Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

5 Post-14 The occupation of Silanui?

"... what the hell is that? Lucia..."

"You won't understand if I ask you. Well, I'm pretty sure he's got eyes for God."


Silanui and Waltz exchange conversations of such content while watching Lucia's exercising fire magic.

What Lucia is heating now is a case of a molecular pump that has been damaged and rendered useless... i.e. material for a new pump.

Titanium, nickel, chromium, iron, palladium, cobalt...

Most of that material was lost with the item box breakage, but recycling the waste material left in the workshop and the broken pump somehow succeeded in securing the required quantity.

But if, now more than ever, energy was damaged and new parts had to be recreated, there was no doubt that there would be a need to mine the raw materials.

When that happens, even just waltz can't mean mining while making parts, so the construction period (?) delays would be inevitable.

Nevertheless, the amount of work is not a big deal in itself, just because it takes time to refine and move.


Lucia comes forward with a giant ceramic crucible to let you know that the heating is over.

Recently, she became aware of the temperature of the red-hot metal.

"... that was fast."

(Something, isn't it extremely early?

Until a week ago, the work had taken about three minutes, but today it was over in a minute.

(Staying out?... or something?

When Waltz, who doesn't know what happened to Lucia, has one in his heart, his head,

"Is this such a soluble ingredient...?

Syranui opens her mouth like she wants to try it.

"Want to give it a try?

Waltz floats around the universe with scrap materials of palm-sized metal that were nearby while separating components with gravity control before Lucia's heated materials cooled.

... except that the waste material she floated was not the same as that heated by Lucia...

"Should I heat this up?

"Yep. But you can't do that, can you?

"Yes. I'll try"

When I reply that way, I close my eyes, put my hands on the waste material, and Syranui starts heating.

Apparently her heating magic (?), like Lucia's fire magic, they're not the type of fireballs that fly away.

... wait a while and the waste material started red-hot and at the same time Syranui's face began to turn red.

"Buha!... what is it, this ingredient?!

Have you been holding your breath for a long time, after exhaling loudly, your voice in the ingredients that Silanui does not red heat inside (root?) Raise.

From how she looks, apparently she has experience in heating metal materials.

"Hmm. You know this ingredient isn't normal..."

As a matter of fact, Waltz was trying to give Syranui strength by giving him a material that was difficult to melt.

If I say only fire magic, did I just say strength is higher than Catalina and lower than rear?

It is medium strength.

"You don't know that this waste material is a heat-resistant pipe in a sodium circuit for heat exchange connected to a nuclear fusion reactor... In short, a material that doesn't dissolve even at very high temperatures."

Waltz's explanation was not intended for 10,000 people, but it seemed sufficient for Syranui,

"Heh... you had these ingredients..."

With that said, he was observing to eat in cylindrical waste material that was red-hot in bright red but did not dissolve at all.

"... maybe you've had the experience of melting metal and making things?

When Waltz questions Syranui, who seems strangely interested in 'ingredients',

"Ah... excuse me. You didn't really explain why I was going around the world out there."

So Silanui put her right hand on her left hip in a way she was used to.

Apparently, I've always worn something on my hips, but...

"Oh, yeah... there wasn't..."

There seemed to be nothing there that was supposed to be, and he muttered to himself like that with a sad look on his face.

Apparently he wanted to use the sole to explain to the waltzes.

Silanui then sighed deeply and began to explain additional things about herself, showing how she had given up something.

"Actually, I'm a blacksmith's grandson."



Waltz and Lucia each return a reaction.

"Blacksmiths are the people who make (or fix) the blades... uh, the people you work with."

Silanui answered Lucia's question.

"Like your sister?

"Um, a little different. I'm... well, it's like a hobby."

Waltz answers Lucia's questions frankly.

Against her like that,

"That's an amazing hobby..."

Silanui smiled bitterly.

Note that in the case of waltz, it is a hobby without dispute.

"Uh... so I went out there wanting to go around the world and learn more about weapons and materials, and how to make them, in order to inherit Grandpa's trail..."

But the Altair caught my eye and used it for good, I guess.

"I really wanted to introduce you to my machete... but I think I lost it"

Silanui ties her mouth strong with that being said.

Apparently it was quite important, but while Altair was taking over, he seemed to have let it go.

"Yes... And a blacksmith is a monk. I wonder how the hell that happened..."

"I don't know either..."

Would Altair have liked to make it in the rosary too...


From what I've heard, apparently, Syranui is one of the people Waltz has been waiting for.

"... you, don't you want to work for my company?

"What the hell did you say..."

"... don't worry about it because it's bullshit. So you're interested in metallic materials, right?

"Materials... sure, but you're particularly interested in materials related to blacksmiths"

"Unless it's a polymeric material or a catalyst, we're all alike."

Silanui of how she can't understand the words coming out of Waltz's mouth.

"Ma, that's fine... then are you interested in materials made from magical metals?

Magic metal-based compounds that are outside Waltz's defensive range.

In other words, about the alloys to which magic relates.

"Is magical metal like orihalcon or misrill, or adamantite or dark matter?

"Hmm, I guess the dark matter is different... no, it's nothing"

(Instead, I'd like to see a visible dark matter or something...)

Can the visible dark mattress be called a dark mattress at all?

Anyway, apparently, there are a variety of magical metals in this world than Waltz thinks.

"... right. That's the metal thing. You used magic metal and regular metal alloys... well, weapons are fine, but I want you to build something."

And Waltz also uses the knowledge gained by Silanui.

While Waltz said so, he took the naked olihuacon mass (2 kg) from the cargo container and gave it to Silanui.

"Ko, this is... an orihalcon of considerable purity...!

Silanui looks open into her eyes and carefully observes the Orihalcon mass as she trembles into small pieces.

Apparently, they know how much the market value is.

"Oh, it might smell a little beef jerky, but never mind"


"So what do you say? I'll prepare as much material as Lucia and I can, so why don't you do it?

When Waltz uttered that word, Syranui's face, which had sparkled his eyes, clouded for a moment... (but not because of the smell).

And he opened his mouth with a difficult look on his face.

"... Actually, it doesn't mean you're lying, does it?

For her training journey, ruined by Altair, Waltz's proposal was a ship across.

But isn't it too convenient?

Perhaps it will not just be used as good as Altair?

I guess she is so afraid.

"Of course it's true... I don't think that's gonna prove it..."

Syranui thinks a little about such waltz words.

But especially since there was nothing malicious about the waltzes or detrimental to me.

"... okay. So, surely, you can leave that job, to me? Best regards,"

That said, Syranui bowed her head.

It should still be noted that he was unable to contain his curiosity when he saw how Waltz was working with the separation, refining and processing of metals at once.

"Rather, I'd like to beg you from this side. Me, I can't use magic... and I don't know anything about alloys of magic material..."

"What... then how are you floating parts and metals?

You said it was magic, didn't you?, and so on Syranui.

"This is... science!

Do-do!, Waltz gets somewhat sad that he can't output his facial expressions with manoeuvre armor, although he has tried to doya face in his mind all the time.


"Well, this is what happens when we develop alchemy everywhere."

"... ha"

"In short, it's like magic."

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the same thing, because it doesn't look much different from magic.

... was what Waltz said.

"I don't know, but it must be a tough operation..."

"Well, that's the place"

Apparently, Syranui couldn't do it, but that's what I decided to think.

So Waltz, as previously thought, securing personnel to conduct research on magic metal materials (?) was successful.

Waltz (transparent) and Lucia, and Silanui, who came out of an underground large workshop to the Wang capital around the evening when two new molecular pumps were completed.

He was on his way to the market to buy fruit water or something while buying Inari sushi ingredients for dinner.

... It should be noted that all my people were intrigued by how Waltz, a manoeuvring armor, was eating, but no one had yet witnessed the moment.

Well, Waltz is deliberately covering it up, so my people probably won't see the dining moment again in the future.

Besides, when the waltzes are walking down the avenue,


Something light hit the head of the manoeuvre armor.

"Um... didn't you hit something now?

I can hear a boy like that coming from the crowd.

When Waltz looks at his feet,

(... paper plane?

No way. A simple paper plane that was just broken was rolling to the ground.

Probably hit the waltz and fell.

(Hmm. You have a paper plane in this world too...)

to a paper plane I haven't seen in a long time, and when Waltz thinks about that,


Another paper plane flew away.

'See, the way you fold this one flies better, doesn't it?

Now the girl's voice flies.

In addition,


One, two, three more planes...

When I realized, a lot of paper planes were flying across the sky.

"... what? Was it a paper plane tournament too?

When Waltz says that,

"Something's been going on in Wang Du lately, isn't it?

That's what Lucia came back with.

"Guys, I think I saw your sister's flying boat and made it"

When I heard Lucia say that, and Waltz turned his eyes to the sky again, the paper planes that were indeed flying were all designed with retracted wings curled with wings, like energy.

Apparently, people witnessed the energy that was flying around the King's Capital, and on the basis of that, they broke a paper plane.

"... yes..."

Waltz responding briefly to Lucia's words.

I couldn't ask for your expression, but was it because of your mind that you looked happy somewhere?

Waltz and the others then walked to the market under the dusk sky, taking care not to get in the way of the delightfully dry (shabby) children on the flying boulevards of many paper planes.

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