The next day...

Daily overwork (?) It was not possible for members who were tired to operate in the morning, and it was only after noon that they gathered together at the bridge of Energia.

Waking up in the morning would always be the early morning hunter and Catalina, plus about a water dragon.

Among them who had been awake since the early morning, the hunter went out hunting busily in the morning, and Catalina seemed to spare no time to sleep to explore the causes of the soldier's zombification and to continue his work.

Water dragons, on the other hand, sometimes didn't have any clothes to wear, and in the morning they seem to have ordered new clothes from the town's tailor, who guided Cortex.

The cost at that time, of course, is not taxes...

I bought boulders with Waltz's personal expenses because I was hesitant to buy them with taxes collected from the public.

... Note that waltz beef jerky bills may be accounted for as defence costs.

Well, is it natural?

So when it was lunchtime, Waltz started making critical reports while activating his optical camouflage in front of his colleagues who had assembled on the bridge to sort out this incident.

"... sorry. When I was on track, I couldn't be a human... heh."

... is the one called SOUND ONLY.


All voices are invisible to Waltz, fellows who raise their voices of surprise.

Most people thought it was the usual waltz whim or something.


"But I can't touch (fu) that silky soft skin of waltz anymore... Bye?!

Tear gas yesterday (?) Is it from the influence of Teresa still turning her nose bright red raises her voice?

"... yeah. If possible, I don't want you to touch me with your lower heart."

"... in shock..."

Teresa gets drooped with her hands and knees on the ground.

... What the hell did you mean by shocked?

Next to her like that,

"I'm shocked too..."

Lucia lay her eyes down and had a sad look on her face.

Having seen Lucia like that, Maneuvered Armor (Waltz) said once, with that palm that lifted the optical camouflage and was never soft, stroking Lucia's hair as gently as possible.

"I'll fix it right away, so be patient until then."

To the words of such a sister,

"... yeah. But how soon will it heal?

Lucia who speaks such questions.

"Right... about a month if you make it normal..."

Waltz thinks about the schedule when he repaired the hologram with super express.

"Then, concubine... no, you raise the country and help!

Gah!, Teresa suddenly stood up like, "I don't even hate (say) the privatization of the country! 'He just said,' and raised his voice.

To her like that,

"... er... I don't think it's even enough to move the country..."

Waltz returns a slightly pulling response.

There's more.

"I will work with you to touch Master Waltz again!

This time, Julia also raised her hand, who had not had much opportunity to be active.

After I finished saying it, what the hell was it like to be moving your fingers in a space of nothing with a look that reminded you of something?


"Eh, I'll do my best to smell like Waltz too!

Inspired by seniors (Julia), the smell fetish (Sylvia) soon followed.

"... that... could be all these dangerous people around me..."

Waltz turns his gaze to the water dragon with such a grunt.

"... no, never mind because it's nothing"

After answering that to the water dragon tilting his neck,

"So here's another report. She's a new member, so keep her company."

With that said, Waltz introduced himself with his arms floating over the head of the water dragon.

"Long time no see, everyone. It's a water dragon."

The water dragon held with both hands bows its head and greets everyone without releasing any gain (tail) on board.

Now she was borrowing Catalina's clothes until she could do her own, giving off a bit of an intelligent vibe.

However, it was supposed to be clothes worn by Catalina, who was long and well styled, but seemed a little small for the water dragon, not to say that the chest and hips area seemed mainly clear... but it looked close to it.

Now I don't have the two corners on my head, and if I was wearing glasses, would it be a spartan teacher's diagram, or something like that?

Waltz was inside jealous of how she looked like that, but there was nothing like putting it on the table.

Note that I don't understand the expression. It's good with manoeuvre armor..., only she kept it to herself.

The moment the water dragon was named,


Such a voice rises from my people.

"... it's like if you took a bath in the South Fortress fountain (Mana), you'd be human, wouldn't you?

Waltz, to the best of her knowledge (?) Explaining the history (whispering) in

"... a phrase that has become a person, a sexual change (TS)?

For some reason, Tempo pointed his frustrated gaze at the water dragon.

However, it is not TS.

It is more female than the original.

"... and Master Tempo?! Um, pointing such a sharp gaze at this one if possible..."


Tempo takes control of the arm of manoeuvre armor in front of Waltz's eyes and makes a sound like cutting something off.

Tempo kept his eyes on Jito silently, but his deputy voice said, 'I didn't know you were going to be human before me... you deserve to die. Also, do you want to be cut off your tail?' That's what you're saying.


"Yes, sir. We'll all get along."

Waltz takes back control of his own arm from the tempo and then goes into arbitration.

Oh (...) That (...) et al. (...) I don't think Tempo really turned his hostility to the water dragon, but it's going to take a lot of time before the water dragon can be her.


Waltz began to talk about the subject after releasing words as if to re-compartmentalize the occasion.

"Something's happened, but you're not done... Catalina? You got something on the zombie thing?

To Waltz's words, Catalina returns the words, fixing the position of the glasses she doesn't normally wear.

"Yes, perhaps a form of remotely manipulated magic, using bacterial demons"

Bacterial demons... in other words, they are magical bacteria.

"I don't like biological weapons or anything... So, what do you mean remotely?

Actually, the magic of this world is going further than I thought, etc. Waltz asks.

Catalina then took out of the bag something like a clear liquid in a vial and put it up in front of everyone.

"There's a bacteria in this thing..."

That's what I said, Catalina, who lays the vial down on the ground and places it.

And against the vial, the moment of magic,

Corny, corny, corny...

It was just supposed to be liquid. The contents moved out, rolled the vial and started moving.

It's like slime.

"The pattern of magic seems to allow you to change the direction of movement freely. In the bottle it simply moved, but perhaps when it entered the organism's body, it manipulated the host's thoughts and muscles to move."

There was a lot of leap between rolling the bottle and moving the organism, but I guess the magic works well and somehow fills the difference.

"... more high-tech than I thought."

It should be noted that one of the military techniques in the world where Waltz originated is the use of bacteria to manipulate the human body in the same way.

"So, here's what to do..."

With that said, Catalina has a difficult look on her face.

"After all, does it seem difficult?

"... it's hard without a sample of antibodies"

"... couldn't a swordsman?

Still today, Waltz remembers a swordsman who doesn't regain consciousness in the infirmary bed.

"It hasn't been long enough for antibodies to..."

"So is that..."

... It seems like a long time has stood because of all the things that have happened so far, but it's only been a day since I was infected.

"I guess I'll just have to see how it goes for about a week..."

And when Waltz thinks, fu, the face of some comes to mind.

"... Speaking of which, brave men were resurrected from zombies, weren't they? I wonder if you're wearing a brave correction and a super tough immune system or something..."

"Brave correction?

"Oh, never mind, because I'm talking to myself"

Nevertheless, the clear reason for the brave man's resurrection from the zombies was unknown so far.

If he is on his own demonic bacteria (?), or because you used that bacteria to repel an angel who was manipulating him...

In the first place, there was no certainty that angels were manipulating the zombies, but if you add the time when the zombies appeared and when the angels appeared, plus the bacterial characterization by Catalina, you'd be pretty sure.

"... not really, I don't want to go to Endercia, but you have to go..."

Whether it was taking blood samples from brave men or antibodies from zombies whose time had elapsed since infection, once, it was necessary to go to Endercia.

On top of that, the Wise Angel (?).

They will continue to be after the Waltz people, angels and gods (?) It was their sincerity to want some information about it.

... except that I have to see King Endelusia to do so.

"I don't want to go - I don't want to go - I don't want to go - even if it's a waste, you can't..."

The waltz in the form of manoeuvred armor stepped on the estate without sound, a phrase that drips nicely, but...

"The lives of patients (zombies) are at stake..."

Catalina told him with a bitter smile.

"I know, I know."

Waltz sighs and squeals like that.


"Sister. I have one idea."

Tempo remained faceless, caught his mouth and said that.

It's... it's a look that's thinking something wrong.

"... something?

Waltz listens to tempo words (microphones).

"I think your sister is spoken of like this from time to time." Because I think it's hard, I feel hard. "

"Well, you've said something similar."

"... so why not be aware of that this time as well? For example..."

And the tempo,

"... as soon as we find the King, we will assassinate him"

... I uttered a word that 50% of the Endelusian people thought they would.

Fellows with a surprising look on the words.


"Bye. I like that."

"Sister! Let's go to Endercia together."

"I wish I had the power to assassinate the king, too..."

"Senior! I'm in the mood!

Mouthfully, I raised my consent (?).


"... uh... was this party such a dangerous thing to do...?

and Silanui with a troubled look on her face.

"Silanui. There are people in the world like female enemies... or human enemies... eh, it's hard to explain, but I think you'll see"

When Lucia explains King Endersia,

"... if Lucia says so... for once, I'd like to see you"

Syranui answers.

to her at such a (former) brave party,

"(I think I've seen him a few times...)"

It was one of those people I think, but there was nothing I could do more about it than she had no memory.

Others, Catalina laughed bitterly, and the water dragon said to her head:? There was an "Exclamation Mark" floating around, but apparently it was decided that "King Endelusia will kill as soon as he finds it" as the basic policy of the Waltz party.

"Well, let's go kill the king"

"... Mr. Waltz, it's not, and what you do with zombies is prerequisite"

"I know, I know."

It was a waltz that was noisy earlier that he didn't want to go to Endersia, but now it seems to have changed 180 degrees.

"Ooh ho. So let's go find out if there's a cure for the zombies in Endelusia."

Thus, once again, Waltz and the others decided to go to Endersia.

... then,

"... sorry, guys"

The hunter, who had always been silent with a thought and expression, opened his mouth as if he had decided to be ready.

"Actually, I have a serious report..."

A hunter who tells that with a bitter look on his face.

(... I think the Countess and the Countess are sleeping safely in the Royal Castle infirmary now...)

Waltz worries that something might have gone wrong with the hunter's expression.

... but the words spoken from the hunter's mouth were not about her relatives.

"... I broke the item box... Sorry!"

That's what I said. A hunter who bends his hips at a 90-degree right angle and lowers his head.

Apparently, over 100 million gold (yen) item boxes and the various items in them are no longer in use.

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