Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6th-Sequence-07 Canopus and Strella Daily

Time goes back about two days, when Julia and the others left Mid-Eden.

It's been since Waltz contacted the two people left in Merclio.

'So can you do the king of Merclio for a while longer?

"I thought they'd say that..."

Canopus smiles bitterly at Waltz's voice heard from the radio.

"Sister Waltz... you said only for a week..."

Meanwhile, without smiling bitterly, Strella holding her head.

"No, because? I don't have time to make new homunculus because Catalina has things to do, and I don't have time to make androids because I have to fix my body... '

"Hmm? Did you even catch a cold?

Canopus, who doesn't know what Waltz really looks like (manoeuvre armor), asks worried as he puts his hand on his chin.

"You mean a cold... your body blew up?

"... what?

Canopus and Strella raising questions at the same time.

"Well, there was a lot going on."

"Well... well, take care..."

Canopus pulled back with it...


"I mean, sister. That's the first time I've heard that story?

'No, it's not even enough to bother to contact you, is it?

"No, I think it's enough to contact you"

Bishi! And Strella to name Waltz.

"Uh, yeah... I'll try to contact you next time..."

Waltz replied, like, a daughter angry for not contacting her parents for a long time.

"So, how soon is the repair going to be done?

"Uh, hey... now you're asking Julia and the others to investigate and mine oil for materials? Because you're going to, like, two weeks as fast as you can?

"Two weeks..."

To my sister's words, Strella thinks with her arms together.

"... you have no choice. Ok. You don't mind my uncle, do you?

"I never mind. Instead, sometimes I wonder if this kind of breath would be good."

"... so, sister"

"No, I'm so sorry."

In fact, I'm sorry, Waltz has been apologizing over the radio.

'Oh, yeah. Where are the two of you now?

Before disconnecting the communication, Waltz connected the words as if he remembered.

"Hmm? Now it's in the throne room?

"Throne Room...? Where the energy went in and everyone went down?

"So it fits"

"Well, I'm transferring a souvenir from when I went to Endercia, so will you take it? Lucia? You heard me, didn't you?

And after a while,


A large balm couch appeared between the thrones long enough for the two of us to eat, and a swallow of hot water written 'Grandpa' and 'Sister'.

"See you in two weeks."

With that said, Waltz has terminated the communication.

"... that sister is a souvenir..."?!

In front of souvenirs, wana wana and trembling strella.

"No, ma'am... is that so surprising?

"Don't be surprised at this, what the hell should I be surprised at!


Apparently, to Strella, it was a matter of extra consternation than Waltz's body had blown up.

"Absolutely. You don't understand, uncle... yes, this"

That's what I said, Strella, who gives the canopus the hot water swallows that say 'Grandpa'.

"... so me, do I look old?

"At least you look younger than the saloon owner."

"Then why 'Grandpa' Hot Swallow..."

"Isn't that the real age?

"No... it may be more expensive than the ladies indeed..."

It should be noted that it is not so high among the Dragon Nation.

"Once you care about the details, you get old, don't you?

"... well. Well... would you like some tea or some cake?"

"Yeah, let's do that"

At some point Canopus, who felt a wrinkle between his eyebrows, seemed to decide not to care about the details, as Strella put it.

In that respect, I don't suppose that's why you're a stiff uncle (Y).

After a while, Strella, who went to the kitchen, pushed back a cart with several plates on it.

"Yes. Uncle's share"

"Oh, I'm sorry"

Strella placing a plate and tea on a balm couch in the conference room next to the throne, in front of the canopus that was looking through the paperwork.

Originally, we should work in an executive office dedicated to the king, but the collision of energy had completely crushed the executive office.

For this reason, the conference room was used instead of the office.

Meanwhile, even during the Throne Room, the sky was visible until the other day, but now it was easily repaired and for now it was no longer meant that rain would come in.

Well, it was still too narrow to look at.

"Uncle, I'll check the paperwork, okay?

Sitting opposite Canopus, Strella opens her mouth as she cheeks Balmkuchen.

"Ah. But this is a job that my master used to do, although it may have transformed. I wish I could fix it with my hands."

That being said, Canopus goes through the paperwork one after the other.


Strella observes canopus with her legs bluffed as she throws a small cut balm couch into her mouth.

Tick tack, tick tack...

Quiet time flows through the conference room...

"... because the tea is so cold, I brewed a new one"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

And the time for silence began again...

"Uncle, it's time for the meeting."

"Hmm? Whoa, it's that time already"

A meeting was scheduled with the ministers who were to rule Merclio anew during the time before dinner.

It's only been five days since Waltz and the others left me.

Still, it was the founding of Mid-Eden on Strella that led me to hire the ministers in less than a week (?) Let's just say that I had experience when I did.

Of course, not only that, but Canopus' own power (...) also played a part.

Mid Eden's strongest (?) the word is the same here in Merclio (?).

In short, we have proceeded with half dialogue, half force.

However, it was also certain that there was a good deal of opposition to the proclamation that Canopus, who was neither royal nor divine, would do the king.

Well, we'll talk about that later...

"I'll take care of the paperwork, so keep your uncle here."

"Right. Then, please."

And when Strella was done with the paperwork, the ministers began to gather in the conference room.

"Okay, here's the first agenda..."

The voice of a middle-aged winged woman, who was to chair, echoes into the conference room, while the door to the conference room is closed and Strella goes outside.

She then headed to the kitchen to make a canopy dinner.

"Yes, uncle. Supper."

"Oh, that looks delicious"

Strella arranges the dinner on the cart on the desk in the conference room where the ministers are no longer present.

'I'll have it!

And the two of them started eating dinner.

When the moon was setting and the night was late, and the date was about to change.

"Oh... don't let the boulders stiff your shoulders"

Canopus, who was fighting with the paperwork, turns his neck and arms and whines about that.

"Then I'll rub your shoulder"

When I say that, I put my little hand on the shoulder of the sitting canopus, and Strella starts rubbing.

I'm sorry.

"I'm tired of hearing those words."


And Strella starts rubbing Canopus' shoulders.

Thus, silent time began again.

When Canopus calmed down in his bedroom.

"... Oh, you can't check this out properly with your uncle..."

In the conference room, alone, a strella who checks documents.

"Now, it's not uncle, it's true, uncle (...)..."

Strella's work, smiling alone in a room where no one was present, went well.

The next day.

"Uncle, it's morning?

Strella rocking and waking the canopus.

"Hmm? Hmm... it's already morning..."

"Something, I don't feel like I slept with you."

"Oh... I slept a little late yesterday..."

"You wash your face and wake your eyes."

With that said, Strella placed the tatter and towel with the water she had brought on her bedroom desk.

"Well, breakfast when you get dressed."


And Strella quietly tightened the bedroom door.

'I'll have it!

Two people have breakfast across a half-course dining room and a converted conference room desk.

"Your daughter's meal is delicious."

"I'll take it as a compliment."

"No, it's true, huh?

"Hmm. Yes."

Waltz's cooked meal was hopeless enough to suspect that it was cursed, but Strella's cooking, which was supposed to be her copy, wasn't broke for some reason.

"Do you want something for dinner?

"Hmm? Right... don't make me want to eat the rice my brother makes every once in a while..."

"The owner's cooking... well, western food tonight."

"Oh, please"

"Oh, because lunch is a sandwich"

"Oh, thank you"

And in the morning sunset hives entering the conference room, breakfast proceeded.

"Hmm, I knew it, that's crazy"

Canopus holding his head as he glanced through the paperwork.


Strella, who was observing Canopus with both elbows on her desk, asks questions.

"It's not the right calculation here..."

"Hmm? Which one?

A strella diving under his desk and coming all the way to next door to Canopus pulls a nearby chair and sits next to him, peeking into the paperwork and making an instant calculation.

"Uncle, you're wrong about the percentage here, right?

"What?... Oh, really."

"Absolutely. Aren't you out of your mind?

"Ugh, um..."

Pinch your eyes as you say so, canopus meditating on your eyes.

"You have no choice... Well, I'll make you some tea."


Having heard such Canopus' words, Strella happily headed to the kitchen.

"... hey, lady?

Canopus, who was looking through the paperwork while eating his lunch sandwich, opened his mouth when he noticed Strella looking happily at himself.


"... no, it's nothing"

"Oh dear..."

And also, silent time begins to flow.

When lunch was over,

"Dear Canopus"

Yesterday, a woman who was in the chair came into the conference room.

"Hmm? Is there a problem?

"Yes, we have information that the rebels are using demons to engage in some disturbing activity, so please report it."

That's what I'm going to say and give you the paperwork, Chancellor.

"Right. Strella"


... two people who interact unusually.

For once, Strella is on her side as the daughter of Canopus.

So I changed my tone so that I wouldn't be suspicious of weirdness.

Strella, who stood from her seat, turned to Canopus and received documents from the chairman.

"... adorable son... no, you're a princess, aren't you?"

The chancellor who sees Strella leaks those words.

"It's an honor and a compliment."

That's what I'm thankful for, Strella.

"Ha, I have a daughter about the same age at home, but I can't even get in touch with her, and I don't know where the hell she's walking... oh, that wasn't like talking here. Now if you'll excuse me."

With that said, after a respectful thank you, the chancellor disappeared outside the door.

"Hmm. That chancellor, he had a daughter. I thought you were after my uncle."

"Why, it will..."

Canopus whining as he checks the report the chancellor gave him.

"Is that right, I'm your uncle's daughter?

Strella peeks into Canopus' face as she nibbles.

"Hmm? Right..."


Strella's tokick bursts into Canopus' tibia (shin).

... but

"... what's up?

Canopus like it doesn't hurt at all.

"Hmm! Nothing."

Having said that, Strella sat opposite Canopus in a slightly grumpy manner, swelling her cheeks and returning to Canopus' observation.

And at dinner,

"Hmm? This is delicious..."

"It's not natural. I made it in tannins (in a pressure cooker)."

Canopus cheeks a soft boiled meat dish.

"I think this is better than your brother's, right?

"Thanks for that."

Strella gets a satisfied look when she hears the words of Canopus.

"What do you want next?

"Right... Beefstroganov?

"... Also, subtle dishes... I mean, I don't think they're very different from today's menu."

"No, I just said it appropriately. You don't have to make it if you can't."

"Huh? You think there's something I can't make?

"... then, please"

"Yeah. I got it."

Also, the time flowed slowly.

"Hey, lady."

When Canopus, who had finished sorting out brief paperwork before going to bed, tried to get out of the conference room to head to the bedroom, he spoke to Strella.


"... I think it's just boring, don't you get tired of it?

"What now. This is an important job entrusted to my sister, so it's impossible to get tired of it."

"... right"

When I say that, Canopus tries to get out of the conference room.

To him like that,

"... good night"

Strella shrugged small.

He was about to disappear, but there were times when the inside of the room was quiet.

"Good night, young lady."

Seems to have reached Canopus properly.


And he walked out of the room.

In a warehouse in Kalolith (Kanto) late at night.


"Hmm. That canopy and all that god stuff can't be fat enough for this guy."

"It was really hard to get these guys into the city. Be careful not to let the guards find you before we let you go inside the Imperial Castle, okay?

"Now is the time to act to restore Merclio to what he should be!

Men dressed in black followed demons such as Cerberus, who was 20 meters long, and were still trying to travel all over the town of Caloris.

In that place,

"You idiot... you've already found out..."

One girl opened the front door and came in dignified.

It is a strella.

I wondered if we'd found out our plans, and the guys with the surprise look on their faces.

... but restore calm to the fact that the other girl is the only one.

"... what can you do alone?

"It's against our ideals to put women and children in our hands... but if you want to poke at us, there's a way to eliminate them."

"I'm sorry, young lady. You can't make our existence look bad. sacrifice for this country."


And Cerberus' restraint was removed.

"Cerberus! Eliminate that girl!

"Wow. Wow."

The roar of Cerberus, played in a trio.




Sound like that, Cerberus dancing in the air.

"You can't use the magic of power like the original, but you can use the magic of things."




After liquefying the air using ice and wind magic, it is vaporized again, except for the nitrogen content, which later ignites with fire magic gases containing a lot of remaining oxygen.

Sure, I couldn't use the magic of an overwhelming output like Lucia, who became a primitive body, but Strella had the talent to use diverse magic.

... No, not talent, knowledge, should I say.

And Cerberus, who suffers a total of four bombings and is silent.

It's an indirect blow through the air, so it didn't even lead to a fatal injury, but if you look at it getting smaller and shivering, you'll already have lost your will.

"Then, stupid!

"What do we do!?

"One, the next demon m"



... and no one is moving anymore.

"... at all, you must be quiet at night... or your uncle will wake up."

With that said, Strella took the entrance to the warehouse and the roof,


... I blew it up.

However, while using wind magic to insulate the sound.

The next morning.

"Uncle, it's morning?

Strella delivers Morning Call to Canopus, which is becoming a routine these days.

"... hmm?... in the morning..."

With that being said, Canopus gets his upper body up in bed.

"Well, if you wash your face, why don't you come to the conference room? I'm ready for breakfast."

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"... again. It's not like you're apologizing, so if you're a king, be king."

"Oh... right"

And Canopus' day began.

When Canopus is having breakfast,

"Or, Master Canopus!

The chancellor appears ramblingly open the door.

"Hmm? Something wrong?

"Well, that seems to have been the explosion in the Azitos of the rebels reported yesterday, and the members were secured with the demons..."

Even if you listen to such a chancellor, just turn to the chilling strella, Canopus, who doesn't show a great deal of reaction.

But the next report that came out of the speaker's mouth, they were stunned.

"I thought I'd escaped from there, and the whole Cerberus thing broke into the royal castle!


I went to the courtyard where they were in the royal castle,


"This guy has no teeth at all!!

"Damn! How can we just take them down!

"Oh... I knew I should have just gotten married..."

Over 50 soldiers were confronting Cerberus.

"Hmm... heavy loads in the soldiers..."

Canopus stepping out into the courtyard when he says so.


"Or, my lord!

"Master Canopus! Master Canopus is here!

"The most powerful wizard..."

Soldiers happy that Canopus is here.

Canopus, with a hot gaze at the soldiers, opened his mouth as he lay his hands on Cerberus.

"... it's Cerberus. You'll regret coming to my castle!

And the magic that was converging in the hands of Canopus tried to have an entity.

That's when it happened.

"Guru?... Khutun..."

... Cerberus suddenly grows up in a state of 'laying low'.

When Canopus has such a strange look on Cerberus,

"You stupid kid..."

With that being said, the appearance of Strella approaching Cerberus came into my eyes.

"Something I should have run away from like that..."

And it was when Strella stood before Cerberus.


All the while, Cerberus stretches his neck to Strella.

"Dear Strella! Danger!"

"Lady, run!

"Damn, there's nothing we can do?!

Everyone there blued imagining the tragedy that was going to happen.

... except Canopus.


"Whoa! Keep Yodale down for a second!

Strella who just got licked once and gets all coveted up.

"... at all. Do you want me to keep you here so badly?


"... said. Your father... Gohon, your father?

"I feel even more..."

"What the hell are you talking about?

"... no, it's nothing"

"So this pet (Cerberus) wants to be kept in the royal castle?

"... throw it away s"

"He wants to be kept?

"... you like this?

"No. I just spoke for my pet until I got bored."

"... well. Then we need to build a doghouse..."

Then Canopus arranges for the soldiers who were nearby to build a huge doghouse in the courtyard.

Seeing those two exchanges, the soldiers had no choice but to lose their words.

"... so where did that one come from?

Strella shrugged as she watched Cerberus playing with the soldiers in the courtyard instead of toys through a conference room window.

"Weren't we talking about an increasing influx of demons from the North lately, according to the report?

"Doesn't that just mean there's more? I don't think catching demons around there is going to make it that easy for people to miss you or anything?


"Well, nothing, I hope we're just talking about getting rid of it where there's more demons"

I heard such Strella's words. Mouth the words that Canopus was worried about whether to say or not.

"... Could it be the young lady who crushed the rebel Azit?

"Hmm? Right?

"Why did you do such a dangerous thing... by yourself?

"I don't have any sisters. It's not natural."

Then he picked his eyes with his fingers and roared, "Hmm..." before Canopus opened his mouth.

"Hey, lady... no, Strella. I'm not telling you not to go do that kind of dangerous thing. But at least you could have let me accompany you, right?

Strella thinking about how to give back to such reprehensible Canopus words.

a lot of thought, the words she uttered were:

"Well... I'll let you do that next time."

It was about following Canopus' point honestly.

... provided that:

"... but you don't know if you regret it, do you?

Leave me some thought-provoking words.

"... I'll be ready."

'It's dangerous,' I'm supposed to point out, but when I realize it, I feel like I dug my own grave, Canopus.

"Heh heh, good luck with that. Father."

"... ha..."

Thus, the odd relationship between Canopus and Strella will continue over the next two weeks.

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