

"... uh, Master Teresa and Mr. Water Dragon? What are you doing?

A ghost man (Silanui) speaks to a fox girl (Teresa) and a dragon man (Shui Long) who are roaring as they peek into something somewhat like a barrel.

"Lord... don't you know what this is?

"... it's a propulsion device for a airship, right?


That's all I said, Teresa peeking inside again.

Yes, they were coming to observe a airship moored in a crestling floating in space (?) of.

"... I see this procedure makes this whole barrel a magic prop that creates the wind, doesn't it?

Teresa squeaks like a solitaire, observing a surgical ceremony that is surprisingly depicted on the inside of a barrel.


"It seems so. I don't know the details, but I can smell the wind magic."

And, smelling the surgical ceremony, the water dragon returned the words.


Silanui is speechless to them who are somehow entering a world of just two.


"Ladies! Can you get away from me because it's dangerous there?

I can speak to the airport staff.


"There's nothing wrong with the concubines here."

Theresa, with her tail increased to three, tells her so.

"... well, take your time"

After changing his expression as if he had been possessed by something, airport officials left.

Apparently Teresa exercised her spiritual magic.

"... I feel like I'm wasting my abilities..."

"No, don't even think about it. In the first place, the technology of the airship is top secret information about Endersia, right? That's right in front of you. You don't have a hand in missing this, do you?

"Uh... oh, yes"

That's all I said, Teresa went back to observing the airship again.

So far, it's a historical espionage.

"Hmm. Shall we go onboard next?

Have you finished looking at the outside, Teresa, who says that and unfolds phantom magic?

At the earliest opportunity, the country's top (chancellor) should not possess the skills.

"What do you say? Now you look like an Air Force soldier, don't you?

"Hmm? Is it the magic of Master Teresa?

Theresa's appearance from the water dragon was indisputable and that of an airport official.

It should be noted that the water dragon looks the same.

"... why, the chancellor..."

"See, your lord's in line, too?


Teresa and the water dragon make a dignified journey elsewhere with the frightening Silanui.

"Maybe you have magic on me too?!

And when Silanui looked at her own hand, there was a thick, boneless hand, not a thin, luxurious hand of the line.

Apparently, hallucinating magic had been cast on her without her knowing.

"... when... I mean, wait!

Theresa and the others thus boarded an army (...) ship (...) about 50 m long that was anchored at the pier...

Gong... Gong... Gong...

Once aboard, such a low sound sounds.

"What's this noise?

It's like a heartbeat.

"Hmm... sure..."

With that said, Teresa and the water dragon go on board a slightly dim wooden ship.

"(Wow... how can you be so grand...)"

A little late, Silanui followed along with a chirp behind it.


"No, I'm here... don't attack that white battleship, or what are you thinking, my king?"

"Well, don't say that. I'm King Usai, but I'm not the one who makes the wrong choice."

"That's right... you're stressed out about being attacked but you can't fight back..."

A crew member appears from the corner of the aisle.



Look at them, little bouncing silanui.


"Hmm... I can feel magic from this plumbing... but I guess I'll keep it circulating in Mana..."

"I can smell the wind from this magic."

and Teresa and the Water Dragon, who don't show how they cared at all.


"Hmm? What are you guys..."

The crew noticed.

"(Wow... I knew you'd find it! It's more suspicious not to find it!

Shiranui is mundane.


For some reason, the crew sees Silanui and stretches out his viculi and spine.



I have saluted you silently.

"(Er... eh?!

Syranui in a way that the situation is completely unreadable.

I don't know why, but when she sends Teresa her gaze...

"(Look, say something!

And there's Teresa sending me a hand sign...

Apparently, the person Syranui is turning into is someone of considerable standing.

"(Uh...) Gohon... thank you, gentlemen. Get back to work..."

When Silanui tells him so in the lowest possible voice,


That's what I replied, and the soldiers went with their spines stretched.

"... hey, Master Teresa! What the hell did you turn me into!

"Hmm? Isn't that Chancellor Cumulus?


Aren't you a regular crew?!, and so on Syranui.

"No, because I don't know what kind of man is superior."

"I mean, why me?

Then after showing a slight bare gesture of thinking,

"No... what?

"Um... even if you ask me..."

I mean, because it was a hassle, is that why?

Teresa herself is busy inspecting the airship...

"Dear Teresa. It sounds like it's coming from this room, right?

A water dragon, who was walking a little further, eared the door of the room and said those words.

"Hmm. Let's go in."


And Teresa opens the door without any hesitation.

"Well... this is..."

"Hmm... the smell has changed..."

At the end of Teresa and the others' gaze,

Gong... Gong... Gong...

and a clear sphere vibrating with a low sound was floating in the center of the reclining device.

The appearance is exactly the same as the core of the urban junction.

If there is a difference, is it that black (...) ku (...) shines?

"Doesn't this mean magic equipment like 'Lifter' floating around in the sky?

"Somehow... that's a hard smell to describe..."

and water dragons open their mouths.

It should be noted that I am not actually smelling it, it is the smell of magic that only a water dragon can understand.

"... this is the plumbing that supplies the magic... after all, it looks like mana was flowing inside"


A liquid mana had been sprayed into the lifter from a sprayer-like device at a time when vibration would occur that

I guess extending or shrinking the time of this injection will adjust the lifter output and control the rise and fall of the hull.

Silanui looks up at the devices around her, keeping her mouth open.

He seems to marvel at a complex system that is also different from energy.

such a fold,

"Hey you guys! Do what... Kiku, Chancellor Cumulus!

Again, the crew will find Theresa and the others.

However, unlike the others, this time the crew was decorated with a number of things like class chapters on their chests.

I guess it's not like I'm an air force soldier on the ground floor.

Against him like that,

"... thank you"

and Silanui returning the words in a low voice.

... That's good to know.

"(... no, what can I say?

That next word didn't come up.

No way, superior officer (perhaps the captain?) would not be able to say 'any of it to work' on.

What the hell is the reason why it's not weird to have a prime minister here...

When she's having trouble responding,

"... you're not the Chancellor."

Apparently, he found out.

"There's an intruder in the engine room! I repeat, we have an intruder in the engine room!

He was near the entrance to the engine room, thick cable like an early phone call (hose?) When I took something like a microphone with it, I said so.

Looking at some sort of voice coming in just a little late from something like a speaker, he was a microphone on the ship broadcast.

"Hmm. Looks like they found us."

Theresa thus calmly grasps the current situation.

"I won't finish."

That said, a water dragon with a tail.

"Can this, run away..."

That's what I'm saying, Syranui, who pulls a knife.

At the same time, Teresa's phantom magic is solved and the three figures are revealed.

"You guys are sure... Mid-Eden ghaha!!

A crew that looks great as soon as possible (captain?) Silanui hunting for his chi.

Of course, with a thump.

"Hmm. Bright hands."

"Hey... why do you have so much room!? Let's get out of here! That too, now!

"Right. Well, I saw what I wanted to see, so I went back."

The moment Teresa said that,

"Don't move!

A large number of soldiers pushed at the entrance to the engine room with only one.

"Oh, I think I missed my flight."


"Well, here's Noon..."

When I say that, the water dragon leaves a step forward.

"I won't let my people touch one finger!

The water dragon stood up.

... and even though there are walls, I try to shake them out...





I fall hooked my foot to the hem of my Japanese clothes.

"... water dragon... lord, you're a dodgy boy..."

"... I'm still not used to this body..."

With that said, it's like a newborn deer, a water dragon standing up pulling.

"... wow... maybe not anymore..."

It was Syranui who was thinking of protecting Theresa as bi-perfect with the water dragon, but looking to heaven that the wall on one side had collapsed away too brittle.


And the soldiers are pushing toward Teresa...

In that case,

"Hey, you're coming through."


Through ceiling walls, plumbing and equipment, a giant object descended between Theresa and the soldiers.

Was it the effects of dust and dust that danced around the area that made the sole appear thin, which should have been completely invisible, or was it so that it could be visible with the meaning of intimidation...


When Sole rebuilds his posture when he falls, his double eyes glow red, shooting through the soldiers.

And the soldiers who were shot out intuited.

'This is something you shouldn't have hands on,' he said.

"Oh, excuse me. Right now, I'm going to have to..."

"... Huh?

... soldiers flaunted by a completely poisonless sole, not by their appearance.

"Look, I'm not selling oil in some weird place, I'm going home."

"Mm-hmm. The boulder is not my husband. Perfect timing, huh?

"... well, I'll just leave Teresa."

"No kidding! I hope you don't leave me!

That's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna stick with Waltz, Teresa.

"Look, you guys are going, too, right?

"Lord. I'm sorry to bother you."

"That helped ~..."

Water dragons and silanui are grabbed by waltzes as if they were dolls.

Is that a picture of the girls being kidnapped by monsters?

Meanwhile, only Theresa was floated with gravity control.

It's because of Waltz's sense of crisis that if left alone, he could be yodaled like Julia... but Teresa herself doesn't seem to realize it.

"Well, excuse me."

Say that.


Waltz doing floor dong.

And escaped from the hole in the floor out of the boat.

"Not at all... what are you doing, espionage..."

Waltz remained transparent and spoke sighingly to Teresa and the others walking next door.

"No, of? Mid-Eden wants a airship, too, and I checked it out..."


Teresa shrivels (shrivels) her beast ears and tail in a way that

"... you're in trouble..."

As for Waltz and the Cortex, we thought that Mid-Eden would not need a airship, given the balance with the surrounding countries.

But Teresa seems to have been fascinated by the sky, and she really wanted to get a flying boat that she could fly around freely.

"I told you I'd teach you how to build a plane (...), didn't I?

"But it's better to have a wide range of knowledge to know, right?

"That's right, hey... But if you can't do it like this, you're in trouble, right?


Teresa, once again, shrugged.

"Well, from next time, we'll have a good plan, and then we'll act on it."

"Um... hmm?

Theresa overhears Waltz's words.

"'Cause, you know, you can't do it, right? I guess."

"What... no... um. You can't deny it."

"Then plan and act (espionage) so you don't get caught properly and if possible don't find out. Well, you'll be good at Julia around here, so why don't you ask her?

"Is that good?!

"... you have to find out,"


Theresa said so with a full smile.

To those two,


Syranui said.

"... can I say something like that in front of their eyes?

... that, too, with a gaze at the airport staff around.

Yes, even though he escaped the ship, he was still surrounded by airport staff.


"No, you don't have to ask me."

"Hmm... but I'm not unconscious about a concubine who's serious!

That being said, Teresa,

"'Forget what I just heard' -..."


... I fainted out of magic in an attempt to exercise my spiritual magic.

And the tail that had three, it goes back to one.

... Perhaps Teresa herself forgot Waltz's words.


"... that, us, why are we here?

"Uh, I remember up to where I was in the bathroom..."

"Ah?! You left a shampoo on your head!

"... you, you don't have hair"

Unfortunately, magic could be exercised on the soldiers who were around them.

And the soldiers, starving, walked away from the waltzes.

(... ma, letting it go won't matter)

Waltz was unwittingly relieved to see how Teresa's magic had befallen them.

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