"In the end, even if we don't get our hands on it, it's going to break on its own."

With that said, I ended up leaving it unbroken, waltz looking at the magic formation of the fountain.

Then, fu, I'm attacked by a bad feeling.

(... if this magic formation is connected to that ring...!!



Along with the rings over the sky, also from the magic formation of the fountain, a blast with enormous calories erupted.



... I can hear those explosions all over the city.

Apparently, the firepillar rose backflow from the magic formation for mana replenishment, which was planted in a spring called Spring Water, which was in the city...

... but even that seemed to him (...) et al. (...) to be one of the scenarios.


I hear metal hitting each other nearby.

"... boulders, Commander of the Knights. You're not working out for Dada."

It was a glamorous female angel with a sickle who showed up saying so.

Her sickle should have broken because she couldn't cut off her manoeuvre armor, but she had replaced it with something new, and she was alive.

Using such a brand new murder blade (Death Size), the female angel cut off the hunter.

She was a white reaper rather than an earliest angel, in a town literally rising with red columns of fire, attacked by hunters.

But the hunter wasn't just attacked either.

It was at some point with a double (...) sword (...) in both hands, which precisely received the sickle of an angel.

But originally, due to weight, she was only supposed to have one dagger.

... Apparently, he forgot to return the item box to tempo.

"... if I touched this, would I die?

"Yep. Normal people can't stand it."

A hunter and a woman angel who talks as if they were personnel, even though they say they are cut together in a world of death and a piece of paper.

Such two appearances were as if they were offering dance to God, mainly on a stage surrounded by flames.

(... I wonder if this will be one of the sacrifices...)

Two, before the battle begins, God (?) waltz remembering the words he was saying.

(... I just want to join the hunter...)

"Why don't you come out? God (...) sama (...)?"

Waltz opened his mouth as he turned the opposite direction to the one where the hunters and female angels were.

'... what do you think? Would you have liked the sacrifice?

Things that emerged from the shadow of the church (God) while talking in a voice that could be heard from some speaker.

That look, it's like,

"... the store owner?!

... he looked just like the owner of the liquor store who was supposed to be in the village of Alk.

"Store owner?... ho. Oh, I don't know if you keep it in the store. '

... Apparently, it's not in person.

But at least God (?) He seems to know about the owner of the liquor store.

You must be aware that you look alike.

(... the next time I see you, I'll definitely have to ask you who you are)

Waltz making up his mind.

"So, what's the sacrifice?

With a somewhat unpleasant feeling, Waltz inquired.

"Of course, the sacrifices scattered for the Lord."

God in a slow tone without returning any facial expressions (?) answered.

Waltz frowns at the words.

"... I have trouble getting that sacrifice... I mean, it doesn't do me any good..."

Were you waiting for such a waltz word, after a satisfied look, God (?) continued.

"... let's make one last sacrifice."

It was the moment the word was over.


Such a dry noise arose.

No, should it be called air vibration?


After the sound arrives, within less than a comma 00002 seconds, Waltz decides what happened.

It doesn't sound like a gunshot, but it looks like something that's infinitely close to firing.

I'm pretty sure it's a high-speed flying body.

A comma of 00003 seconds was seen jumping into the water (mana) that Lucia was about to drink.

(Uh, if we keep going, will it hit Lucia?

Waltz begins to prepare for gravity control manoeuvres as soon as he sees a flying body flying through the mana.

(Totally, wasted...)

And gravity control was deployed at comma 00005th second.

Then it's like a bullet (?) Gravity control that unfolds while distorting space as if reaching toward it.

(Last sacrifice, Lucia or something... true, that's not a funny joke...)

With that said, a bullet (?) I tried to grab it.

That was exactly the time.


Make sure you surround the waltz, only for a moment, and supergravity will occur.

(... I figured it would come, so I set it up)

It was comma 00012 seconds that Waltz thought of that while holding the bullet down with gravity control.


And I hear the same gunshots in comma 00013 seconds.

(Waste of time...)



Waltz noticed.

(Earlier gravity wasn't gravity to interfere with me...?!

What did you notice?

(irrational... in time...)

It sinks into Lucia's chest, into a bullet that flew from another angle...

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