The ground, which had been exposed to high heat when the town was built, was now smooth with the appearance of black glass. Snow fell and piled up there, melting and hardening ...... as the temperature rose and fell. The road conditions seemed to be chaotic, as if a black ice barn had been created on top of a black ice barn.

The carriages that came and went in town were not wheeled, which are difficult to control when they slip, but rather sleighs, which are designed to slip, and the horses that pull them are not horses, but dog demons. It is a dog demon. The horses pulling the sleds are not horses, but dog demons. The sleds, pulled by high-powered dogs with low fuel consumption (food cost?), drift through the city with great speed.

Waltz and Eve were walking normally in such truthtail conditions, probably because they were both from the north and had no problem walking even if the ground was small and mewy.

The two of them walked side by side through the town, where much of the land was still untouched. At this time, Waltz seemed to be in the lead, but she didn't seem to be pulling Eve along, and the atmosphere seemed to be that they were just walking side by side.

Where the heck are we walking to ......? Eve, who knew that the town was still incomplete, couldn't help but wonder. There should be nothing to see in Vixen City now. So, are you planning to go out of town ......? Eve thought about this and asked Waltz.

I'm not sure. Where do you think you might be going?

A few more days?

"Almost there, by ...... Waltz's standards?

What kind of standard is that, ......?

Well, maybe it's based on ...... Mid-Eden is just around the corner?

That's not the ...... standard. Well, Mid-Eden is nearby, though, isn't it?

I'm sure you've heard of it. In addition, if she really flies, she can reach the royal capital of Mid-Eden in less than five minutes, so you could say that it is a neighborhood distance.

"Wow. ......

You don't have to be a donkey to walk to Mid-Eden, do you?

I don't know. ......

Even I wouldn't do such an insane thing with you in tow. ......

In addition to this, it's also important to note that there are many other factors that can affect the success of your business.

In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it for a lot of things. It was early spring, but the ground was still frozen at the exit of winter. One of the reasons for the lack of progress in reconstruction was that it was difficult to build foundations due to the rising ground caused by freezing and thawing.

Nevertheless, the town seemed to be steadily trying to return to the way it should be. Although no houses had been built, those who were preparing to build houses were smiling as they went about their work, perhaps imagining what the completed houses and town would look like.

Where do you think you're going when you don't have any buildings or anything?

"There are buildings, you know. There, there.

Just as Waltz had said, there was a building standing in the middle of the new Vixen town, which could be described as a vast plain. It was a brick building, brand new ....... It looked as if it had just been built.

It had a chimney, and it was belching out white smoke. The smoke had a vaguely sweet smell to it, perhaps because they were making some kind of pastry.

This building ...... could have been built in just a few days?

"Well, yeah. Well, this is where we're going, right?

While affirming Eve's question, Waltz opened the door of the house.

Click here ......

At that moment, Eve was greeted by a sweet scent that was even richer than the scent that had drifted up from the chimney.

As a result, Eve took a deep breath ....... It was not only the good smell that greeted her.

It's not just the good smell that greeted her.

What greeted Eve was a group of girls dressed in waitress uniforms. Specifically, they were Rosemary and Fei Long, as well as other acquaintances she had seen in Mid-Eden and Energia.

Yes, before they knew it, Waltz and the others had created a new cafeteria in Vixen City. And their first customer was...

"So, Eve? You're a customer, right? You don't work here, do you?

--Apparently it was Eve. Or rather, the cafeteria had been built just for her.

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