Coming to the village were boys and girls a little older than Lucia. Everyone wears the same outfit, and it looks like they're "students." Jack and the millenia who came to the village in the morning were dressed in the same design, so they must be students from the same college.

Those students were exhausted somewhere. There are even people who are exhausted, exhausted, and are about to fall. Since there were people who were injured, they were probably fighting monsters.

Waltz and Lucia, who were the first to notice how they were, decided to hide in the shadows and ask how they were. Jack and Millenia happened this morning, so I thought it would be troublesome if I could find them.

Waltzes lurking in the shadows of their neighbors share their feelings about their students.

"(Something's worn out......)"

"(Isn't that it? People who were fighting on the opposite shore of the lake. I think he was wearing the same attire as them?)"

"(Hmm. That means it's so worn out--)

"(Whoa, Lucia? You can't say bad things.)"

"(Um, yeah? I haven't said anything yet......)"

The students are worn out because they threw rocks... "Lucia seemed to be trying to make such a statement, but Waltz stopped her and swallowed her words.

(Maybe the monkeys attacked you. I'm sure that must be the case?) "

"(That's right......)"

Waltz and Lucia asked the students how they were doing while interacting without boiling as usual, and they seemed to walk through the village and leave the village. At the end of the road that runs through the village is a castle-like building built on a high ground, and the students seem to be walking towards it.

"(I wonder if those people are good students?)"

"(Maybe. I'm sure that building on the mountain is a school or something. It's an unusual location for a school... It's common all over the world to be built on a mountain with poor traffic.....)"

"(Yeah? What are you talking about?)"

"(No? It's nothing...)"

Waltz himself has never been to school, but common sense in the modern world (?), apparently they knew that the school would be built in a remote location.

Well, forget it. The waltzes hiding in the shadows seemed to be waiting for the students to leave the village. Fortunately, most of the students left the village straightaway because their level of fatigue had exceeded their limits... There were a few who stopped in the village.

"Hey, what is this... it wasn't until the first time you came here, right?"

"It's a newly constructed building... it's a very floating design building..."

"This is a stone building... isn't that the entrance?" This building.... "

"No, rather, it's a rock solidification, isn't it?" How did you carry it? "

Protective walls for houses made by Lucia (?) I noticed that there were several people who stopped.

Looking at the situation, the villagers react in a certain way as Waltz holds their heads and sees the sight of them hiding. You must be thinking about stuffing, why you're hiding, and how to explain the situation to the students.

Waltz, who noticed the villagers, waves his hand in front of his face like a Japanese, and puts his finger on his mouthpiece. It is not certain that the gesture reached the villagers, but it seems that they did not first tell the students that the waltzes were hiding.

Rather, we should say things moved before the villagers took any action.

"Hello, Mayor. What is this?" I don't think it was the first time I came here... "

One of the students noticed the village chief near the Waltzes' house and asked about the situation.

As a result, the Waltz exerted pressure on the village chief from the shadows, but it was impossible to release a murderous aura (pressure) with mental damage on her, who had lost her mobile armor...

"... ahh, this is--"

Waltz couldn't stop the village chief from speaking.

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