(You've been locked...)

At the same time, I didn't put it out in my mouth because it wasn't a big problem. Waltz.

There is no point in having physical keys in front of her.

If there is a problem, what is the reason why it was locked?

But Waltz decided to proceed as planned, without much concern that King Endelusia had set it up anyway.

Any more interference from him than being in Endercia (?) Can you even say that I have no choice but to give up?

"Well, shall we go meet Catalina and the others?"

"Hmm. Time is limited."

It was past 9: 00 in the morning when I arrived at Crestling.

We should still get things done in the morning, more than we know what time Endercia will handle the zombies in the afternoon.

I'll be in touch in a minute.

Waltz, while remaining transparent and turning his back on everyone,

Cataliner? Alive?

I put those words on the radio that would worry my buddies listening over the radio if they didn't get back to me.

Of course, it won't be such a hassle.

'Yes. Did you get to Crestling?

Immediately the words returned from Catalina.

'Yeah, just now. I think he showed me to some room and locked me in.'


In the words of Waltz, who heard us over the radio, we know for the first time that we were trapped.

Julia and Sylvia try to push the entrance door, slashed with a water dragon and Syranui, Lucia,


All the while, I was trying to exercise the light magic against the door to see if I could somehow open the door.

... Well, I can't break it by doing that (...) Kake (...) also (...) Ku (...), but there was a big hole in the part that was the door without care...

Ahead, the person who locked the door (maid length) had passed out, but, well, it would be trivial.

Waltz continues his conversation with Catalina, looking sideways at such a sight, without any particular appearance of turning it into a tree.

"Ma, there's no more doors left... but this, they won't charge you for repairs or anything later... right?

'I don't know, but please be on your way to avoid any more charges'


Lucia responds well to Catalina's words.

"So, where are you now?

Waltz thought Catalina and the others would be caught just like ourselves.

"It's an inn outside the royal castle."

That's not what they say.

"... could he have run away from the king?

'No. Within the royal castle, you can't work poorly with equipment, so...'

Apparently, Catalina keeps the stance that, as Waltz put it, what is taught is useless.

Well, we're going that way now.

'Yes, I understand. Okay, I'll be waiting for you.'

So the Waltz and the others set out from Crestling to an inn in the Endelusian capital.

... provided that:

"Well, shall we go"

Dgowong... (floor dong)

straight through the floor.

At the earliest, it was completely out of Waltz's head, such as the repair bill.

But unexpected things happen here.

From the hole in the floor that Waltz drilled...

"... ugh. Have you found..."

... for some reason King Endelusia appeared.

Apparently, at the bottom of the room, there was another room to ask inside, where we investigated the waltzes' trends (eavesdropping? Theft?) They were.

... so-called, espionage... perverted.

The moment I saw him,



Lucia releasing the laser silently and Waltz remaining transparent.

Killing him when he came out was a matter of decision, so he promptly launched the attack.

It is exactly Search and Destroy.

As for the treatment, it may be worse than the cockroach that appeared in the room.

To kill a cockroach, we don't destroy every room...

... Well, in the case of Waltz, who doesn't like spiders, if an acida cagmo came out in the room, he might destroy every house...

Well, last time, he was a king under laser attack, temporarily but retreating, but...

"Well, that doesn't work."

Only the part where the laser hit the king produced a round junction about 5 cm in diameter, as if it were a mirror, which did not give one scratch.

Perhaps the waltzes had developed special junction magic beforehand, assuming they would use lasers to attack them.


Lucia switches to inductive beam magic.


countless beams flew towards the king, all of which captured the king... but seemed to

"Pfft... the measures are adequate"

It was as if the rain grains were just hitting, and so on, the king had a cool look on his face as he royally stood.

The King's entangling junction magic seems to disable beams as well as lasers.

Will the King of Endelusia be free enough to take such measures?


Lucia stares at such a king with her eyes narrowed.


"So, what's this?

The moment Lucia smiled niggardly,


From the exterior wall of the crestling ceiling to the exterior wall of the floor, a mass of rock about 5 m in diameter penetrated with considerable momentum.

Is it like a meteorite?

And with such a rock... the king is gone.

At first glance, it just seemed like we hit a rock and flew somewhere together, but...

"... I think he got away with it"

Was your response bad, Lucia, whining about that.

As opposed to her like that,


I think it was a mistake to crumble and become a piece of meat, and so on.

But in the last battle, the king was using metastatic magic at high speeds.

Even though he hit a rock at high speed, the possibility that he was escaped again could not be denied.

Against Lucia with a regrettable look on her face,

"Uh, Lucia? I know you do, but not if you really kill me, okay?

The waltz I've been inciting returned the palm of my hand.


"What... were you going to kill me?

"Uh, yeah."

I honestly admit it, Lucia.

"... I'm sorry, Lucia. You said I was going to kill the king. Is that a joke?


"Maybe we all thought we were serious?

"I thought the concubine was serious."

"Me, too."


"... yes. Anyway, are you kidding me?

"Uh... yeah"

I'm glad I didn't shoot the laser with all my strength... I think Lucia.

Well, there's no denying the possibility that the king is already in the other world.

"Well, then, the cockroaches are gone, shall we go to Catalina and the others?"

"Yes (yeah) (um)!

Thus the waltzes jumped out of a large hole empty on the floor towards the capital.

... but force Syranui out of her reluctance to freefall...


"Wow!!! Ohhhhh!!!

Silanui rampaging with jitter in the air.

"Nice wind."

Teresa is feeling the wind slipping through her body as she bumps her ears and tail.

"The flow is a little strong, but I feel like I'm swimming back to where I was"

A water dragon that uses its tail well and travels through the air.

"A steep descent hurts your wings later..."

"Oh, maybe, seniors too?

Julia and Sylvia developing freefall rigging.


Lucia falls silently by herself, holding her knees.

Waltz also kept falling toward the Endersian capital, watching how they were doing.

(... I guess I care about what I just did...)

Lucia may have committed murder in Waltz's joke.

It wasn't weird to be depressed or in shock.

(... Next time, you have to be careful what you say...)

I can't help but think it's over this time, Waltz.

With that in mind,

It's time to slow down.

The way the ground was rapidly approaching came into my eyes.

Waltz then rolls out gravity control around his buddies and slowly begins to slow down.

By the time you get to the ground, you have fallen to the point of walking,


Everyone, like that, stepped down to the ground.

Silanui is out of breath, but, well, unless you're extremely hypophobic, you'll get used to it.

"Well... then, to the Catalinas... is that it?

Waltz just got to the ground and realized there was no one there.

That, too, is not an exaggeration to say the most important.

"Uh, what about Lucia?

Until recently, my sister, who was supposed to have fallen together, had disappeared for some reason.

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