The Porcupines skillfully manipulated the magic armor "Behemoth" and ran around the townscape of Aquilegia. The four-legged Behemoth had excellent maneuverability, such as reorientation, and seemed to be very well-suited to zigzagging around the crowded city.

Against the Éclair tanks, the top speed was a lot faster, but because they had infinite trajectories, just like regular tanks, they didn't like to change direction in an instant.We're falling behind by a lot against the pawns moving through the alley.

Well, the Éclair tanks weren't that bad.Porcupine's Behemoths were fatal in three ways.Specifically, unarmed, lightly armored, and well-earned.Yes, Behemoth was not built to fight the Éclair tanks head-on, but was equipped for the speed with which they could simply escape.

The porcupines that drive the Behemoth are not men in the first place, but monsters of Cerberus.The very concept of using weapons to fight was something I had only just learned when I was a human figure.The only thing they can do with confidence is move their bodies.The use of weapons was difficult for them.Therefore, Pochi's Magic Armor "Behemoth" was not equipped with weapons.

As a result, the only thing they could do was run away if they fought the Éclair tanks.However, as far as the porters were concerned, it was enough if they managed to escape safely.What the "team" wanted from the pooches was to play the role of a pig.It was enough if we could tamper with the Éclair tanks, so that they would never hit us.

The incident took place at the moment when the porcupines stepped out of the street and a group of tanks chased them behind them.






Five tanks hit one another physically.Something at the end of the street was shooting something like a pile.The pile stuck to the armor of the tank did not pull out the armor of the tank, but stopped moving while the armor was stuck in a thin place.

The pile had something like a wire attached to it, and it seemed to be connected to something made of clay."Something" five times taller than a person and two-legged. To illustrate it, it was like a golem made of rocks.

As soon as they noticed the impact, the tank crew rushed around the turret and turned towards the golem.But their tanks won't move.


The turret stopped spinning, as if something had caught on it.All that, even the infinite orbit, stops moving as if it was rustling.

As a result, the tank crew rushed to see what damage the tank was doing.But I couldn't. I checked the exterior, but the hatch stopped opening.

"But should I say good fortune or misfortune..."The crew will know in the cockpit what caused the tank to stop moving.


"What?! What is this?!"

"... the root of the plant?"

"Y-you 're coming in from everywhere?!"

Suddenly, something like a plant root came in through the gap between the tanks.

It was an attack by the magic armor "Yggdrasil" driven by Sakura.Anti-tank weaponry that shoots seeds of plants that absorb metals as nutrients into special shells, making the opposing tank a seedbed and rendering it incapacitated.Given the almost non-existent presence of heavy metal weapons in this world, they were meant to be used exclusively against Éclair.

With the shelling of the cherries, the tank was absorbed by the roots of the plants as soon as they saw it.However, the humans in the tank will not be captured.Because plants are not nutritious.As a result, they will be caught in the gap between the tank and the root of the "plant", but they will not lose their lives as a result...They were to be locked in a chariot without being allowed to die easily.

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