Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Sequence-11 Lucia's Struggle 3

The next day.




Lucia gets into the energy as she looks sideways at Silanui beating metal with some joy.

Syranui's nose song infected her (depression) because she was in a good mood, or because it was a tune familiar to her ears...

And Lucia, who came to the bridge singing her nose, opened her mouth vigorously as she stood in front of the child-shaped doll (robot) that was on the platform.


When Lucia says so,


The doll moves out on its own.

Though... I'm not making any meaningful moves, it just seems to be moving appropriately.

This doll was created by herself for a boy who only looks like a waltz.

The boy's name is Energia.

It is a mysterious body of thought that arose in the airship built by Waltz.

He was able to show up just before her by hacking Waltz's cognitive system, but without an entity, his fellow citizens, including Lucia, could not perceive it.

So Waltz created this doll to allow Energia to communicate with other people, either as a temporary vehicle (dependency) or as an interface.

However, even in the present state, I was reluctant to say that I had substantiated the boy's existence, so I suspect that around Tempo is half serious about Waltz being 'broken'...

"Energia, you look good today!

Doesn't seem to apply to Lucia.

"Hey, did you bring the 'Origami' today?

Lucia lifts a folding crane with a distorted snail to the front of his face, as can be seen in the energy lying on the table.

Yes, he was unable to move freely the body of the possessed (hacked) doll.

... of course, not that the doll Waltz made was a defect...

Apparently, he doesn't know how to move his body because the body (energy) and the doll's body shape are too far apart.

If any reaction were returned from him like that, my friends (mainly temps) could also acknowledge the existence of an energy boy in a clean manner, but all I could say was that the current movement of the doll was just a meaningless one.

That, of course, is no exception to gaze (eye movement).

Well, it didn't seem like much of a concern to Lucia, who was appointed by her sister to the role of teacher of his movement.

"Atlas, you taught me, didn't you?

Lucia turns the folding crane with her hands and feet glued in front of him so that he can't move his hands well, too.

She then removed a square piece of paper (which Atlas cut waste paper from) from the bag.

"From this piece of paper, you can make the little bird just now."

With that said, Lucia begins to fold the crane next to the table with the energy on it.

"Um, was this for sure...?

Lucia folds one piece of paper after another, although there is still a lot of clutter left.

Apparently, Atlas said that she was one of the origami cranes (?) seems to have been properly taught to break.

While she was struggling alone, somehow her senseless exercise until earlier was stopping her body from moving and jiggling.

"... Look, I can do it!

It took a lot longer than when Atlas helped me, but I managed to fold cranes (?) Lucia to complete.

"Right? Isn't that amazing?

With that said, to the front of Energia's face, the origami crane (?) Take the

"... Huh?

Lucia noticed an energy anomaly.

... that his eyes, which until now only seemed to be moving senselessly, were looking straight at Lucia's created folding crane.

"You see it?

Lucia even asks... if she doesn't know how to talk, she never got a response back from him.

"... oh, yeah"

Lucia gave the look as if she had come up with something, then the table where the energy was on (electric reclining bed?) button was pressed.



The upper body of the energy rises.

And Lucia walks up to the bridge wall,



"Here we go."

The lid for the equipment check was removed and placed on the knee of the energy.

... is a simple desk completion.

"I'll teach you how to make a little bird, so make it with me?

Turning behind the energy, Lucia took his hand after placing a piece of paper on her desk.

Yes, as it was made Atlas, is.

"First, you fold the paper in a triangle, right?

From time to time, Lucia manipulates his arms as gently as possible, feeling the arms of picturesque moving energy in her own palms.

"So, if you don't add or subtract it when you open the paper, you'll tear it right up, so be careful, okay?

Lucia had torn more than 10 sheets of paper yesterday in the same process, but now she seems to have gotten used to it a lot, and she kept folding it without anything.

"This is how it's gonna be next, this is how it's gonna be..."

Lucia and Energia take even more time and slowly break the crane than they did when they folded alone.

"... so make your feet and hands... break your head, it's done!

And I could do a two-legged walking crane...

Apparently Lucia doesn't know how to fold a regular crane.

"What is it? This little bird?

A folding crane with hands and feet for her, who has never seen a real crane, may look like a kind of demon or a wingman like Sylvia.

(i) When Lucia lifts her head, looking like she's done her job,

"... oh, it's lunchtime"

I noticed that the digital clock that was displayed in the upper right corner of the bridge status monitor was marked 11: 50.

"Hey, I'll get you some sushi!

If we don't hurry up, we'll queue up at Inari Sushi Shop, which sucks, and we'll be sold out.

You remembered that, a little rushed Lucia up... that was when it happened.


Somewhere they heard the sound of a piece of paper ripping open.

"Ah... ah?!

When Lucia turned her eyes in the direction of the sound, that is, on the knees of the energy... the neck of the freshly broken crane was missing and the remains of the folding crane, which looked like an alien with a strangely large head, were rolling.

Where did the neck of that crane go... it was caught between the drug finger and middle finger of Energia.

"... you tried to grab it?

Yes, Lucia asks, but she doesn't get an answer from Energia.

"... ha... I wish I could make it again"

I made a corner... and I was a depressed Lucia once, but I quickly change my mind.

And now it was when she turned to the entrance and exit of the bridge to buy Inari sushi.



... It seems the string on the bag was caught in something, Lucia, who gets her neck pulled.

"Hmm? What..."

With a few tears in my eyes, I look back...


The hand of energy was caught in the string of the bag.

"Uh... don't go, you mean?

I repeat, no response from Energia.

"... could it be..."

With that said, Lucia took a square piece of paper out of the bag and placed it on a simple desk that was on Energia's lap.



Energy with a gaze on the paper.

My arms and fingers were in an unscrupulous way of moving, but when I saw where I was trying to pick up the paper somehow, I seemed interested in the origami.

Kasha... Kasha... Kasha...

The energy of repeated attempts to pick up paper, repeatedly moving as if peering through a desk with a finger.

Unfortunately, however, the paper could not be lifted from the desk because it was made of solid metal to the fingertips.

"... yes, go ahead"

Lucia had been watching the energy move for a while, but all too often, she lifted the paper.


Kasha... Kasha...

Energia manages to fold the paper she has Lucia lifted, using her right hand pharmacopoeia and her left pinky finger.




Because the force is not applied or subtracted well, I just can't break it once, and I break it.

I feel like I saw myself yesterday in his appearance like that...


Lucia smiled.

"I get it. I'll help you!

With that said, Lucia began to help make origami from the back of her energy, just as she had done earlier.

... forget about even going to buy Inari sushi, which you're supposed to love.

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