In the conference room of Mid-Eden, the calculation to conquer Aquilegia in the capital of Ecclesia was gradually increasing.Discussions were under way to bring Aquilegia down, even under Strella, who was at the camp's command post.

However, it appears that Strella was unaware of the plan to proceed in Mid-Eden.Strella had a plan to bring down Aquilegia with Strella, and she planned her own invasion.

This does not mean that there was no good communication between the Mid-Eden and Strella sides.Their conversation was taking place in parallel, and they were expected to share their plans before they could be put into action.

And above all, it was impossible to proceed with the operation on their own, because they were ate each other's strength.

Is that possible?!

Yeah, she can afford it, right?

--The operation that Catalina came up with more than 300 km away and the operation that Strella came up with were exactly the same. It seems that even if both sides took things on their own, there would be no problem with the execution of the operation.

Sakura, who was in the command post, was participating in an operation meeting with Strella as the supervisor of her subordinate, a humanized beast.In addition, there are the figures of Potentia and Pochi in the discussion...A total of six of them were planning a plan to take on Aquilegia.

By the way, on the Mid-Eden side, and on the refugee camp side, the former goddess riding on the Energia-class third ship Strangea (?) Deplexa is said to have drifted lonely in the stratosphere at this moment.Her hull is not equipped with weapons, and what she can do is transport supplies and gather information, or even drop exquisite bombs.Sometimes it wasn't a good fit for direct combat, so I decided to stay with the observers until the unexpected happened.

However, Strella and Atlas seemed to think that there was some serious reason why Deprexa would not participate in the operation.After all, Deprexa was the owner of the country that ruled Éclair, who created the Demon King Altair.There is no reason to be irrelevant.Nevertheless, Deprexa was a formerly reigning goddess of this world.Both Strella and Atlas were reluctant to interfere with her and seemed to be free to move around almost unattended.

Well, that aside.

I think there's only one way to quickly conquer Aquilegia by eliminating all the possibilities of intercepting reinforcements, escaping when hunted down, and desperately running away.

"If Lord Strella drops a big magic spell in the middle of Aquilegia's city, will it all end?"I think it's still simpler, definite, and easier? ”

Sakura questions Strella's idea.Until then, Strella's idea was eccentric, and it seemed like a big deal.

Above all, it seemed that Sakura could not understand why Strella was trying to capture the hostile Éclair people alive.For Sakura, the Éclairians were plotting to buy up themselves and their men in the dark and convert them into biological weapons.It's not even worth keeping alive... "That was the appraisal of Sakura's Éclairians.

To such a cherry--

"I don't know what you're saying, but... no, I don't know..."

--Strella shook her head to the side.

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