"What's going on? Oh, you want Atlas?

"No, I probably don't need Atlas-sama..."

Waltz, who felt the signs of Eve trying to do something for him, made a brilliant suggestion even though he guessed Eve's request in the preview. That's also pretty much in the direction of the day after tomorrow...

But Eve didn't seem to care about it. Because I was trying to ask you a favor, or because I was used to guessing that waltz was almost out of line... Eve is a waltz boquette.) and started talking about their request.

"Maybe you want me to make another machine for making udon and bread...."

"Won't it be better to cook something other than wheat?

"... eh?

"(That? Did I say something weird?

Waltz tried to suggest that other dishes should be served before Eve, who had chosen only udon as a menu for three consecutive meals. However, Eve, who was turning into a udon jazz, doesn't seem to have any intention of making anything other than wheat dishes... She was strangely inclined to respond to Waltz's remarks.

While I was watching Eve like that, I didn't feel like challenging her... Waltz dropped his shoulders and decided to accept Eve's request.

"Well, that's fine, but...."

"Also, I'd like you to add another feature to the machine...."

"Functionality? (Maybe... you want me to be able to cook more than just wheat? No, it chews when you cook rice in the udon maker.)"

"Maybe you want me to be able to change the speed at which udon comes out? (Now that the wheat is flowing backwards, it's time for the rice cake to be covered in wheat....)"

"Ah, that way...."


"Yeah, it's nothing? Anything....."

After all, I don't know how to stick to udon... It was a pity to me, but when I remembered my sister's obsession with Inari sushi, I decided not to think any deeper.... I'm sure people in this world are obsessed with certain foods... Waltz seems to have thought about it, but naturally, it doesn't.

As a result, Waltz seems to have decided to make the udon maker mk2. Even if it involves retrofitting already made udon machines, the work time is about 10 minutes. The device is completed in almost instant time.

"Yes, please?" Don't.

Waltz gave Eve a freshly made udon maker, but somehow, Eve's expression couldn't be heard. No, not to be ridiculous, it was even pale blue.

When waltz realized that, he wondered if he had made a mistake and asked Eve about the situation.... Waltz himself didn't make a mistake.

"What's wrong? Eve, did you make a mistake? (Perhaps..." udon "is a hidden word, not a" rice balls "in my world, right? Well, the words make sense, and there's no such thing...)"

"... I just remembered that every time I adjust, it's hard to eat a lot of udon... I might not say it's bad, but there's also rice that the hunter makes, so it can be a lot of trouble..." Upu

"... I see. There are two of them, so the amount of work... No, the amount of tasting is twice as much..."

"... yeah" sneaking around

How much udon do I have to eat in order to adjust... Even though he was full of stomach, Waltz, who saw that blue expression of vexed Eve, suddenly felt compelled to understand.

However, Waltz's response was not a shame to Eve.

"That's all you have to do...."

"Well, maybe so...."

"After all, if the grain size, type, season of harvest, flavor of seasoning, humidity and temperature of wheat change, the taste and texture will change, right? It's honestly hard to machine analyze it and adjust it to always taste good for people. If you're thinking of serving delicious udon to everyone because it's only possible to adjust it to Eve, there's only one way you can serve udon that you actually think is delicious."

That waltz is a sub voice saying, "You just have to make it automatically to provide the right flavor of udon. It's cooked anyway," he said.

"Really... Well then, maybe we'll have to do it."

--Udon Jazz Tartarus Eve's Pride (?) It seems that even if it was allowed to automate the work, it was not allowed to automate the taste, so I decided to eat and adjust it myself.

However ---

"Well, I don't think you need a complicated machine if you call Atlas and let him eat and hear his thoughts."

It was before Waltz said anything like that.

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