"It's awkward, awkward, awkward...!"The seeds are about to disappear...! "

The battle lasted a while, until we captured a considerable number of hostile forces.Sakura was alone in magic armor.There were too many enemies, and the amount of special ammunition (seeds) that was firing was piercing the bottom.

The "seeds" that Sakura was shooting out of the magic armor may not even dare to say it, but they are not Sakura's own.It is a seed from a plant in the forest of the homeland of the Kingdom of Mercurio.

Sakura fired anti-tank suppression rounds that were embedded in special armor-piercing rounds.Other than tanks and vehicles, for infantry and civilians, it's like a shotgun shell that sows seeds.The monsters in the sky seemed to have embedded "seeds" in their elastic and heavy bullets like rubber.The seed that lands on the opponent only inflicts pain if the opponent is a living human or creature, but as soon as it touches the metal used for weapons and armor, it germinates and erodes the metal, stretches the vines at once, and takes in the Éclairians.

As a result, the number of people, tanks and monsters captured by the "seeds" of Sakura is already thousands.The number of enemy forces Sakura was expecting at this point was significantly exceeded, even though the enemy was still coming in uninterrupted.

There were a number of reasons, including the fact that the citizens had more decisiveness, but more than anything else, there were many people who used grenades to commit suicide.If they lose their lives, they will come back to life in the facility.Even if they were captured by the vines, they would burst to death and return to the front again.It seemed that Sakura could not help but react to the premonition that her limitations would soon be met.

In that way, Sakura--,

"(Still there? I'm at my limit...)"

—— I waited for a report from the other side of the remote communication magic tool from my men.Until that report arrives, we must continue to attract the enemy's attention... "With less than 20% of the ammo left, Sakura tried to decide whether to continue the fight or retreat —— that's when it happened.

I found it!

A lot of people are coming out!

I'm sure, I'm sure...?

Such a transmission is coming from the porters.When she heard the voice, Sakura exclaimed happily.

Where is it?!

Underground three blocks away

I put the one with the smoke in the landmark!

Yellow Smoke Container

What the poaches found, it--

"Dear Strella! You've found the temple that the enemy is using to revive!"Please mark the smoke generator! "

—— Explore the facility where the Éclairians who lost their lives are brought back to life.In order to fully conquer the Éclair who would come back to life after so many murders, we needed to find the "Temple", which is said to be located in about four places in the city.

However, there was considerable resistance to conquering the Temple.The Temple is essential for Eccléa to be a great power, and to be conquered is like losing to Eccléa.For Éclair, "temple" is. It was supposed to be a facility that had to be protected, literally, in exchange for life.

Therefore, it is dangerous to suppress without thinking... "Even the Sakura with magic armor were of the opinion that the suppression of the Temple entailed considerable danger for the Commander.Therefore, they instructed the Sakura to find the Temple, or not to suppress it.

"Then how do you conquer them..."The answer was simple.


A black object that roars and flies with a white line in the sky.When it suddenly changes direction in the air, I woke up to a yellow smoke cylinder--


--and fell to the ground.It's a high-precision guided shell.

More specifically, it was an anti-matter warhead-mounted subterranean bomb (bunkerbuster) mounted on a Waltz's mobile armor.

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