"Um... you guys are monsters, right?No, I'm not going to discriminate, but you don't have to imitate anyone else.

Strela confronted the newcomers with a simple question she had.Because they were originally monsters, they didn't have to fight like monsters, but they felt caught up in things like imitating how people fought - specifically, taking a phalanx formation.It seemed funny from Strella's point of view that it was a formalized way of fighting people who separated from the front, middle and rear and fought in a straight line, and that beasts who did not know how to fight people took the trouble to imitate it.

"That's right...I don't think I can explain it to you, so let me give you an actual experience.Come on, Pochizu and Sakura, and you, you and you.Team up and overwhelm the others, as I say. "


"Nh, I can't...."


"Um, I want to be a civilian....."

"" "It's useless!

"It's not impossible or inappropriate!Come on, let's make a team of three!... eh? Was it just sakura?Maybe you, bot-- oh, you only picked seven.I can't help it. Team up with me. "

That said, Strela divides the seven selected into three teams and explains the operation to them.Everyone in the SS who heard about it seemed to have an unconvincing expression, but they gave up their understanding on the spot and decided to follow Strela's instructions.


"Control the remaining 93, including me, eight.You don't pick a way?Ah, don't worry, I won't touch you directly.Now... let's get back to training!

--That's what Strela declared, right after that.


The ground of the training ground breaks, and countless vines gush out of it.It was next to the hedge, blocking the trainers' vision.Triad's sakura used Plant Magic , a magic that only monsters can handle.

The hedge she created not only blocks the trainers' sight, but also severs the trainers' troops themselves.Suddenly stunned by a stunning wall, confusion spread to the trainers.

And soon after--


"" "Uhhhhhhhh!

—— Roar and scream from anywhere in the hedge.

And a few seconds later,


"" "Ugaaaaaa!

—— Just like something exploded, the screams went up.

That's what you hear in different parts of the hedge.What happens as a result?

"Hey, just now...."

"Wait! Someone's footsteps..."

/(adv-to, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) scratchy/(2) (on-mim) sn

"An enemy?!


"" Wow?!

--Those who heard screams and fell into doubt because their sights were blocked like a maze began to fight.

Some of them seem to have managed to make the rendezvous, but each time a new hedge grows, they are divided again.And after being divided, no one was able to successfully join their allies again, and the number of fighters was gradually decreasing.

And 10 minutes later.

"-- End of training. Well, here's the thing.Sakura? Move the vine. "

After confirming beyond the wall that the last opponent had been hit, Strela gave instructions to Sakura.As a result, the vines disappeared from the practice area, but there were many dead sights spreading there.Although there were no dead people, everyone seems to have been seriously injured.

"Absolutely... You're friends with each other, so don't be so hasty...See, those guys in the field?Give me a hand. "

Meanwhile, as Strela exercises her healing magic against the wounded, the three sisters of Cerberus (...) and the three SS members on her side appear from behind.

"Wow...I was just making a magical noise..... "

"We've all destroyed ourselves..."

"... stupid"

"Amazing...I was really just making a scene, but I won.... "

"There's a way to fight like this..."

"I don't think Sakura's sister is amazing..."

After the six members of the two teams muttered their thoughts, the sakura using plant magic also gave their thoughts.

"I can't believe I won without attacking at all....."

It may already be obvious what they did, but on the other side of the hedge created by Sakura, they were just screaming and making loud noises while changing places.The Trainers destroyed themselves while Strella was checking the target's position, giving instructions to Sakura and changing the shape of the hedge.

"That's why I'm telling you.It's not right for you guys to come together and act like people because you're weak.Each of you has skills and magic that you can jump through, so if you're going to fight together, it's a waste to choose a way to make each other's abilities work.Well, I also need a command tower to get an accurate picture of the situation.

That said, Strela slapped Sakura on the shoulder.Sakura said, "Huh?!Am I?!I was puzzled, but the reaction before the training was different, and it didn't seem to be full.

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