The sight on the spot was, in a sense - no, in a real sense, in a monster duel. More than 20 meters in length, Carina the Feilonglong and Crax the Terrestrial Dragon confront each other in the town of Vixen at night. If you can capture that sight from the sky--

It's a real special shot ~

I might say... It seems that no actual recording has been made from the energy that floats in the air.

In such an impractical sight, Eve, who had a commanding role, quickly raised his voice over the radio. Before everybody could move, I had instructions to give.

"Ah, that Jiryu-san might be important to Dragon, so maybe you shouldn't kill him. I might want you to hunt them down so they don't hurt the city as much as possible, and not hurt any of your allies!

"Hey, Eve! That's just nothing--"

Before Eve's impossible mission, Atlas suddenly tried to say nothing. But Eve sandwiches his words before he speaks them all.

"Brother Atlas, maybe you won't do it?

Well, leave it to me!

Atlas, with Eve's sad voice, could not help but affirm it. Needless to say, it was Eve's voice that drove him... But while half of her voice was certainly a creation, the other half seemed to be genuine.

"... I don't know what the situation is with Jiryu-san, but this time I might definitely bring him home!

Eve stares at the ground dragon over the back of a flying dragon that protects itself with a large shield. At that time, it seemed that the others had not responded to Eve's request and would not touch the dragon. They're going to support Eve and the others while doing what they're given.

The other dragon, like the other monsters captured by Ecleria, seemed to have a mechanical implant embedded in most of its body. Mechanical rings were attached to the neck, arms, or feet, creating an atmosphere where they were reinforced. Enchanted equipments for humans —— the equivalent of so-called artifacts.

The ground dragon looked straight at the confronting flying dragon and shouted.


The earth dragon's groaning voice was too loud for the lovely sound of the monster roaring. A dull sound sounds like huge structures rubbing against each other.

Coalition soldiers who had come for backup would all fall back, without exception, in front of the unspeakable cries of the earth dragon. I could only imagine a future in which they would be trampled, swallowed or easily defeated.

However, the actions of the Allied soldiers were convenient to Eve. Because soldiers no longer have to worry about themselves in the huge battles that will be taking place.

In such a situation, Eve stared at the dragon without any intrigue. It is uncertain how her image, which is supposed to be that of a young girl, was reflected in the eyes of coalition soldiers and citizens who fled late.

Of course, Eve himself didn't know... She gave instructions to the flying dragon in front of her without worrying how everyone saw her.

"Eve may measure the timing, so if I give the signal, Dragon may want you to hold on to the dragon! Until then, defend yourself!


"Yuki and... Sage! I might need your help!

Got it.


Over the radio, tell Yuki about the operation... And finally the curtain of the battle to reclaim Eve's dragons was cut and dropped.

Looking at the edge, it seemed that Yuki and the dragon had started to move at the same time. However, in fact, Yuki was quicker because of the small difference.... She opens her big mouth and tries to bite herself into the mouth of the dragon at a critical point and succeeds in entering the dragon's palm.

But that's why her fist never got caught in the body of the dragon. That's one of the reasons why the dragon was wearing robust armor made of heavy metals, but with a ring on it --


—— because they were wearing interceptor gear that automatically attacked those approaching.

Initially, Yuki seemed to have underestimated the attack. Until now, none of the magic unleashed by Eclaria's soldiers had enough power to take, and they didn't bother avoiding it, so I assumed that was true this time.

But her expectations are in the wrong direction.




Heavy yuki blew up as hard metals hit each other. Fortunately, she was not injured or damaged, but Yuki was surprised by the dragon's attack, which was different from the previous enemy.

"Yuki, are you okay?!

"Hmm... But this dragon... is something different...!

Yuki stood up in a crater made on the ground while responding safely to Eve, realizing that she was sweet. And when she makes sure there's nothing wrong with her body---


With an unprecedented acceleration, he attacked the moving fortress and the transformed dragon once again.

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