Strela's combat training was fierce.The purpose of the training is to ensure that her men do not miss out on Ecleria's combat capabilities.It was meant to increase the strength of their men, but it was also meant to break their overextended noses.After training, if you start by illusioning that you've become stronger, you'll end up falling.

"I found it! So d--"


The Trainer disappears on the other side of the blast smoke.Of course he's not dead.

"Stupid...It's not like I asked you to attack me at the end, even though I came closer in hiding. "

Strela dared to raise her voice to everyone inside a magically created trench.Meanwhile, a magic bullet was released from her hand...She relentlessly ravages the trainers she finds in her eyes.

It seems that these women were parting with the guards in their training and fighting against the castle.He built a simple fortress on the training ground, dug a trench around it, prepared for an attack from the outside, carried out combat training while changing roles.

At the beginning of the training, everyone seemed to be noisy in the miniature fortress that suddenly appeared on the training ground.The fortress was a simple castle built by Strela's magic, but when she created it, she explained it to her men."The ecclesians will use more sophisticated and terrifying magic than this."and. Needless to say, that statement is a bluff to suppress the runaway of my men.

However, Strela's men did not question her words.Everyone honestly believes what she says because she was a monster and mistakes the "power" that the ecclesians would have (?) While doing so, he seems to have been working on training.

"Turn around! It's magic!Use your magic!

"Ha? Then I don't know!What kind of magic can you use?Speak up!

"Ah, that's it! That's it!Don't make a sound!It's like the one Mr. Strella is using!

"Ah, is this it?


"" "Wow?!

The trainers scream in a blast of smoke.

How can we fight like Strela said, using each other's abilities...Everyone looked at the way the team on the side with Strella fought, and twisted their heads to imitate the strategy or see if there were holes for attacking, trying to devise a way to fight.

However, the monsters turned into humans didn't seem to have much ingenuity because they hadn't fought in a team battle that went beyond seeds.They all didn't know what kind of magic others could use, including their own.

Therefore, rather than being able to feed on the defensive Strella side team, they cannot even approach the trenches strewn around the mock walls....It seems like he was just wasting his time.

Nevertheless, this mock battle is a long one to train.I have not always fought with the same member.As trainers could be infidel if they continued to lose too much, Strela set a time limit for one fight and rotated team members.That way, you can watch the fight as a third party, and if you join the same team as Strela, you can win first, so you can reset the stress of losing.

By the way, Strela herself is a defensive specialist.When she turns to the attacking side, the battle is over in an instant and won't be won.

"Yes, time up!" Boo-hoo. "

Strella uses wind magic to make sounds like a shellfish.At that moment, the defenders smiled happily, and the attackers had a ragged expression.

Strella talked about the training evaluation and problems in front of the men.

"As I said before, everyone still hasn't made the newspaper series.Both of them in common, right?Well, you don't have a relationship, so maybe you don't need a "report," but I think it's imperative to have "contact" and "consultation" between close family members.If we don't share where our enemies are, what magic they're using, and what they're doing with each other, it's like they're fighting with their eyes shut.... "

Strela dropped her shoulders as she said so.

The opposing trainers said they had absorbed Strela's allegations like a dry sponge so far, but this time only, they had a slightly better expression.Apparently, we all have complicated circumstances that make it difficult to share information with each other.

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