A streamlined, elongated green object that suddenly descends from the sky and rolls in front of you.It was a bomb. The workers who witnessed the situation swallowed Gocri---

"" "Woahhhhh?!" "

Everyone ran away in a flash.

In the meantime, bombardments continue in areas where there are no combiners.Echoing explosions, vibrations, screams...They incited the workers to fear.Sometimes no one knew that what fell from the sky and rolled in front of them was a pseudo-bomb that would never explode, and everyone assumed that the sole that fell from the sky was an unexploded bomb that would never explode.Those who didn't know this was a bomb would have reacted differently again, but most of the workers were from the modern world.Everyone knew the horrors of unexploded ordnance.

As a result, evacuation of workers outside the combine begins, ignoring instructions from top management.Even the guards who were initially trying to keep the workers on the spot are now on the run.

Like scattering a spider's child, the worker runs away... and...


—— Now it's time for a real bomb to rain on a factory where people are gone.

Then 2 hours later. In the tent of the Temporary Operations Command Headquarters set up in the refugee camp.The tempo reports to Strela there.

Situation over. Zero casualties. Confirm the destruction of the combiner.

Is that true?

You think I'm joking?

"That's right... I'm a tempo sister..."

Strella, who had heard a report from her sister that sounded beyond magic equipment, was unable to accept the report in Russia.Nor did she think that just the four of us could suppress a massive combination with zero casualties.If you're going to accompany the workers and bomb the carpet, that's not true.Moreover, energy and potential are still at the top of the mountain range.In other words, the Tempo destroyed the Combiner with just one Strange ship, so it was too much for Strela to believe.

But there's a Homuncrus made by Waltz.My sister did it, so I didn't doubt it any more.I thought I might be able to do it without thinking about the details.It might be said that he had a similar mindset to his sister Watts, who did not try to think of complicated things.

But there was something she didn't understand.

Hey, Tempo-san?

Yes, what is it?

"In this case, did you need to take four other people?Catalina.... "

As for Strela, who was unable to believe the tempo report, she seemed to have expected the operation to succeed with a smaller number of people if it was too easy to succeed in the operation.Specifically, only Tempo and Strange could destroy the combiner...

In fact, as Strela had predicted, it was possible to push the combiner into ruin without even straining, if tempo was to be done.Still, there was a good reason why Tempo took Strange and Catalina, no, because there was a concern.

Quite a good question. Why... oh?I will explain it again next time. All hands, we are moving to the final stage of the operation.


As expected, the enemy has arrived.

I couldn't afford to talk like that.Apparently, the combination oppression wasn't over yet, but it was going to be real.

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