Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

Post-5 Post-14 Swordsman and Energy 2

"Come on!!

Energy calling desperately toward a swordsman lying unconscious.

But no reply came back from a swordsman equal to losing half his body.

Why have swordsmen suffered so much injury in the first place?

Apparently, the impact of the shelling on the energy concentrated on the swordsman's arm, which was outside the gravity-controlled effect range, and was pulled away.

I want to run over to a swordsman who's hurt like that and give him a allowance.

Energia hung up on that.

But there is no hand to reach, and there is no foot to come near, even if you want to.

Never before has a virtual eye, mouth, and energy with only a giant body felt so much of its own body.

"Duh, how do I..."

Energia trying to find a way to save the swordsman by putting into full operation the knowledge he can possess.

"... yes."

And he came up with using the radio.

"Hey, honey! Sake it! '

Energy to intervene in radio communication systems mounted on airships to put words on radio waves.


"... what's going on?

I'll get back to you soon from Waltz.

"Victor, stay here, you're not gonna get hurt..."

"Victor... Ah, you mean Mr. Swordsman. What, did you do something that wasn't busy again?

I was wondering if you were too free to leave a message and even injured in the applause of doing something extra. Waltz.


'No, I'm not! You tried to hurt me!

Energy to sue desperately.

"Trying to help the energy...?

Hey, I don't know what Energia's talking about, waltz like that.

In her head was a swordsman trying to defend her energy by standing up to a flying grenade.

"Already, you mess with me!

"What, hey..."

This is energy that unintentionally cuts off communications to Waltz, who says he's desperate but doesn't understand inside.


And, half-baked, he turned his gaze to the swordsman again.

However, while the situation worsened, the swordsman's complexion just seemed unresponsive.

At this time, if you called Catalina, not Waltz, you would have rushed right away.

But Energia and Catalina had yet to meet at this point.

Unfortunately, there was no match for energy today.

But I didn't give up on energy.

"... I suck...!

And he went out to the last resort left.

Casa, casa, casa...

Something blackish came from the gap: the gap in the room where the first nuclear fusion furnace was located, making the sound as if countless bugs were marching on the ground.

... is a millimeter machine for the repair of airship (energy).

Such was their destination, needless to say, to the swordsman in a dying state.

"Anyway, I have to pick up my chi..."

Unlike the Waltz, it was energy that did not possess the knowledge of the modern world, but I understood rather than taught anyone that it was important to stop the blood flowing out of the swordsman.

So immediately burn the blood vessels with a microlaser and stop the bleeding.

... it also uses countless millimeters of machines to carefully and carefully each piece of severed blood vessel...

"What's next, Keatsu?

After finishing hemostasis in seconds, Energia will determine what is abnormal and what is normal about the Swordsman's vital signs, with reference to Leah's vital signs sleeping in the infirmary.

As a result, the blood pressure was found to be very low.

Normally, if the blood pressure is low, transfusions or saline infusions are performed, but if the energy does not have any blood to share, it was not possible to make saline.

In the first place, they didn't even know the principle of blood transfusion.

So, what's up?

'Come on, I'm sorry!

When Energia tells him so, a millimeter machine concentrates on the swordsman's feet and arms,


It began to compress from the end.

As a result, although the remaining hands and feet were sacrificed, the body's blood pressure recovered somewhat.

In that case,


Again, relentless shelling strikes energy.

"... I don't want to because you're here for me!

And Energia has targeted multiple Endelusian air force aircraft that have manipulated rail gun-talents to attack Energia,




Shot relentlessly.

At the earliest opportunity, there was no need to keep my promise to my sister, who would not help me.

However, because this was the first time he had shot a rail gun, not a single rail gun warhead hit the enemy ship, and he went straight through to the back.

Well, still, I was caught in a shock wave and all enemy ships seemed silent.

Energia would never attack such an enemy ship more than was necessary.

No, should I say I didn't have time to set it up?

The swordsman who saved himself because his blood pressure stabilized is still in critical condition.

We couldn't afford it as much as we were attacking the enemy.

"And then... I need a lid."

A millimeter machine concentrates on the swordsman's torn right shoulder and pulls the skin around him.

And the hardware, like a needle of soft-sized hochikis, was fed into the meat and secured.

Let's just say it was the best course of action for energies that were close to workmanship, such as cutting and pasting, but did not have the knowledge of restorative magic or medicine.

"I guess this is the place..."

Checking for vital signs and blood color was little different from the rear sleeping in the infirmary.

After that, is there any concern about the infection?

However, for energy, I couldn't understand the infection, so I guess I couldn't think of any further treatment.

It was at the end of all the procedures that energy could do.


Once again, the sound of an explosion strikes the energy.

However, there was a slight difference from the previous shelling.

"... I want to be there!

It was the energy that felt the pain.

When he hacked the surveillance cameras in the area where he felt pain...

"Energy! Where's Mr. Swordsman!

Waltz was forced to blow the external hatch and came in.

Next door, of course, with Catalina.

"... here"

reluctantly, the energy to hack the information terminal that was next to the hatch to display a picture of a child's graffiti-like airship.

"... first nuclear fusion furnace?! Why are you here? No, I'll do it later. Let's go, Catalina."


Waltz and the others then rushed to the room in question.

When they came to the room, they doubted their eyes at the misery and the sight of the impossible.

... because,

"Hey Your, Silly"

With that said, because a small (...) woman (...) made up of black grains was sitting next to a swordsman.

Apparently, the black grains that make up her are millimachines.

"... could it be energy?

The way Energia looked when he hacked the waltz was like Dot (...) Chi (...) et al. (...) and (...) Y (...) et al. (...) and (...) Boy.

However, because of her long hair, she only looked like a girl.

Energy that decided to ignore Waltz's inquiry.

Apparently, he is obstinate.

"... Mr. Swordsman!

It was Catalina who had inadvertently lost her words to the incredible phenomenon taking place in front of her, but remembering why she came here, she immediately approaches the swordsman and begins to check her condition.

"... the crude procedure is over."


It was Waltz and Catalina who thought the swordsman had already run out, considering the blood splashed in the room and the time it took to rush, but I'm stunned to see him still breathing on his energy knees.

"... Could it have been treated using a millimeter machine?

"... yeah."

Energy nodding at waltz inquiry.


Waltz shrugged unexpectedly.

Why is it impossible?

In the first place, because millimachines are not equipped with programs that treat people.

They have a blueprint for the airship (energy), and when the hull is damaged, they begin to act to repair it.

No information unrelated to the airship, such as the structure of the human body, should have been included there.

By analogy, a calculator that has only the function of adding up would also be equal to being able to do the arithmetic.

Well, when I start to say that, the very existence of the body of thought of energy is unscientific.

(The repair didn't start when the hatch was broken, because Energia ran a repair program...)

There was no sign that the broken hatch would be repaired when Waltz and the others were forced into the energy.

As a waltz, I destroyed the hatch because I know it will be fixed on its own, but as it is, it will remain permanently broken unless the waltzes repair it or the energy returns control of the millimeter machine.

Forget that.

Even while Waltz was thinking about it, Catalina continued to examine the swordsman.

"Arms and legs... sounds like you can still use them"

His hands and feet were getting worse because of the compression, but the tissue was dead, which seems unlikely.

"... to increase your blood pressure, you compressed..."

Still to this day, Catalina confirms from the movements of the millimachines that are wrapped around the swordsman what treatment Energia applied to the swordsman.

"Mr. Waltz. Uh... her procedure was perfect, but I still definitely don't have enough blood. Somebody, we need to find someone to do a blood transfusion..."

Catalina sends her gaze to the black girl (Energia).

Eventually, what I found out from the examination was that the first aid was perfect, but I still didn't make up for what I lost, so I really needed a blood transfusion.

"Hmm... if I said the same blood type, I knew you were a brave man?

"Right... But you don't know where he is, do you?

"Then why don't we ask the soldiers around for a blood donation?"

Establish a data link with the airship (Energy) to find a nearby Endelusian Air Force aircraft.


I said, "Oh, my God, are you okay?

Not a chunk of millimeter machine in front of me... but a speaker from the airship (energy) body heard such energy.

"Yes. Is it also addressed to something?

'Yeah. You're in this town, aren't you?


"Well, I'll try"



The lower hatch of the energy opened and the shockwave generator became noticeable.


"'Yushi! Takeshi!!

Energy that emits an ultra-large acoustic voice by finely controlling the shockwave generator.



Waltz to suppress microphone input levels and Catalina to suppress ears.



Somehow I heard an explosion from aboard.

... They broke it because they drove the shockwave generator in a way that wasn't its original use.

Instead, the voice of Energia would have reached not only the Endelusian capital, but also the surrounding towns and villages.

"I want to be... I want to be, but cancer..."

The energy that makes the look of a millimeter machine look like it's in pain.

(Really, it feels like the hull is my body...)

Waltz haunted his head by the inexplicable phenomenon of his own when he saw such energy...

Then in about two minutes,

"Sister, the brave and the wise are here, aren't they?

At Crestling, with the rest of us, Lucia came in with a radio call awaiting the arrival of the airship (Energia).

Apparently, the brave men were in a place where they could quickly come to Crestling, namely the Royal Castle.

'Yes, I get it. I'm going now. Please clean the area around the departure point. "

It is the surrounding battleships that are attacking Energia in defiance of the King's orders.

Nor did the general soldiers attack.

Then, the first must win, so.

"What... am I allowed to do this?

"To the point of not dying."

"Yeah, okay."

And the moment Lucia interrupted me,



... In the outer periphery of the crestling, I suddenly wondered if a dazzling glow had emerged as if the sun had appeared on the ground, exploding.

(... yeah, no one should be dead...)

Yes, as I told myself,

"... Energia. I hear the brave have arrived, so now, please contact me where I glow"

Waltz giving instructions to Energia, who will probably be looking outside from the same camera he is using.

"... yeah."

It was the energy that was bending Heso, but I honestly followed Waltz's instructions, either from the heart of wanting to save the swordsman.

Then about a minute later, when you lay it across a slightly coal-fired crestling pier where energy is your destination,

"Brave man! Come here for a second!



Into the broken lifting mouth of the energy, as if the vacuum cleaner sucked dust, the brave man was sucked in.

It is, of course, due to Waltz's gravitational control.

... So around taking nearly 1000 cc of blood from the brave, the swordsman's condition was completely stable.

As yet, the lost arm had not healed, but it would also be a matter of time.

"Come on, are you going to fix this?

"Yeah, it's okay now."


Energia raised a soothing voice when Waltz replied in place of Catalina, who was exercising restorative magic while formulating her medication.

Seeing that Waltz and I are in normal conversation, apparently thanks to the stability of the swordsman's condition, he fixed his mood.

"... so why was there a swordsman here?

When Waltz asks in anticipation of the time,

"I wanted to be there, so I had to take that one with me."

A black energy pointed to a certain device.

"Hmm? The sensor box for gravity control hurts?

Whispering those words, as Waltz approached the box,

"... you've got all the bolts loose for fixing!

Part of the bolt tightened by the swordsman's hand came into his eyes as it was loosening again.

So, jeez!, waltz to tighten up with gravity control while thinking.

"I knew I had to get a spring washer in."

They weren't supposed to loosen up on the simulation, but they didn't actually do what they wanted.

"Well... then Mr. Swordsman is a benefactor of life."

Waltz assumes that the swordsman tightened the bolt because of the unnaturally tightened marks.

If the sensor box was off, gravity control in the energy would no longer work.

In that case, the nuclear fusion reactor would have broken again and crashed at its worst.


Energy nodding at the words of Waltz.

Such a girlfriend (him?), Waltz had something to say.

"I'm sorry."

Waltz bowing his head to energy.

Energia didn't seem to understand why Waltz was coming to apologize.

"... I couldn't rush right away."

Alternatively, I didn't immediately understand the language of energy, should I say?

"... Hey, honey?

Apparently, Energia also understood the meaning of Waltz's words, but...

"... because I won't let it loose"

I answered that with a straight face.

To that word, I'm sorry, Waltz, and I don't know what to give back.

She is also the one who created the cause of his great injury, even though the swordsman did not immediately understand that he was in danger.

Even if I was told not to loosen it, there was no word I could return it.

But fortunately for Waltz, the words of energy continued.

"... so if you want me to let go, get me back on track"

"... uh, yeah. Absolutely."

Waltz appeases to the words of energy.

"Fuck you, huh? Hey, honey."

When Energia says so, she (?) The millimachine that shaped it became a small black particle like the original bug, scattered in all directions.

Probably went back to the airship body.

"... Phew... you're here."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't get to take care of it"

Catalina replies by continuing to treat a swordsman who was about to die until earlier due to a severed arm and heavy bleeding.

"... yeah right..."

Waltz returns words that seem to be gazing far away.

"By the way, she, who is it?

"No, that's... that's so hard to explain. She's energy, right?


... even for the comprehensible Catalina, the girl who consisted of a black mm machine (?) seemed incomprehensible that it was an energy body of thought.

Waltz, who is going to have to introduce his companions to energy after seeing Catalina like that, held his head in his heart.

What happened to the brave man who was drained of a great deal of blood, by the way?

A brave man looking at the ceiling silently.

Is it suddenly self-defeating?

"(... me, what am I living for...)"

A brave man to think about his existential significance.

For Catalina, precious blood bags (for transfusion).

For Waltz, a lightning rod (for political use).

Something like that?

"(Ma, come on)"

It was black, but the brave man was content, remembering the face of a girl (energy) with a full grin...

Thanks to myself, I didn't even know the swordsman's life had been saved...

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