And the last three days to decide on the last talent - one day has already elapsed, so the remaining two days begin.

Everyone seems to be working hard to change the color of their eyes because they only have one more date with Strela.Those who did poorly so far had only two days left (or three days to count from yesterday), so they felt as if they were going to make the last effort....Because of this, the royal castle was surrounded by slaughtered air.

Someone comes forward to sift them.Strela, the person who planned and executed the instruction language countermeasure operation.

She was expecting that during the last three days her men would be less alert to the instructions and less likely to speak.In fact, the situation was as she thought it would be, and the subordinates were alert to each other's instructions and stopped speaking extra words.

When this happens, instructional language countermeasures become meaningless.So Strela decided to set up a place where her employees would talk aggressively —— no, forcibly.She gathered all her men in the royal castle and went to the outdoor theater where Hermes had given a special lecture before.

"Well then, I'm going to ask everyone to play a message game.Please be careful to send a message to everyone in the line with the bad grades, as we will increase the count of instructions just like when we use them. "

Have them all sit in their designated positions and Strela tells them so.It was troublesome to know who was in which row and count only the people in the poor row, so they sat down on the roster in advance.

The reactions of the men who heard Strela's words were mixed.Those who were not confident had darkened their faces, while those who were confident had motivated expressions.Incidentally, it seems that excellent graders such as sakura somehow blued their faces.

"Now, the people sitting on the far right, please read the words written on the paper that you have placed, and immediately tell only the people on the left.Of course, don't show the contents of the paper directly to your neighbor. "

And a message game by Strella -- sometimes, forcing people to talk about their subordinates (?) The message game opened the curtain.

The message game was fierce.This game was not just a messaging game, as long as it was just a messaging game.

Strela said the rules of the game:"Send a message to the person on the left immediately, without showing the text on paper," he said.That's the only rule.

Shh, shh.

—— It means that you can send a message in a way other than words.As a result, a few people stopped using their words and started sending messages with hand signals.

"(Would it have been better if it had been just words?)"

Strella had a ruthless look in front of her men who quickly found a hole in the rules of the message game and started practicing it.However, she seems to have decided to forgive the actions of her subordinates who started communicating without words.Originally, instruction language countermeasures began with the problem that communication between subordinates could not be done well due to the frequent use of instruction words.It was Strela's view that if that resolved, it would be okay to communicate in a way other than words.

"(I think it is more difficult to communicate by hand than by words...Well, if that's how it's communicated, it's fine) "

After that, Strela seemed to be looking forward to seeing the message games of her men with warm eyes.

And about five minutes later. The first message game took a tour.

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