Waltz and Lucia are back outside the town of Aquilegia, where Operations Command was located.

At the start of the operation, the town of Aquilegia was supposed to be surrounded by the desert because Lucia moved it using transfer magic. Before the start of the operation, a desolate world of yellow sand and blue skies had spread, but now there was no shadow to see... Spread around where Aquilegia was located, the rocks melted and solidified —— like a black basin covered in cold lava.

That is not the only change. Although it is a desert, it has its own ecosystem, and insect monsters such as sandworms, sandfish, or giant sand speed, which is a large centipede that lives in the desert, live in the sand, but Lucia's artificial sun caused it to steam in the desert sand... And some came out upon the earth, and burned, and died; and some were steamed in the sand, and died: and all the city of Aquilegia was covered with a strange smell, and with smoke.

Exposure to high temperatures was similar to the Allied Operations Command HQ, located close to the town of Aquilegia. A heat wave exceeding 300 degrees was coming, so it seemed that the formation was burning and the ground was melting.

Still, it looks like there weren't any dead. Before the start of the full-scale battle with Altair, all units were instructed to evacuate and special defense via Cortex, so everyone responded to the training in a hurry. You might not even know what training they've been doing, but to tell you the truth —— when Lucia or the Cortex (...) runs rampant, we're all training to save our own lives.

Basically, it was a rule that a wizard who could use transfer magic would become a transporter and escape as far away as possible or into a shelter that was strong enough. The nearest shelter in the Endersian Desert is South Fortress in Mid-Eden, where about half of the troops fled into the town.

Meanwhile, the captured Ecclesiastes, the soldiers who had to manage them, or those who could not leave the scene because of their important role, seemed to have defended themselves in another way. I couldn't take a large number of prisoners to South Fortress, so I made a simple shelter there.

In total, the bulwark exceeded 500 layers. Those who can use the Catalina-type barrier magic gathered together to develop the barrier magic, made the city barrier brought in fully operational for you, and arranged a number of special alloy physical barriers... Behind them, they lined up vertically to prepare for the impact from the artificial sun and micro black holes.

From the point of view of the captured Éclerians, it was nothing but a ridiculous sight. Allied mighty soldiers are distracted by what they see, and they are tiny inside the Wall to be scared of something. "How cowardly..." Everyone seemed to think so before things started. The fact that they were originally from the modern world and had knowledge about modern weapons, such as so-called weapons of mass destruction, could be said to have caused them to underestimate the situation.

Especially until it's enveloped in light. When they melted everything as if the real sun had appeared there, and they were put in that extreme situation of burning their skin, the prisoners finally found out why the Allied soldiers were so terrified. The sand melts in front of them, and the sandworms turn to ashes in an instant, until they die —— no, they die. Some of them seemed to have inadvertently become incontinent after seeing the 500 layers of walls that had been unfolded and the remaining 30 walls.

Waltz and Lucia are back where they belong. Who would have thought that they —— especially the soldiers and prisoners who saw Lucia -- had stiffened their faces, all aligned?

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