When someone saves one person, that person also begins to heal, and then two, then four, then eight - not quite, but one by one, the number of healers increases. That in itself was a welcome sight, but Eve had a concern.

(If you're slightly injured or lightly ill, you might be able to keep things the way they are, but it might be dangerous to take the same measures with the seriously injured and sick. ......)

That's right. As explained earlier, careless treatment of those with serious injuries, such as broken bones, is an extremely dangerous act. Cuts, scrapes, and burns are nothing to worry about, but uninformed children cannot tell the difference between serious injuries (severe) and minor injuries (minor). ...... The situation was becoming urgent in a way.

("I see. Maybe Eve will have to do it. ......)

Katarina and Yuki are not available. And I am on the verge of running out of magic power. This situation made Eve choose one option.

'Yes, yes! Everyone who's treating Eve as an imitator might want to pay a little attention to Eve!


I wonder if everyone knows that recovery magic is a terrible magic?

" "?

When the children heard Eve's question, they looked at each other in unison and tilted their heads. They all seem to have no idea what Eve is talking about. It's a good idea to be able to have a good time with them.

It's not hard to see why you're not able to explain logically how horrible recovery magic is. However, she didn't seem to have any intention of explaining it to them. I'm not sure that they would understand me if I explained it to the children.

Hence, she decided to make an analogy.

It's a very good idea to use it in the wrong way," she said.

"Why? Why do you kill?

One of the children asks, "What if there is a disease in the body?

For example, what if there is a disease in the body? If you can only heal a person's body with recovery magic, that's fine, but if you use magic without thinking it through, you may end up recovering the disease inside your body as well. When that happens, the disease gets better and attacks a person's body and in some cases the patient may die. ......

"Scary ......

But if you say that, you can't use your recovery magic.

Maybe that's where the doctor comes in? The doctors may know how to use magic safely, so if you want to use magic safely, you might want to ask them how to do it.

""I see."

Therefore, follow Eve's instructions when treating them.

"'Yes! Teacher!

(Well, maybe Eve isn't the teacher. ......)

With that in mind, Eve looked around and began to look for less severe patients. Then, after determining which patients she thought could be safely cured - and

"Can someone cast a recovery spell on this person? Oh, and this guy is okay too. And this person and this person and ......

"'Yes! Teacher!

--He instructed the children who could use recovery magic to heal their patients one by one. I'm not going to be the only one who has a lot of experience in the field," he said.

I'm sure you'll find that the number of patients who are being treated by Eve's team is decreasing at an alarming rate. The number of those who were treated and sent home increased more than the number of those who came.

But as a result, there would be some seriously injured and sick people left behind. As children, they seemed to believe that if their master, Eve, gave them instructions, they could use their own recovery magic to help the afflicted.


"...... Maybe Eve's work is done here.

-- Eve easily backed down. That's what the kids--.

""What? ......?"

--It's not like they could understand.

As I said before, if you use recovery magic, you might end up hurting people even more if you use it poorly, and the rest of the people might not be people that Eve and the others can't help.

So you can leave the rest to Katarina and Yuki and the others, who are real doctors ....... It was then that Eve was about to add such words.

Hey! Hey doctor. I can't wait for you to help me. I'm getting a stomach ache.

Eve is spoken to by one man. It's a large man with a jaundiced face and an odor of alcohol.

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