Eve's hands looked heavy as she ate that night. Her hands looked heavy as she ate her meal that night, staring at the green spice fragments floating on her spoon.

"....... Eve, you don't like parsley?

I'm sure he doesn't. The master has no likes or dislikes. He's probably shocked that ...... his soup is the only one lacking ingredients!

No, no, no, no, that's impossible. I made sure that the ingredients were evenly distributed on everyone's plate!


--I'm sure you'll agree that this is a great idea. The people who knew her well all seemed to be worried about Eve.

Catalina and Yuki were also in the cafeteria, ....... They had seen the whole thing that had happened during the day, and they seemed to have a pretty good idea why Eve was looking so worried. But still, they did not talk to Eve. They decided to watch her quietly, wondering what she would think and what her answer would be.

As they had expected, Eve was alone with her worries. It was about what had happened during the day. It was about the big man who had come back without being treated.

(If he knows he's going to die, why did he look so refreshed? ......)

If you know you're going to die, you can either cry, scream, get angry, and become desperate ....... If you know you're going to die, you can either cry, scream, get angry, and become desperate, or you can let go and give up on living, which is what Eve considers a life expectancy sentence. But the big man went home with a smile on his face, just like all the other patients who went home happy after receiving treatment.

Kata Kata Kata ......

Oh ............ attach ......

The spoon in Eve's hand shook, and the soup spilled from it onto her plate. The more she thought about it, the more her hands shook with an emotion Eve couldn't understand. It wasn't anger, it wasn't fear, it was something else.

The more she thought about it, the more her hand shook with an emotion she didn't understand.

"...... I see.

This is...

"......Sad, isn't it? ......


This is a feeling that I had forgotten for a while after meeting Waltz and the others. It was the first time in a long time that I had reconnected with the emotions I had forcibly suppressed since losing my father.

"...... Ugh! Ugh!

I'll be back.

I'm sure you'll agree.

I'm not sure if I'm thinking about it enough to fall over ......

I hadn't thought about it either. I wish I had known that earlier. ......

What's the point of a day off, ......? You're supposed to be resting, but you're working and taking damage. ...... Well, it seems to be the case. ......

When Eve wakes up, she hears someone talking in her ear.

I'm sorry. You're awake, aren't you? Eve.


"...... here, is .......

A white ceiling with an oddly bright light. Eve remembered the ceiling.

You're in Ene's ......?

Yeah, that's right. You said you suddenly collapsed, so we all rushed to get you to Energia.

Eve collapsed at ......?

I don't remember. ...... I mean, you're still in a daze. She was eating a meal and then she suddenly threw up and collapsed.

I don't remember .......

Yeah, ....... Well, I don't think you need to force yourself to remember, do you? But you might want to apologize to the hunter later. I was really worried that there was something in my food.

"...... Yeah.

So, how are you feeling? Well, I don't know if it's worth the ...... trouble to ask.

Eve was looking up into the air in a daze. I'm not sure what to say. It was clear that she was still tormented by her problems.

What should I say to her? Neither Waltz, Catalina, nor Yuki could find the right words to say to her. They had been discussing what to say to Eve for about an hour before she woke up, but none of them could find the right words.

After all, none of them knew the faces of their own parents. Waltz was a machine, Catalina was an orphan, and Yuki's older sister, Nuru, was her parent. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.

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